Dead Bread/Koloboks

in #givemebread4 years ago (edited)

I will buy any and all dead koloboks for WAXP at a rate of .0001/dead kolobok or less; see dislcaimer.
!!Bring me your bread!!
Disclaimer: Most dead koloboks will be turned in at the bounty page for dead koloboks. Decent stat kolobok's may be revived and resold or bred. If I revive one and breed with it I will send the 1st child from a pairing at the same price the dead koloboks to the seller of the chosen kolobok. No two revived koloboks will be initially bred together, as in 1 kolobok will have already fulfilled this if it is a revived kolobok from purchases. Thus if you "gift" me dead koloboks for a cheaper rate than offered you'll get the possibility of a live kolobok based on the submissions stats. Even if I can't keep up I will go through the blockchain logs to determine whom and for how much each was given for. Though my ambition is to record it all into a spreadsheet per offer. This offer only extends to koloboks that are brought to me and not listed on the markets. If you list your koloboks on the markets I will likely eat them all up if they are priced under .00019999 WAXP. This makes a favorable exchange rate for both reviving and selling the kolobok for wax, or breeding it for other koloboks and as well for the kbucks value vs wax value on the alcor exchange. Prices may update over time, but will always be based on the buy side of the logs and not the sells. My end goal of this is to support @CryptoLions and their efforts on all the blockchains, wax included but not limited to. I have voted for them since I got into the eos blockchain. Let's help support them by trading their bread around :D, I won't lie the game does need a little bit of improvement as far as gameplay goes to be more gripping or exciting but I like the idea of breedable runaway bread. Cause ya know, BRB.
Wax Wallet Address: ovdb.wam

Sorry for the spam of links, but I'm back now. You may also notice on my profile that I run an NFT collection called The Happy Farm. The overall goal is just to share the images I have with more than just my close nit group of friends, this is a collaboration between two growers in one grow room. So photos will always, when taken by us, be denoted as the artist being "The Happy Farm." All of the photos we take that are unspoiled by filters will only ever be issued as 1 unique image with the description and if available the cannabinoid percentage. Currently the best we have is a 30x zoom scope and an app called higrade to give estimated Cannibinoid Content. In the future all tests will be performed by a Tcheck 2.0 or better. Depending on funds. We fund this all directly with our own money, we do not get paid to do this. Me and my partner use cannabis medically, both of us having been in a slew of accidents throughout our lives. He is on full disability and is unable to work, so this is both a way to keep his cost of medicine down as well as a hobby. Our growing is for our own consumption and is not given, distributed or sold in any way. We only started doing this due to all of our friends keep exclaiming that our images are amazing. So let the world decide! Very few images will ever be priced directly from The Happy Farm for over 1 Wax. Most will be listed at auction on WaxArena.

               Thankyou for your time and consideration,
                  (and bread)
                 With Regards eta235
                The Happy Farm Techhead

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