What ability's, What gifts, What ideas will die with YOU..?

in #goals8 years ago

What we do and what we accomplish in life is only the tip of the iceberg... Setting goals is the first step to achieving anything, whatever goal you have i want you to multiple it by 10x i found that most people fail in life, not through setting the bar too high but, what most do is aim to low and hit. Or many never aim at all.

We should be ashamed to die until we have made some contribution to man kind. One of my goals is to educate and bring awareness to kids on how they can live their life to the fullest, without limitations, the features leaders of the country, they have the potential to do anything they want in life without restrictions, same applies for the retired person in their 60s.

Today we live in a specialized society, told to live within our means, get a house, kids, settle down and work hard until you retire then hope that you have enough money saved to survive.

The sooner we can break down the walls in which we built, the more will be brought onto us. Can we expect to reach our full potential, if we stay within our comfortzone?

I like to show people how they can have an influence on others for the positive and this is through telling your story. Maybe your going through a death of a family member, depression, sickness, happiness we all have a voice and we all have a story, you will be surprised when you step past the comfort-zone how fast your consciousness expands and new doors open. Look on Youtube... from hobbiests showing others how to build/create stuff, for any skills, hobby or interest be sure there is a market out there, to people recording everyday life. Do you think these people have nothing better to do with their time...? Nope. They are getting paid by Youtube in the form of advertising revenue from brands..

We are born to create and share, like dancing to music around a camp fire this is wired into our DNA but over time we lose this and start conforming to what is most comfortable, through conditioning which starts at a young age, but the good news it that we can all change it.

I want to show people how to grow their business, how to be the voice of their business, how to improve customer service ,how to devolop their leadership voice, how to go from being local, to be being global. I want people to think about their impact they want to make.

Remember its possible.
"We might be through with our past, but our past is not through with us".
There is things which happen in our past which affects the way we views ourselves.
This leads onto the quote that says " you dont get in life what you want, you get in life what you are "

  • you need to create that yourself.

When looking at your goals and were you are today, you need to set aside time every day to work on your mindset, wither its reading or listening to audio, to expand your vision of whats possible for you.

When we get to the later stages in our life and death is on the horizon the ideal situation for a man or women to die, is to have family members with them as they cross over, but imagine if you will, being on your deathbed, and standing around your bed is the ghost of the dreams, the ideas, the abilities, the talents given to you by life, you for whatever reason never pursued those dreams, you never acted on those ideas, you never used those gifts, you never used those talents and there they are staring at you as your laying on your bed with large angry eyes - saying
"we came to you...and only you, could of gave us life, and now we must die with you, forever".

The question is : if you die today, what dreams, what talents,
what ability's, what gifts, what ideas will die with you..?
Carpe Diem

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