God can Do Anythings.................... A Real Story of devotee of Rampal ji Maharaj:

in #god7 years ago

True Path to the Misled

Piteous Autobiography of Sister Ishwanti


I, Bhaktmati Ishwanti Devi, wife of Shri Suresh Das
Ahlawat S/o Shri Pratap Singh Ahlawat, am resident of Pana1 Ganja2,
Village Dighal, District Jhajjar. Oh Bandichhor Satguru Rampal Ji!
My family and I are dirt of your feet. You gave us those comforts
which we could not have even imagined in our life. Today I am writing
the tale of my own experience here which you have blessed on
us, so that on reading this miserable story of ours, other distressed
families like us can also get their welfare done by your blessings.
Our life was completely dark; if we had not come in your feet, then
we would not have been alive today.
I was suffering from an incurable illness. My brother
Omprakash, resident of Bhaproda, S/o Shri Dayanand Rathi, who
used to work in Haryana Police, had already succumbed to this illness.
I had also reached the same stage. I had reached such a state
that my hands and feet were nearly paralysed. I was unable to speak.
Showed to doctors and exorcists at various places, but were disappointed
everywhere. My husband used to drink alcohol so much
that when he used to come home, the children used to hide under the
bed in fear. He even sold the household utensils for the sake of
drinking and had debt on his head. Even the neighbours were fed
up. One day in the state of intoxication, he lifted me and was about
to put me in the well of Dalan1 Pana. Heinous evil spirit said that I
will ruin this house and no one will be able to do anything. My brothers
wasted a lot of money for me on doctors and exorcists, but I did
not get any benefit. My husband used to drink and the children were
very young. There was no support from my in-laws. My brother
Sukhbir, who is a driver in D.T.C., has taken initiation from most
venerable Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj. He said that we should get
sister initiated from most venerable Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj.
She is bound to die; we should also try this last resort. On this my
father Shri Dayanand Rathi questioned whether anyone gets relieffrom initiation (Naam-updesh). On this my brother explained about
the glory of initiation to everyone. On hearing everything, everyone
said, "We will try." On saying this, they took me in the feet of Sant
Rampal Ji Maharaj. At that time, Satgurudev was doing satsang
(spiritual discourse) in Village Punjab Khod, Delhi. The whole family
took me in the feet of Maharaj Ji at 10 o'clock in the night. This
dates back to 25 December 1996.
My brother narrated my miserable story to venerable
Rampal Ji Maharaj. Guruji showed mercy and gave naam-updesh 1
to me in the satsang at 10 o'clock in the night. Prior to that, I had
lost my voice and was unable to move my tongue. When I woke up
in the morning of 26 December 1996, I found myself speaking in a
better state and I told my brother that after so many years I am
feeling as if I am in my body and some burden has been taken off
my body. On seeing me speak, my brother Sukhbir was amazed and
said that Maharaj Rampal Ji is himself Supreme God Kabir. I used
to smoke beedi2 and that very day gave it up. When we reached
home, my husband Bhakt Suresh said, "What naam have you taken?
I will see what power your naam has?" He said to his mother, what
naam have they taken; instead of saying 'good morning', the children
have started saying 'Sat Sahib'. Bhakt Suresh continued to
drink alcohol and fight at home as usual.
One day, he stood up holding the photographs of Bandichhor
Kabir Sahib, Garibdas Ji and Satguru Dev Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
to break them. On this, I prayed with folded hands to Bandichhor
that You only can control his mind. Then Bandichhor, You showed
him such a miracle that my husband Suresh kept the photographs
back on the place of worship and receding backwards prostrated in
front of You. Ever since, he has given up all the vices like consuming
alcohol, smoking beedi etc. Pana Ganja and Village Dighal are the
witness to this. On seeing me getting a new life again, my brothers
Rajinder Singh Rathi D.S.P. (Haryana) and Prem Prakash Rathi
Advocate (Delhi), who were sharing my pain, also took naam-daan3along with their entire family. After taking naam-updesh, Supreme
God Kabir gave such comforts which can not even be imagined. Our
buffalo had ingested a snake. Buffalo was in a miserable state. When
we showed it to a doctor, he told us that it has eaten some poisonous
substance and he gave her ten injections. The next day a bluecoloured
discharge started coming out from the eyes of the buffalo
and it became blind. Even the doctors gave up. Then at night in
dream I saw Satgurudev Rampal Ji Maharaj and he ran his hand
over the buffalo's body. On waking up in the morning, we and our
neighbours with our own eyes saw a snake in the buffalo's mouth,
and we took it out. The buffalo became healthy and started giving
full milk. Likewise, God knows how many comforts you have given
us. Until yesterday, we did not even have hundred rupees, but today
the same fields yield money and there is no need to beg before anyone.
The neighbours say that your Guruji only is Ram1 for you. What
does the innocent society, misled by the ignorant people, know about
your glory? The opponents of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj only know
mud slinging. Only he who goes through it can tell what he has obtained
from you. We only pray this to you that keep us in your feet
and you may remain a support to the needy like this for thousands
of years. Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj has come as the incarnation
of the Supreme God.
Supreme God, after taking your naam, we got so much happiness
in our home that it is beyond description. Even then I am
trying to describe. I took naam-updesh (initiation) from you in 1996.
Around one and a half year later, an incident occurred which is as
