There is zero evidence to support man made global warming. Or was it global cooling? ( No, wait its global warming. Well, actually not much evidence for that either. So, the propagandists call it climate change; and attribute any inclement weather as proof ! I hate to tell you, but you're not going to find anything from Vice, other then disinformation and obfuscation. The lie of climate change has nothing to do with saving the planet, and everything to do with Carbon trading, global carbon tax, and all the other money that can be made by selling the fear of climate change. I'm not sure how more people aren't suspicious to this fraud; when the proposed solution is a tax.
Having said all that, I still care deeply about the planet and its environment. However, I will not be taken for a fool. We have many environmental challenges like: nuclear waste, spraying of pesticides, garbage, deforestation, geo engineering (AKA chem trails), the list goes on. The emission of CO2 is not an environmental concern, if you are taking the much more real challenges seriously. I highly suggest you look at the history of the climate change scare, and who benefits from this scam. Without going into too much detail here, I'm sure if you investigate this throughly you will come to some startling conclusions as to why we are even having this conversation. I would start with evidence, that refutes the climate change "evidence". John Coleman, the founder of the weather channel has provided much evidence to show how bogus the official claims are. Another person who's done a great amount of scientific research, is Lord Mockton. I hope you start digging into this, it will reveal some startling truths.