A Love Letter from ex-Military Father to Daughter...con mucho amor...

in #god6 years ago (edited)


My dearest Abby (insert name),
You are so beautiful, inside and out, my eyes swell up with tears of joy just looking at your face. Please consider coming to visit us this summer. We are leaving BCN tomorrow, returning Tulum for couple of days then to Vegas - where I am going to marry Val w Elvis, and attend a business conference to keep paying the bills. You and yours are always welcome, and of course we can leave some open space for snorkel, (its an inside joke) I tell u later. Beaches are awesome in Tulum and I can show you a good time and recommend lots of fun romantic things you can do. July we will be heading back to the mountains of Chiapas (as it gets hot in the summer). You can come and visit us there too - we will be in a little town called San Cristobal. Please come, I promise you will have the time of your life, and it will give us some time to talk, and hug each other. You are such a diamond Abby, you took care of mom when she was sick, and when I could not, and stayed beside her like an angel. You are an angel, and always have been. My eyes again flood with tears of joy, just thinking about you, in hospital, with mom, and having to grow up so fast, but you handled it with such grace.
Your name is important - Abigail, and it comes from these roots: "The father's joy" in Hebrew. In the Bible, Abigail is King David's intelligent and beautiful third wife. Because the biblical Abigail describes herself as King David's handmaid, it's a name often given to ladies' maids in literature. You are always my JOY Abba... and I treasure you like a precious diamond you are.
Remember, diamonds need to be polished, cut, polished more, shaped, polished, buffed, cleaned, in order to shine with such brilliance of 10,000 suns. I am so proud of you, your sensibilities and hard work ethic, and strength of a bull. You are after all, born in Taurus.
I love you, I adore you, and I am so glad to be your father on earth. We each have a path, and mine took me to Japan as a very young confused and tricked man, flying for the Navy. This is where the idea of you began, in Japan. Top Gun got me into wanting to fly, and my father was in the Navy, so I just went with the flow. I missed much of your childhood, unfortunately, especially when you were small because I had to answer the call of duty. This now I know now, was all a ruse, and a trick, to steal my energy (in lies and wars, always the first casualty, is the truth). I have been growing, learning and re-learning lessons that God wants me to learn. I believe we all have a calling, a path, and I want you to focus all your powers of your heart and mind into what you really love, and want to do.
If you do this consistently, you create an energy wave that emanates into the universe, where God lives and hears your prayers. You are saved, and a Christian. You do not need any church or intermediary to speak to God, he is always listening and lives inside your heart of gold.
I recently had a pretty major panic attack while here in Barcelona (#Qanon please get the tapes for proof ), or read my Twitter feed (BitcoinTeo) and I required 10 days in a hospital psych ward, picking up my marbles. I have had to carry alot of weight on my shoulders from the past military missions, seeing the deaths, delivering the assassins, watching friends commit suicide with bullets, and with alcohol. The truth is I am grateful for all of it.

 It has made me into the Man, who I am. And for those who know what this means, prepare to restore order.

