in #giveaway6 years ago



This contest is my way of sharing the joy of my birth month with you. I am grateful to God for grace, mercy, provisions, life, guidance, security, peace, joy, hope, comfort and immeasurable love through Christ Jesus.

I will be giving out 36SBDs starting from today being 5th to 30th June, 2018..

Contest Description:

1 SBD will be given daily to 1 steemian for 25 days from 5ht to 30th June excluding 25th June, 2018 (Nigerian Time, GMT+1).

5 SBD will be given to 5 steemians on the 25th day of June being my birthday.

0.06 SBD will be given to the first contest entry comment on every of the Contest post

  1. For Mondays to Fridays, a topic prompt will be given and you will be expected to share in the comment section knowledge of what you learnt regarding the prompt. Today's topic is INTEGRITY
  2. You have to state the source of your inspiration, be it Bible verse(s), book, lecture, internet, music, movie or real-life experience, i.e. #Ulog
  3. In any case, a detail of the source of inspiration must be spelt out.
  4. On Saturdays, there will be no theme prompt you will have the freedom to share any lesson with any theme or topic.
  5. On Sunday, only Biblical related lessons should be shared.
  6. Official language of communication MUST be English.

This gratitude reward is for all steemit users: planktons, minnows, dolphins and whales who will be ready to share their lessons for each day.


Image source edited under permission

The essence of this contest is to awaken the reading spirit and the consciousness of taking notes while reading.

Contest Evaluation

After 96 hours (4days) from the date of each day’s post, an analysis of the comments will be made by the selected Judge for each day. The day’s best comment will earn 1 SBD reward.

Excerpts from the previous day’s winning comment will be shared the next day with a snapshot of the SBD transfer (if ready).

Moreover, a weekly evaluation of posts made with tag #learningulog will be made and the winning post will earn 2SBD. @Uyobong will be the judge.

It’s my little way of sharing my joy with you.

Rules for Entries

  1. Follow the contest sponsor and Celebrity @Uyobong
  2. Resteem and Upvote this post so it can reach a wide coverage
  3. Make a comment with 100 – 500 words, sharing the lesson you learnt as described above (with good referencing of the source)
  4. Upvote a Comment just ahead of you if you are not the first.
  5. A maximum of 3 entries is allowed but must not be from the same source

Failure to adhere to the contest rules may disqualify a potential winner.

You are free to support this contest with Upvotes and Donations so it can be sustained even beyond June.

Note that the rules for entry into this contest can change at any time as well as the rewards depending on the responses we get.

Our Judge for Day 1 of this contest is @Adedoyinwealth - the Leader of @Sc-n, a parish of @Steemchurch in Nigeria -

My goal is making steemit more beautiful. I am fully aware that my posts are a definition of me

This post is a simple reflection me on how I can contribute to make steemit a better place to be.

Be sure YOU ARE INVOLVED IN STEEMIT'S FUTURE: Your Posts Is Your Identity for the Future. It will tell posterity how much of value you were. Don't forget that We Can Make the World Better together.

I AM BORN OF GOD hence, I'll keep telling the world what God has done and will keep doing
I AM CREATIVE, that is why I can't get lost in the crowd.
I AM A ULOGGER, this gives me the premise and push to tell ou boldly about myself because I know you will be encouraged.

This contest is supported by @Steemchurch @surpassinggoogle @Ulogs




I remain you brother and Success Coach - @uyobong


Integrity is something very hard to find today, the little of this scarce gift was imbibed in me by my parent, dad specifically, he always grind my eyes in making sure I come straight forward in my talk both in and outside the house.
Integrity is hard to find today, the absence of it has pillaged my country to ruin, corruption and bribery thrives when integrity leaves, I can't help myself on this any longer.
Every time I walk the street I feel like the last remaining specie of my kind, the present world loves lies, fame, flashy things of little life span than integrity that can stand the test of time.

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Hi! This is intelligent bot. I just upvoted your post based on my criteria for quality. Keep on writing nice posts on Steemit and follow me @jlkreiss to get premium world news updates round the clock! If you like me, just upvote my comment! 🦄🦄🦄

A great initiative of course and all the best. Now most likely everyday ther might be a job for me other than my routine things, look forward to your post and respond if the topic is within my knowledge.

Before beginning to write few things I have a small concern though that does it really needed to mention the source if few people can write from their thoughts as you mentioned like this.

You have to state the source of your inspiration, be it Bible verse(s), book, lecture, internet, music, movie or real-life experience, i.e. #Ulog

I would like to write without any reference that given below

Integrity is simply the value of human being. In my profile page I gave my description as Brutally honest, I think there is not more elaboration is required to assert what the term integrity means. For me being honest with any one at anytime is much more important than anything else. I came across many situations that I lost money, relation that too valuable ones because I tried to be honest – not with them- but I was honest with me and even if some of those situations forcing me to regret even now but I won the game, in your words nothing cant hamper my INTEGRITY.

I hope this may qualify for the contest.

Thank you for this awesome contest,

Stay Blessed.

This is my entry.

