Glitch Goons (DeepReport)
So, first thing first, You are not late for beginning this game and you might make good money out of this !
I have been thinking about how much i hate games when they are "pay to win" Now that i am one of top 50 players in game without paying, i actually started to think, its actually a lot about the luck you getting from chests. So good luck :)
On my first blog about Glitch Goons , i said it would be wise for you to have another accounts. So if you can sneak up to some phones from your roommates or partner in that case, its gonna be beneficial in the future. Or you can open more accounts from your computer, as long as you dont bind them to same wallet, its not a problem legally.
On Glitch Goons, its possible to withdraw your items to your wallet (Metamask) , they claim its possible now. Everything still under heavy development i would say. And not only you can exchange them for some crypto, you can also put it to your wallet and then send it to any wallet in that case. If you have more accounts, lets say you withdraw them to your wallet, put on an auction, then even buy yourself xD
So you gotta need different wallets guys. Thats gonna bring some overrated user count :)
This actually might sound like a glitch again ! All well developed games try to put an end to stuff like this. For example one of most amazing mobile games (which is also pay to win ) allows you to bind your character to either your facebook or google account. And they allow actually 2 accounts per account (facebook 2 , google play 2)
So what developers actually did was discovering this kinda of thing happen so they decided to make this easier for everyone. Cause those gamers used programs like bluestacks to have 10 mobile phones open at the same time on their gamer PCs. I mean if you have such an obsession, that means you are giving a lot of time for simple game, and time wasting, but for those young fellas without responsibilities or jobs, this is happening on almost every game. Competition is a big element when people get hooked to any game.
If this happens , which it should if the players are really gamers, we will see if the team acts differently. For now they want those overrated user counts :)
So , lets talk about the development team of Glitch Goon a bit.
Developers actually did a game called EtherQuest, i dont know much about the game but when we check last 24 hour the user count , that game is basically dead. A new project with some different name needed and this time they come with this. One thing is for sure, without users there will be no value. They were smart enough to make their marketing on cointelegraph , but still that didnt bring much users. Their roadmap states, the game is also going to Chinese market, we will see what will that bring to table.
And we are here to see that development guys.This is the world if you are into financial world and gaming together, seeing for yourself what technology will bring to your games you playing. Its not them but you gonna create an economy and then have valuable stuff in it. Of course rage quit after getting rich, welcome to crypto world xP
I wanna end this by saying, i just report stuff whatever i see, trying to make things transparent for Glitch Community. Since i dont know anything about their other game EtherQuest, i would like to hear your experiences with that. So everything could be more transparent for everyone.
Thanks for reading.