Are American's Really Turning Back to God?

in #god5 years ago


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I would like to take a moment and talk about the movement that's happening across America today. People seem to be embracing Nationalism and the principles that made this country great. Some people are saying we're turning back to God and as much as I would like to say it's true, I'm concerned that's not exactly the case.

About ten years ago, my life literally hit rock bottom and about five years ago, God saved my life. Since that time, I have tried the best I can to do God's Will and live my life according to God's desires. As I've studied the Bible, I have asked God to give me eyes to see and ears to hear. As God has blessed me with this request, I've come to realize one hard truth. That truth is; people are not good anymore.

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We are all sinners, but Satan has done a fabulous job of blinding people from the truth. He has done this using prosperity, education, and religion. The reality is that no matter who I meet, deal with, or talk to, for the most part, the majority of people are simply not good anymore and they don't seem to care.

With each generation, it's gotten far worse. I watch the way we treat each other. We are quick to anger and slow to forgive. We are rude and judgmental to one another. We have no empathy or compassion for one another and it seems the more success and education people acquire, the worst it gets. The Bible teaches that humility is the only path back to God and it saddens me to realize there's very little humility in the world today. We are moving further away from God and His truth's and in the process, we have become blind and foolish.

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The Savior teaches us that we should treat one another the way we want to be treated. That we should love one another the way that we want to be loved, no matter how we are treated. I don't see many people practicing these truths today. We have become a blind society that believes that increase justifies almost any action, consequences be damned. People ignore the most obvious truth's to protect their need for education, money, and power.

A prime example of what I am saying would be the education system in America today. The public schools, colleges, and universities are all teaching the same things. God is a myth, Communism is the way we should be living, and your feelings should rule your life. They don't teach kids true history anymore and that's why most kids today are Atheists who believe America is the worst country that ever existed.

Like blind fools, parents keep sending their kids to these destructive institutions every day. These parents are not taking the time to see what's going on in the schools, or they believe what these institutions are teaching. Most Christians don't know what's going on in schools today and the reason for this is, Christians haven't picked up their Bible in years or their church leaders support this madness.

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I was a member of the Mormon church all of my life. That changed when God helped me to see the truth clearly. But I can tell you, with confidence, the Mormon church leaders are pushing education and college every chance they get. I believe all organized religions are pushing the same thing. Most Christians don't question what they're being told and the reason for this is because we're not supposed to doubt our church leaders or question what they say, although God teaches clearly not to put your faith in men, for they can be deceived. The Savior made that very clear when He pointed out the actions of the Pharisees. I believe most people don't want to see what's going on. The reason for this is because it gets in the way of their desires for an education, a career, success and their never-ending need for “stuff”.

In Matthew Chapter 6:24-30, the Savior teaches that if you put your faith in God and truly believe, God will provide you with the things you need. When you try to point this out to most Christians, they will mock you and ask, “What, will money just fall from the sky?”. The Savior said it best when He says to the apostles, “O ye of little faith”. The Savior teaches that it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to get into the Kingdom of God. It's our greed and our lust for the world, and all it offers, that's destroying us today. It makes us look past God's simple truth and that helps us justify sending our children to these wicked institutions.

I know most people are not going to like what I'm saying, but most people don't want to know the truth today. It's too difficult and it gets in the way of their desires and what they have acquired. That's why the homeless problem, the poor and needy, have gotten so out of hand. In Salt Lake City, where I used to live, the poor and the needy are everywhere; just like so many other cities in America.

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After God saved my life, I would go out on the streets of Salt Lake City to do what I could to help. I realized something very quickly. There were very few people trying to help with this problem, even though Salt Lake City is the capital of the Mormon Church. I would ask their members why they were not out on the streets helping with this problem and I would always get the same excuses like, “They will use the money to buy drugs or alcohol” or, “They brought these misfortunes upon themselves”.

As I prayed to God about what I could say to these people giving me excuses, God put a simple question in my head and it's a question I would like to ask you. If you felt the spirit telling you to help someone and you knew they were going to buy drugs or alcohol with your money, would you still give it to them? The answer to the question is simple and true. God told us to help the less fortunate. He did not tell us to judge or micromanage the gift. If those people decide to buy drugs or alcohol with the money, the decision is on their head's and only God can judge them for their decisions, but one thing is true... We will be judged if we are not helping the less fortunate.

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It's no surprise we're not out helping those in need. Most people don't even help their own families anymore. God commanded us to help our families if we see the need and have the means. It's amazing to me how well we have mastered “looking the other way” to protect the things that we have. The Savior teaches that we shouldn't burden ourselves with things we have to put behind a lock and key. They will distract us from what is important, which is serving God and doing the things He commands us to do. You cannot serve two masters. You either serve the world, or you serve God. That's another truth most Christians do not understand today.

So, I will say it again, most people are simply not good anymore. The Savior teaches that “No person is good, except those who do the will of My Father”. He also said, “Difficult is the path and narrow is the gate” and very few people will find it. The road to Hell is paved with prosperity and the lusts of the world. If your life is all about fancy homes, elaborate vacations and the stuff of this world, then you are on the wrong path. If you are driven by the things that provide these luxuries, such as a career, education or money, then you are on the wrong path and these are truths most people will never understand. These would be some of the reasons why I believe we are not turning back to God and why our destruction is close at hand.

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I haven't even mentioned how radical the Democrat's have become. With their movement towards Socialism and attempting to take away our right to bear arms. Also, their wicked views on Abortion and the gay's and transgenders make this wickedness sound like a badge of honor.

The sad reality is most Conservatives, in one way or another, have bitten onto these beliefs. If you don't take the time, or have the courage, to research what's really going on in our world and then take it to God, you will be deceived. One of the most important lessons God has taught me is the truth will set you free, but it takes courage and effort to find it and believe it.

Please believe me when I say that I am not judging anyone. I'm pointing out the truth's that most people do not want to see anymore. Please understand, I am not against success; I would like to think I have always had an entrepreneurial way of thinking. I'm asking you to have the faith to do God's Will and make His desires priority #1. I know He will bless you. If you do it on God's terms, and He blesses you with success, then it's a gift from God. If you do it on your terms, the best it will ever be is a worldly lust. If we want to turn this country around again, God's truth and the Savior's love are the keys and I hope and pray that more American's can find it.



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