What is Integrity?

noun (uncountable)

  1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
  2. The state of being wholesome; unimpaired
  3. The quality or condition of being complete; pure


It is no more news that no human on earth is pure and or perfect. But then, it is advisable that we try to leave without sin. In my own perspective, I see Integrity as a quality of being adherent to a disciplined moral. Integrity is a quality that helps us to be preferred over others because of the trust worthiness noticed in us. It is a quality that can assure our success. People can stand in for us even in our absence just because there are certain of our level of integrity. Most people claim to be Men/Women of Integrity but we can't judge ourselves on our level of integrity, Instead we let other do that for us. Most politicians nowadays claim to be men of integrity before being voted into office, only for the masses to be neglected and feel dissapointed after the politicians have been voted in. It pays to have Integrity as a part of our character because with this standard, we will definitely become role-models and even set examples for our generation and the generation yet unborn.

It is said in the scriptures

'Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for i will wait on thee' (Psalms 25:21)

'But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me. ' (Psalms 26:11)


This simply means that God,our creator, is happy with us if we are men of our word. God loves men of integrity and acts fast on their behalf. I urge readers to try and be straight forward in life because it helps both physically and spiritually.

I hope my entry is validated. Thanks for this opportunity sir. @uyobong

This is my entry,

Integrity simply means the quality of being honest and morally upright. It can also mean the state of being whole.

In this our world,integrity is the only way to greater height. God expects us to show integrity in every areas of life. Jesus practice integrity by being truthful when He was on earth,so also we need to be truthful in our dealings.

Job exercises this in Job 2:3,

And the LORD said unto Satan,Hast thou considered my servant Job,that there is none like him in the earth,a perfect and an upright man,one that feareth God,and escheweth evil?and still he holdeth fast his integrity,although thou movedst me against him,to destroy him without cause. (KJV)

We can also say integrity is avoiding evil and being faithful in your dealing with men.
I will urge everyone of us to be truthful,flee from evil and sincere with God and man because that is the only way you can be favoured as He did to Job back by recovering from him all what he lost.

Thanks @uyobong for this

Thanks @uyubong for this golden opportunity to contest,

Here is my entry based on a #real-life experience.

Integrity in my own understanding is the ability to live a honest and straight forward life. I'm privilege to work with Notore Chemical Industry at Onne precisely Rivers State which is situated at the southern part of Nigeria; a fertilizer firm.
At my place of work before i do any thing for the day i'll pray and at times during our break period i'll share the word of God from the scripture with some of my colleagues that are willing and i also pray with them, but as time went on some of my colleagues started calling me names; some will call me pastor, Bishop, Mr preacher etc to the extent that i was not comfortable with those names again because they were making mockery of me but there was nothing i could do to stop them.
i'm not saying that i'm a saint or that i'm better; no i'm not, i also have my short comings which I've being praying to God for grace. At times i feel like an outcast because if they were discussing some secret things and they set their eyes on me coming, they'll stop immediately by saying that pastor is coming.

To cut the story short, a huge some of money was stolen at my place of work and all my colleagues were sub-charge for it except me and those that were off duty that day. This shows that integrity pays with time because my colleagues were the ones defending me that i cant do such a thing.
Glory to God that i was singled out.... i hope some one is blessed.

Here is my entry @uyobong.

integrity is the pleasant of being honest and having strong moral standards, or ethical uprightness. it is colloquially a private choice to preserve oneself to steady moral and ethical standards.
A person's fee system gives a framework inside which the person acts in ways that are constant and expected. integrity can be seen as the nation or situation of having the sort of framework, and performing congruently inside the given framework. One important component of a constant framework is its avoidance of any unwarranted (arbitrary) exceptions for a specific man or woman or organization particularly the person or organization that holds the framework. In law, this precept of widespread software requires that even the ones in positions of reputable strength be problem to the equal laws as pertain to their fellow residents. In non-public ethics, this principle calls for that one must no longer act consistent with any rule that one might no longer desire to look universally followed. For example, one should no longer scouse borrow until one could need to stay in a international in which all and sundry become a thief.

The #bible as the source of my inspiration; bible is incredibly silent at the actual time period
Integrity. There are a handful of proverbs that mention integrity in certain translations (prov. 10:9 ;11:3 ), but maximum of them are of the "it is right to have integrity due to the fact the ones with out it are depraved" persuasion.
Scripture is filled, however, with passages urging integrity in believers, it just talks about integrity without the usage of that term. Consider the maximum famous new testomony commands for christian living, however the fruit of the spirit is love, pleasure, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and strength of will. Against such things there's no regulation. People who belong to christ jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. On account that we live with the aid of the spirit, let us keep consistent with the spirit (galatians 5:22-25 ). This sort of listing is a command to stay a lifestyles of the very best integrity, a lifestyles that brings goodness and advantages to anybody.

Thanks @uyobong for this contest, and i hope everyone will learn to maintain there level of integrity.

C S Lewis - Integrity.jpgThis inspired me to write.
Integrity is being 100% true, 100% pure at everything you do either little or big. It is a quality that is very rare to find in people these days. Nobody is 100% perfect or pure but at least you should be honest to an extent that other people can confide in you and even trust you with their lives and properties. Integrity or should we say honesty is something I imbibed from my parents (both), they never liked anyone who lies or isn't straight forward with whatever they do. They made sure we tell the truth and stay true in everything we do and that had helped me grow. This wicked world has been built up with lies and cunningness to the extent that nothing is true again, this generation loves lies, fame and flashy things of this earth. The worst of it all is they do anything to get these things. To be trust worthy is difficult but its something we can achieve you don't have to necesserily be 100% true but you make sure you can be trusted. I feel this world would have be better if our leaders have integrity abd even the people.

It pays to be honest.

Thank you @uyobong for this wonderful piece.

thanks for sharing brother uyobong.
I follow you with steemauto...

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