Your best Internet provider
Choosing the best internet provider from a wide list of options are not easy. It depends on many factors. A best #internet provider can differ according to your internet needs or location. So what is important is to identify our internet needs and check the internet availability in your area. There are some important factors to consider while choosing a provider such as Location, Speed of Connection, Security, Cost Efficiency, Customer Service, Reliability, Download Limits and etc. One should pay special attention to all these factors when choosing an internet provider for your home or business. It is important to choose the right internet deal before you sign up any contracts.
But Global Wasp can give you something absolutely different. The Global Wasp app allows an Internet user who is a GW user with a surplus of unused #Internettraffic to sell it. This allows another Internet user, the buyer, to get Internet traffic at a lower cost than what local providers offer and connect directly to the Internet (to the seller) automatically and anonymously anywhere in the world where there are Global Wasp users. The Buyer also saves time of searching for provider, signing a contract, etc. Everything is going automatically (the GW app has to be configured one time).
Moreover, the seller can earn revenue from Global Wasp when transferring an adblock from Global Wasp. In this case, the buyer is able to use the #Internetforfree as a result of viewing the ads. The seller also has the ability wherever to distribute advertising to buyers. In this case, the Internet for Buyers will be free and the seller pays to use the #GlobalWasp app’s advertising feature.
We want to be your best internet provider, giving you all the opportunities to benefit from it and save your money. Go to to learn more about the project.