Mobile Tethering
Can I get you anything? How about some Internet?
Digital data use has become something that many of us cannot live without. We carry our smartphones everywhere and tablets and laptops are usually not too far from reach. Many of us have come to rely on free Wi-Fi, but what if you can’t find a hotspot and your smartphone data plan is just about depleted for the month? Surely your friend would loan you a tethering hook-up, right?
Your smartphone is probably capable of becoming a Wi-Fi hotspot. Some mobile providers block this function or charge you to use it, but it, in theory, is there and can be a great way to get another device connected. You can use this just like you would a Wi-Fi connection. All you need to know is the network name and password.
It’s pretty straightforward and yet many people don’t use it. This is probably because of digital data plans that are less than generous. We don’t all have a huge amount of gigabytes or unlimited packages. But some of us pay for this and don’t even end up using it all.
Global Wasp wants to give these people the opportunity to sell their excess data to other people who need it. Using the Wi-Fi mechanisms already existing in user devices, Global Wasp will generate revenue for sellers and provide buyers with the data they need at a price they are afford to pay. To find out more, go to