Ruthless Rulers Reigns...= Government Gangster Gods....
GODDEITY-1 vs God: The Law Of Love vs The Lawless-Loveless Human Hatred!!: = Our One only openly obvious, ostensibly optical SUNGODD, vs Madmen’s Manufactured Mythic Male God and His devil damned demons = deceptive doctors. Examples: = The World Health Organization = WHO; Center Of Disease Control = CDC, Food & Drug
Administration = FDA, National Institute Of Health = NIH. They truly are the leading “Lords of Lords & Kings of Kings”. Saviors of soulless societies, and subdued subservient slaved spirits of sinister scientists and surreptitious sorcerers, sacred saints, secretlyserving System SATAN!!!
LOVE-LAW-1: Being blatantly and viciously violated by the collective citizenry of continental countries, baring nobody’s existing Ethnicity. These citizens have historically failed to control themselves, therefore they’re today being completely controlled. And as aforementioned above paragraph presents, they are also the planetary people’s psychopaths, predatory profiteers, pharmacists – physicians prescribing poisonous pharmaceuticals, polluted pills – psychotropic potions. Likewise, their true “Gods” are Protestant Pastors – Preachers, Pious Pontiff Popes, pedophile priests + psychotic politicians. In gross violation of; THE LAW OF LOVE!!! https://love-law-1.blogspot