follows -
One night, I saw that I am asking in the village that where is
cremation ground. I was told and shown that tomorrow you have to
come here. That was the cremation ground of Mundaan2 Pana3. Next
morning I developed cholera. I developed so much headache that I
felt like dying by hitting my head against the wall. All the causes of
death were fulfilled. When the doctor was called, he gave me aninjection. After that the doctor told that she has died. Then four Yamdoots
(messengers of Yam1) became visible. They held me from both
sides and said that we have been sent by God; we will take you with
us; your time has finished. I said that my Guruji will not let you take
me. Then they said that what will your Guruji do? Your time has
come to an end. We will do such a thing that we will cause your death
with your own hands. After that both my hands squeezed my neck so
hard that my life came into my eyes. I was unable to speak to anyone.
Bandichhor says that "Aa jam tere ghat ne ghere, tu Ram kahan
nahin paavega". The same state occurred with me. After that, Kabir
Sahib appeared on a lotus flower in front of me. Then the voice of
Venerable Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj came from inside me that
how will you take this girl, we will not let her go; we will take her
when we wish. Even if you will cut her feet, then we will join them
too. Besides this, Guruji also said many other things, which I am
unable to describe now. After that the messengers of Yam ran away.
Then Guruji said to me, "Daughter, do not fear. We have averted
your death. Now we will take you when we wish."
A buffalo of ours who was nearing the time of delivery, one
day became like a statue. When we called the doctor, the doctor
prematurely pulled the calf manually out. After that the buffalo did
not release the umbilical cord. On someone's advice we tied a brick
to the remaining end of the umbilical cord hanging outside and consequently
the cord broke. After the cord broke, the buffalo became
very serious. Everyone started saying that the buffalo will not survive
now. Anxiously in the night we went to five doctors, but not
even a single doctor came. They said that dealing with this case is
out of our control. Now only God can save it. After that being very
distressed we lost hope that no one can save the buffalo today. Then
I said, "Bhakt ji, do not despair. Our Bandichhor Ji will set everything
right." Then we prostrated before Bandichhor Ji and prayed.
After that in the morning, we went to a doctor who came and said,
"It will not survive; a similar thing happened to our buffalo and a
senior doctor tried a lot, but was unable to save the buffalo." Then
started saying, "Even if by the grace of God the buffalo is saved, itwill not give milk." Seven days later, Guruji became visible as if
was removing the umbilical cord from the buffalo's intestines. In the
morning, the buffalo ejected the umbilical cord and became healthy;
and came back to 15 kg milk. This is the grace of our Bandichhor Ji
when actually four-five buffaloes of our neighbour had died because
of a similar illness.
My younger son Navneet, who is fourteen years old, had
developed pneumonia during his childhood (when he was six months
old) and it continued until he was five. On trying my every possible
effort and even after refusal by the doctor, I did not give up. One
day I got him naam-updesh (initiation) from Satguru Dev Rampal Ji
Maharaj. From that very day it appeared as if my child never had
any illness. Now that child is healthier than the other children of his
age. All these miracles have happened by the grace of our Satguru
Dev Rampal Ji Maharaj.
One day at the time of Purnima satsang in year 2004, our
crop of rice because of no rainfall was drying. Even the irrigation
canal had passed. It was due to come again after one month. There
was no provision of irrigation via tubewell; we were only reliant on
the canal.
But on the day of Purnima after the conclusion of satsang at
the Ashram, when we went to see our field, then our 2 ½ acre field
(rice crop field) was full of knee-high water. This task which was not
even possible in a dream was accomplished by the grace of our
Satguru Dev. The people of the neighbouring fields expressed sorrow
that this canal has been called by your Satguru Dev, only and
only for you. All the people at the most had 10 maund (man1) rice
crop, whereas, by the grace of our Satguru Dev Ji we had 40 maund
(man) per acre.
Our Bandichhor Satguru Rampal Ji have given us plenty of
comforts. Both of my sons (devotee Amit and Navneet) got employed
in Delhi Police in May 2010. It is a request to all readers from me
and my family that you may go to Satlok Ashram Karontha as soon
as possible and obtain free naam (mantra) from Sant Rampal JiMaharaj. Do not waste human life. Supreme God Kabir says -
Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab ç
pal mein prlay hoyegi, bahur karoge kab çç
Sat Saheb! Jai Bandichhor! Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj ki Jai!

To take initiation please contact

Satlok Ashram Barwala
Hisar - Tohana Road
Barwala, Hisar
Haryana, India
Pin Code 125121

Tel: India

+91 8222880541, 542, 543, 544, 545

+91 7027000825, 826, 827, 828, 829


[email protected]

Tel - International

United Kingdom: +44 7860278124

United States of America: +1 346-714-0224

How to Reach Satlok Ashram, Hisar - Tohana Road, Barwala, Hisar, India

By Road

Satlok Ashram is situated 3 kms away from Barwala City on Hisar - Tohana Road.

Distance from Delhi ISBT (Interstate Bus Stand) to Barwala: 191 Kms

Distance from Hisar to Barwala: 30 Kms
Distance from Jind to Barwala: 45 Kms

Delhi to Barwala (Hisar) via Bus

From Delhi ISBT board a bus to Hisar. The journey time is approximately 5 hours. From Hisar take a bus to Barwala. From counter number 1 there is a regular bus service from Hisar to Chandigarh. This bus goes via Barwala. Travel time from Hisar to Barwala is approximately 40 minutes

For more information visit
