Loving The Word Of God!

in #god7 years ago


Wow so blessed I went to church today. I have missed the last 3 Sundays because of an amazing course I have chose to take part of, but being in the presence of so many amazing people worshipping God was something that was needed for me this morning.

I always go through such deep realizations from the pastors, it genuinely makes me look back at my life before going to church and how judgmental I was of it and everyone who went, but I swear the Church and the Word of God have so many valuable lessons that I took for granted before and I wanted to share a few that really hit home for me today.

  1. Relationships Are Important. If there is something moving through your relationship with someone, say it be tension, an argument or rough patches, put things in perspective. Is it really a big deal? Lets not make a mountain out of an ant hill. The relationship is what matters, and if things aren't going the way you would like, focus your attention on shifting your perspective and although there are circumstances coming up know that the relationship is valuable & letting go of relationships just because conflict happens isn't necessarily a way that will confront and hold another person accountable for their actions. Communication is key.

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18"

  1. Love Calls Out The Drama In Loved Ones. If you notice something inside of your friend, spouse, family and they are not aware of it yet, wouldn't it be wise for you to share that with them? Many of us think "Ohhh, they will figure it out on their own." But no, it is our job as friends/family to hold them accountable for their life to show them where they could be potentially showing up in a way that is hindering their growth. It is not supportive to let them sink deeper into not owning up to their BS. Call them out no matter how confronting it is. Showing them how they are showing up is what matters and having relationships that call you forth to grow even when its painful is beautiful. Let others call you out, for the things you can't see inside of yourself. You hold the key to many peoples breakthroughs!

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21"

  1. Start With The Person in The Mirror. The most important part of the message. It's great to share with others about what you see that they are doing to help them grow, but if you aren't doing this yourself, you are completely going against everything that you just shared. Many people want to change the world, but God wants you to start with you, so the world sees that they want to follow what you are preaching.

"You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5"

I'm learning more and more everyday the values of what the Bible offers and although at one point I despised everything about it, its truly one of the most remarkable books to live by.

Instagram & Twitter -@BrieMarieAdkins


That's super cool! I feel like I am on the opposite end of the spectrum right now. I haven't been to church in almost 3 months, as someone who used to go every sunday. I can feel the toll that it takes on me spiritually, but I haven't been motivated to do anything about it.

I totally feel that. There are times where our spiritually is down and thats okay, we get back to it when we need it. I didn't have it for a lonnnng while and completely was against church, now I love it. Theres always ups and downs when it comes to spirituality and how close you feel to it.

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