Lessons – How to Hear the Voice of God Part 1 of 3

in #god7 years ago (edited)

How To Hear The Voice of God – Three Part Lessons

How To Hear The Voice of God

There are three parts to these lessons.
Part 1 Proofs that God speaks to people and that His words can be communicated to others.
Part 2 How to approach God so that you are made ready to hear His Voice.
Part 3 Practical steps to practice hearing God’s Voice.

If you study these lessons I can guarantee that you will have success at hearing God within three months or less. It is very important in these times to be able to communicate with God for help in making important decisions in your life.

Part 1 Proofs that God speaks to people and that His words can be communicated to others.

For this part I will use a study that I shared in April 2016, and I will copy it all to this section.
Please see: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3137384/pg9

I have lessons for us today from the Father and GLP (the forum) will not let me post part one!

So I will post it in pieces until I find the offending part.

Okay my very lovely people,

Today, the Father has some lessons on His Heart that He wants me to share with you.

He wants, to the best of my ability, to teach you how to hear His Voice and know that it is Him, and be able to understand clearly what He (is) saying, enough to speak it out to others in your own language.

First of all let us start with the expert at this, Jesus Himself, who spoke the Father’s Words, Perfectly.

Okay now, since we are born-again believers, we also have the Father dwelling within us. Therefore we are candidates to be able to speak the Father’s Words (and do His Works).

Now let us look at this ‘speaking’ more closely.

Here at the very falling of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples we see that they spoke in knowable languages that the foreigners in Jerusalem understood them.

This word utterance here is in the Greek:

So you see here that they spoke plainly, the hearers understood what they were saying. Please notice the difference between this, and what we often see/hear as BABBLING in the churches today.

Okay another example in the New Testament below:

Here ‘utterance’ in the Greek is, LOGOS!

So we see my dear people, that we are entitled (to) and have the right as born-again Christians to hear the logos of God and utter the words.

But God did speak aforetime, to the prophets, in the Old Testament. So let us look at some of those examples.

Okay let’s get into it here. Listen to this:

So we see that God ‘spake’ in the past before the Holy Spirit was given to indwell believers. God was still able to speak and His Words were communicated.

This word ‘oracles’ in the Greek is logion which means utterance. So there again we have the utterance of God, or His Logos, His Word.

I am just letting the Bible teach us here that the Holy Scriptures themselves are oracles or utterances from God to a ‘person’, that were written down, for us to learn what God has said.

Finally, to speak for God, can also be a ‘gift’.

You know that right there is the key, do the words spoken as if from God, do they Glorify God through Jesus Christ?

And of course do they line up with God’s written Word? However, remember that Jesus said He had more to teach, but man was not ready yet, so that the Holy Spirit shall teach man and guide him into ALL truth.

So now, of course when we read the Old Testament prophets we hear them often saying “Thus saith the Lord”.

It was Isaiah 43:1 that GLP (the forum) will not let me post, so you need to look it up please. Let me see if I can post it from the Message Bible.

Please apply that to yourself, by the way, God has called you by name, and you are His. (YAY!)

So what we are seeing here is that God’s spirit would come upon a prophet and the prophet would speak God’s Words. We, today, have God’s Spirit dwelling within us, His Holy Spirit, so that we too may speak His Words, according to His Will.

At this point, I have laid a sure foundation that as Children of the Most High God, we have the power to hear within us and therefore speak out to one another, the utterance (logos) or oracles of God.

Now, I want to go out on the limb, and discuss a phenomenon of our modern age; that is ‘channelling’.

Okay let me post this as part one, because this is going to be long and I have to go see my mom for her physical therapy.

I hope this has helped us so far. We are going to dig deep into this today because the Father wants us to know when we hear Him and wants us to be able to speak out His Words to others, in these last days, with boldness and certainty.

okay, I love you,
aka nada

Listen, I am sorry I had to post all that in pieces. What a mess. I hope it is still cogent when you read it. Okay before I go out, I want to share a blurb from a web page about Channelling.

What does God say about channeling and mediums?


What does God say about channeling and mediums?

Channeling is a modern name for what the Bible calls mediumship or spiritism. A channeler is a mystic who becomes a channel, or receptive agent, for intelligent communications coming from the spirit world. What does God say about mediumship? It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 19:31 NIV. “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them.

Channeling is a method of trying to communicate with the spirit world that has existed since antiquity. Most modern channelers learn the art through the practice of Eastern meditation. This mildly altered state of consciousness enables the channeler to psychically perceive spirit messages. These manifest themselves as a “thought voice,” which is perceived in the stillness of the medium’s mind. Experienced mediums can enter into a trance state whereby the spirit entity takes direct control over the medium’s voice, speaking through it in an accent quite distinct from the medium’s normal mode of speech.

