Gods Unchained Weekend Tournament Prizes And Requirements Easily Explained
Like a lot of gamers around here I have also started playing Gods Unchained. Mostly casually since the beta, I would play a few games per day. I enjoy the game, very similar to Hearthstone except for the major benefit, which is the players actually own their cards, since they are stored on the ETH blockchain.
Since the Beta ended I recently decided to find out how the weekend tournament actually works. I had to go to a few different sources and read a bunch of info to finally figure out the requirements and what the prizes are. So for all the newbies like myself I decided to compile this one page chart that explains it.
To get a full resolution image of this info go to my website https://dksartwork.com/gods-unchained-weekend-tournament-prize-info/
These charts show how many games a player needs to win, what rank needs to be reached and what prizes can be won in the Weekend Gods Unchained Tournament. (You only need to reach a rank one time, if you keep playing and your rank drops, the highest rank you reached will be counted to determine your prize) The top ten players who reach the Mythic rank get a different set of prizes, shown in the Top 10 chart, everyone else gets prizes shown in Weekend Prizes chart. (Disclaimer, this info was compiled on 2019-11-04, depending on when you are reading this, the prizes and criteria of the tournament may have changed)
Hope this can help some of the new players out there! :)

This is super helpful and very clean, thanks for making it!
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice! The charts are a very good summary of how the weekend tourney works
Awesome GU post! Would love to see your content on battlegames.io using the #battle tag.