Ways to ensure 'goal setting' as a success!
You may come across goal setting tips a hundred times on your academic book or online or even as a suggestion from your family member. But the thing is we don't take this seriously when it comes to implementing something in our own life. I'm talking about the same old thing today but in a different way. I think it would be easy to understand and implement.
The first thing we have to make sure is 'motivation' and 'incentive' in our goal. If you want to be a good writer in the next few years, then you must ensure motivation in different levels of your journey. It can be 'in touch with your favorite writers' or 'going to your favorite library to read more'. And have to ensure incentive. Like if you manage to publish your writing on a top magazine then give yourself a good treat.
Moreover, we must ask ourselves 'why'? This simple question can keep us on track. Like, why you want a diploma? Why do you want to reduce weight? Asking ourselves these questions can make it clear to us what we need, what to do, and how.
You know what, theories are a good thing no matter how much we try to ignore it or hate it to follow. So I would say follow the goal-setting tips strictly like setting achievable goals, be realistic and tangible, approach in a timely manner, etc. These steps always help us to achieve our goals.
Another thing is focusing on the outcome. We have to approve that we can't make 100% sure that our goal would be a success. But if we focus on the outcome, not just the process and steps we followed; it would be easy for us to adapt and accept our success.
So you can see there are many things working behind this. Take your time and set your goals wisely!