So please, for this lesson, go and review that page and when I come back I will have more to say all about it as God gives me.

Take note of “thought voice,” as I want to discuss that in detail, God willing.

bye bye for now,

Excellent question. I do NOT channel.

So now let us continue with the lessons.

If we have read the above webpage we will see that the medium puts himself into an altered state and opens himself up to nefarious entities to speak their words.


extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous:

And also from that web page.

“Because the spirits who respond to the channelers are satanic, channeling is abhorrent to God. “

So much for channelling; we do not want that for ourselves.

We want to know and understand the legitimate methods for hearing God’s Voice and the ability to communicate His Words to others in our own language.


Okay to review, we saw that we have the right, because as born-again believers we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have the right to be able to hear God and communicate to others what He has said.

To discover how to do so, we go to the Master, Jesus Himself. How did Jesus know what words to speak, from the Father?

Wow I just found a good reference in the Old Testament.

Wow, we see here that there must be a process by which Jeremiah heard words from God and was able to speak them, exactly.

Oh wow, this is perfect, Praise God, now look at this scripture.

Oooh yes, the Bible is answering the questions. So the words of God are received in the heart, and heard with the ears.

The above two examples must be how Jesus did it!

So let’s go back to Jesus:

Okay so let’s see what we can understand and know from all this. Jesus was not speaking his personal words, but words that he received from the Father in His heart and heard with his ears.

Could our answer be any more clear? So this means that the Father spoke to Jesus and then Jesus REPEATED what He heard the Father say. In other words Jesus had a conversation with the Father and then Jesus spoke what the Father said.

And lastly,

Here we have undeniable proof that those of us who are born-again believers are of God and that we can hear God’s Words. And if we hear God’s Words, then we can communicate those Words to others.

I will end this part of the lesson with an intriguing web page that appears to be discussing this very lesson!

(Link now Broken – Page Not Found)

Jesus Heard His Father’s Voice For Instruction


God help me, so let us continue with more of the lessons on hearing God and speaking His Words.

Now for this part, I will explain to you, how it happens for me.

How it happens that I hear God the Father’s Words is in two ways:

  1. As an unction.
  2. As an unction that I translate into English words.

First about the unction.

An unction for me, is a split-second moment in the which, in my innermost spirit, I receive a kind of impression, which is a communication from the Father, after which I know immediately everything that was conveyed or said. This type of momentary unction can convey paragraphs and paragraphs of understanding. In other words, I could write out just that one momentary unction into several sentences of understanding that I received from the Father.

Let’s look at the word ‘unction’ in the previous verse.

Ahhh… so this unction, is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Later in verse 27 we see:

So therefore, if this anointing is teaching (and can also tell you of things to come as we read elsewhere), then this anointing can convey God the Father’s Words to you, and then you can in turn speak them to others. This is the process by which I have been telling you things that God has told me.


  1. As an unction that I translate into English words.

This method is the one I use the most, to talk to God, all day and all night. It manifests itself as a conversation. Here is how it works. I receive an unction which is God’s conversation. I then translate what I received into English. Then I speak it, in His Voice, and hear it with my ears, inside myself.

For example, I get an unction. Then I hear it inside, in God’s Voice, saying, “I have a lesson for the people today”. Now it is me speaking these words in my heart, but I speak them in His Voice; I believe that is by my choice and His. Next, I say something back directed to Him in response. Then He says something, and so forth and so on.

You too can do this as a Child of the Living God.

It is the same method that Jeremiah and Jesus and we all should use. Simply believe, practice and you will get better and better at it.

Lastly, one more example and we will end this lesson for today.

Here Paul is saying that He hears God and understands and then he can speak by his own voice what he has heard in five words. Paul says that is better than speaking a long barrage of words in an unknown tongue, IN CHURCH.

Notice below by contrast when speaking in unknown tongues is profitable.

Here he is talking about having a running conversation with God, all in an unknown tongue as you are led by the Spirit. This can happen when you ASK the Holy Spirit to pray FOR YOU.

Wow I just had to include the surrounding verses. Wow.

Here below is what happens when you get an unction from God, you pray that you may translate it into the words of your own language so that you may get understanding, conversate with God, and tell others what God has said to you.

Alright lovely ones, that is about all I have today to share on this great lesson. I hope this will help you to realize that it is totally normal for a born-again believer to hear God’s Voice in his heart and to interpret and share with others.

And so may you commune with God the Father, always, now and forever!


[ The End of Part 1 ]

Note: Parts 2 and 3 are shorter

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