 Remember this, all we come in with is our good name. Abigail Kate Nyman is all you have, until you take a husband and add another family to your name. I wish that you proceed, and always follow that little voice inside your heart that gives  direction, and helps us choose the right path. For, after all, we come in with, and take with us nothing but our name,  and there is never a Hearst full of money brought to the funeral, nor a wallet stuffed with bills at birth. 
 I am rich beyond all measure because I can claim some credit for raising you right, teaching you the right path, and loving you. You always have a place in my heart, no matter what, no matter anything. I am always here for you, on earth, and into eternity, in heaven. 
 It is time to heal the Nyman (insert yours) family now. I miss you so much, and I am so sorry mom and I could not work things out, I still love her, and know I put her through Hell, on my crazy pursuit of the truth. Truth is important, and as the bible says, "why do my people suffer? - for lack of knowledge".  For more seek God Man Law Justice Peace dot com.
 What I can say, is that it had to go down the way it went, and I came so close to ending it all, being depressed, alone, abandoned by my wife, my so called Navy friends, my so called church friends. I would not change a thing however, because the journey, and the growth I have had to endure, was all worth it. It has made me into the Man I am today, and I am forever grateful, and proud to call myself you father. 
 You are such a strong woman, to heal mom, to carry the weight far too heavy for your young legs and back, but again, all has its purpose. Many times we cannot see the forest while in the trees, but take it from me, there are no coincidences, and we are placed on this earth to learn, grow, and love, that's about it. Of them, the strongest is LOVE, so keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, and always remember the keys to my heart are in your hands. I will give you the shirt off my back, all the love I can give, and every material possession I own, just to know that you love me back, and still call me your father. Because, as I already said, all we have is our good name. 
 I come from, and honor, Roy Theodore and Leslie Mona. Roy means "king", Theodore means "one who adores God". Leslie means from Gaelic "garden of holly" and is unisex, both male female. She taught me to write properly, and the importance of grammar. The name Mona is a girl's name of Irish origin meaning "noble good". Theodore Rylander Nyman - translates to "One who Loves God", Rylander - family name to remember where we came from (Sweden), and our roots and desires for freedom in America, and Ny-man, daily ("I am a New Man"). 
 So each day, I wake with thanks, for another chance, another breath, another day to learn, grow, and love. Kate is actually a name we chose because it it just a cute nickname, as we were not sure if you would like to called a maid to King David (again the reference to Hebrew origin of Abigail.) I have spent the past month in Barcelona healing the fractured remains of Val family. We have come together, and achieved such harmony, in such a short time, really amazing things have been happening. It is my intention to continue to heal our broken family too, first with my relations with Logan, you, and Lizzy, then April, Maxine, Leo, Todd, Dean, Kathy... and into the echos of each of these roots. 
 We are in fact, in the Apocalypse, (the great awakening and unveiling) and truth is streaming in like sunlight through the clouds. I introduce myself in Spanish as "Soy Teo", (literal meaning "I am God"). This language I have been forced to learn, even though I took it in high school, and college, I was such a poor student, nothing stuck until now. Everything is perfect in Gods plan for us. Trust in that, and know that you always have me as your earthly father. Know that you have a heavenly father as well, the real God, and always listen to the voices that come from within your heart. 
 I am reading a very interesting book I want to recommend. It is called "A Treatise on Self-Knowledge". It is an older book written in the 1800s, but the information inside is the key to understanding WHO you are, and what path is the right one for you. You can find this book on archive.org as it is out of copyright and free pdf to download. Please take some time to read this book, for when we know who we are, and have the additional knowledge of meditation, and intention, we can literally part seas and move mountains. We are Gods, each and every one of us. 
 I love you my angel, my sweet, my darling. I long for your embrace, your smell, your smile, and your strength. Come to Tulum for the sun, or to the mountains, for the fresh air, and to see the coffee plantation I am destined to tend, in paradise. 
 Our house in Tulum is paid for, Val and I have worked very hard to build what we have, and owe NO DEBTS, nothing to corrupt bankers, who, in fact, are the ones who perpetuate, tell all lies, and make profit from wars. You and yours are always welcome, bienvinedos, in mi casa. Mi casa, tu casa, siempre (always), and we are rich beyond all measure. 
 For the true treasures are not here on earth and in material things, but in our hearts, which continue to beat and echo out into eternity. I love you. Always have, always will, and the keys to my heart are in your hands. Please, I beg of you, forgive me for things done, and left undone, for although I introduce myself as "Soy Teo" (I am God), I am just a Man.

 Check out my G+ profile and seek what it means to be a man/woman... for here are the keys to unlocking you true power. If interested in commerce see my links there as well.

 Peace, blessings, and vitality I wish for thee, as it is on earth, and shall be in heaven, Amen. 
 Love, embraces, kisses, more butterfly kisses, and one more big hug, to the daughter I adore, more than you will ever know. 
 Mila, your sister now 3, is such an angel also, and I want you to know her. Theodore Karl, in Val's womb, (Karl to honor  and thank Karl Lentz for teaching me to be a Man),  also needs to know his sister's love. 
 Please come, and let me know when, where, and how I can get you. 


                   Love Dad!

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