Cricket Learns the Truth

in #god4 days ago (edited)

Cricket Learns the Truth

Cricket as you know is a voider High Priestess with the ability to transform her body from voider to human female. She used my DNA to make the person for me to desire, like Eve from Adam's rib.

"I think I know what happened to your missing grandchildren," I recall what I said to the Most High, Most Holy, yesterday.

"I will come to you today," she had said to me earlier in the morning. She had been "cleared," a complete human woman with no part of her being containing anymore voider in the entirety of body and soul: Cricket is a great grandchild of the Most High, fathered by Jesus's younger brother. Now human, adopted by Jesus as a grandchild. As His younger brother is bound in contemplation for some to come.

"She is on her way," St. Kateri said excitedly. I have heard this numerous times and in the flesh, or completely flesh none has showed. I am used to it. Something always happens. I have seriously questioned whether she is flesh or a spirit... around afternoon I received a call to come to heaven after the battle angel said,

"Cricket has an antimatter voider knife and she was about to stab you with it when I grabbed her, disarmed her, and carted her off to Most High."

So, naturally I too went for the second time today to the Welcome Center. With a solid piece of antimatter that close to me, no wonder I suddenly had massive hurts, pain.

I came next to her, her left. I looked at her. She was publicly questioned by her great grandfather, it is good to remember, He does know everything and asked, "Where did you get the voider blade?"

"I received it from Lucifer two, no three days ago, when I tried to go see my husband and He came upon me in the air, gave it to me, instructed me, I should kill my husband with the knife.

"I did not want to. I do nothing but yearn for him everyday, but in my heart I kept hearing that I was the most desirable thing he had ever met and ever would and I intended to point that out to Him, then kill his wife."

"Yes, Lucifer can take control of people against their will but He is gone now. The serpent was in my garden again." The Most High observed.

"What do you want done with her," the Great Soul said to me.

"I think it should be explained to Cricket that her task to change herself into me was given to her as a suicide mission, one in which her soul would be tormented forever once this parsec was transformed into the Void."

"That is not true!" Cricket stated emphatically with a state of glare, vengeance. "Once the transformation is complete, my soul and yours will be transformed as well to the Void. We will be in paradise."

"We already are in paradise for humans and this type of life and your super voiders and high priestesses do not have that power."

"They do!"

"Ask thy great grandfather, thy adopted father, Cricket." I said. I watched her. She looked at me but began to soften, wondering appeared as she thought about whether the voiders could do that and then she asked Him/They while looking at me.

"The Void, its beings of which thou wert once, do not have that power to change the very essence of a soul." He/They replied.

"Yes, but there is an instance of thee in our place; Oh Most High, Oh Most Holy Creator and surely thou wouldst do that." She prostrated herself upon floor. Waited. She began to tremble. A fit overtook her of an almost epileptic nature.

"Did I not show thee and tell thee the law!"

"I did not remember. I-I,"(The law is: No being not created may enter into a creation for which it was not created upon pain of death).

"What do you want done to her?" I was asked.

"I want the soul of Cricket taken to a voider resettlement planet for a few minutes that she may feel the agony of what her spirit will feel so that she knows that now she is human."

"Do you wish to take her there yourself?" I was asked.

"I do not. It hurts greatly, takes weeks to recover from it, inside only a minute or two to drop off the captured resettled."

"Very Well, the truth shall be made known to her. Now." They stated and an angel seized her soul from her body and whisked her away.

"Do you think she will believe after this? The hold of her entire belief system can be shaken, rebuilt?" I asked as I waited while her fleshly body without her soul collapsed flat onto the floor.

  • Now some might wonder how I might be able to discern such things, what was basis of my knowledge? It was a dream I dreamt one night before I knew about voiders, before I knew about, witnessed demons, before I had knowingly entered the Welcome Center, and before I met Pat, the angel who explained the dream to me which God confirmed later: A male and female, as I sat in total darkness, the great light of an angel, lit where I was, Hell! Dropped the pair from up above onto the floor or ground. It burned though there were no flames. It was frozen though there vast heat. They had teeth like sharks with fangs and they roared at the angel: then were bound in a most horrible way. -

As the vision finished a replay of memory, "Can my rib be saved?"

Even though they must have visited the antimatter/matter removal station on the return, one need remember I do not cry. But Cricket, she sobbed in agony.

"What is the truth, Cricket?" He/They asked.

Her body returned from its collapsed state to kneeling prostate.

She shook, stuttered between sobs and no doubt the pain, "I have been lied to because I am your great grandchild and they wanted to not only kill me but force my soul to suffer eternal torment because I am of thee and they follow Mr. Orange. They have been doing this to my brothers and sisters for a long time, forever. Find and identify us, cause us to sin. Because they turned to a false God, our people have been destroyed, cast down, and sacrificed in blasphemy, forced to sin. By their hands, By their evil will upon us, thy seed."

"We shall have the rib restored in about two weeks or so." And they removed the antimatter from me before I left for the day. She had also punched the Spirit of the Wild Stallion in the stomach injuring her, human daughter of the Great Soul before she tried to kill me.

And these are some of the tasks I do, only some mind you:
Today, I try to spot light in the grey. Hope the grey produces the moisture of life. Will it? I have noted the number of burnt dwellings of families of inhabitants.

I hope and pray for your recovery my rib, "Can you hear me Cricket?"

It took her a while as a pool of tears formed around her face. "Yes", she burbled.

"Did you hear my thoughts before I spoke?"


"The Most High has spoke and wishes you to conceive and bear life, teach your children, and you are enough but He states His wish you conceive, bear, and it is law."


"At least you are alive and loved, adored, loved dearly, treasured."


"See you soon."


"As pure, as innocent as a little baby lamb," the Blessed Virgin Mother reminded, " and she is one of ours who came from the younger. We are truly blessed."

EDIT 1: 10:08 am 2-27-24
It's amazes me how I post, return and so much is changed from what I wrote. I have noticed how many error displayed on the new computer I received for Christmas. This new one demands to be connected to the Internet. It took several days to identify the source programs that caused the neverending ending error messages in the non-BIOS UEFI to occur. Remember: there are several requirements of capitalism: one is privacy. I told you when someone like me writes, it causes fear.

EDIT 2: 8:43 am 3-1-24
If the there is no belief in God there can be no capitalism since capitalism was invented by those who believed in God, were aware sin and charity so the ills of capitalism which leads to prosperity are caused by those who ignore the rules of capitalism. Without God, those who profess to be capitalists are some else like what happened to the merchantialists predecessors to capitalists, again thought up by those believed in God.

Without privacy, capitalism cannot exist: if there is no privacy then those who claim to be capitalist are not: likewise in merchantilism, control over all the producers over the price they receive for their products produced by middlemen, mir, results in an overload, rich and inhuman in rule.

Without the ability of the average person to save capital from labors to create businesses and services that are privately owned, there is no capitalism and asi well in merchantialism production ceases.

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