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RE: 600 Followers Giveaway! With Special Guest Star...

in #giveaway7 years ago

Something you think everyone knows about you.

-All know many things about me as for example, I am a lover of dogs, I love football and I love to travel. All this I have reflected in my post and my followers know it very well.

Something that you think most people do not know about you.

-Something I do not think everyone knows about me is my sense of music, I do not have a favorite genre, I just listen and if I like I'll listen to it many times, I listen music like: reggaeton,trap, rock and more.

Thank you for this contest and you won a new follower, continue like this, success from Venezuela.


I also can't seem to pick a single genre of music and I don't think anyone should have to. I always thought people were silly when they judged others based on the music they enjoyed. I listen to what fits my mood whether that's modern rock, alternative, indie, country, or even classical. Are ocean sounds considered music because I dig listening to that too. We play a lot of wave sounds for our kids and sometimes they even lull me to sleep when I am running nap time! Ha ha ha! - Aimee

I don't know if anyone else considers ocean sounds as music, but they are certainly soothing to me! I've played ocean waves for all of my kids to help them shut out the distracting sounds when it's naptime or bedtime.

A side note: I went to Maui with friends back in 2001 and ended up arguing since we were sharing a rental car and I was the only one who wanted to wake up insanely early to go see the sun rise on Haleakalā. Well, I, being stubborn, refused to sleep in the same room. Luckily, we had a gorgeous balcony that had one of those beach chairs that lays flat, so I took my pillow and blanket and slept there. It was a clear night and to be under the stars, hear the waves crashing so close and have the ocean mist on my face was just magical. I did not sleep much, but I slept well. I never did make it to Haleakalā. Maybe I'll take my kids there someday, but it was still a pretty awesome trip and ocean waves always take me back.

Are you a Taurus by chance? I am and I am about as stubborn as they come. No wonder we get along so well! Bah ha ha! I love these stories by the way. I have never been to Hawaii either and would love to go one day. Which reminds me of a side note: When I was four my parents went on a trip to Hawaii and they brought us back these beautiful kites. Anyway, I did not like pineapple as a child, especially on pizza. When ever I complained about the pineapple at dinner time my mom would say, "Well, they won't let you into Hawaii if you don't like pineapple." And I believed her! I have grown to love pineapple and I have been cooking with it lately too, which is how I discovered my dad doesn't like pineapple! Hysterical. He was sweet and still ate my cooking though. -Aimee

Nope, Libra. Which is why I expect balance and justice in all things and since we were all paying for the rental car and they just wanted to sleep in anyway, why couldn't I take it to the other side of the island while their lazy butts weren't even using it!? Lol! But the stubbornness is a Portuguese trait for sure. We are very bull-headed. 😜

That's hilarious about the pineapple. I've always loved it alone, but my first real job was at Chuck E. Cheese as the Big Cheese himself. Well. all other employees had to pay for their lunch, but those who were dressed as characters got free personal pizzas for their lunch. Up until that point I only ever ate pepperoni. I got so burnt out on pepperoni I started ordering just cheese & pineapple pizza. It was rather refreshing! Now, I always order pineapple as an addition on my pizza. Btw, a great ice cream for the twins is simply freezing banana and pineapple and blending them in the vita mix. Add in some full fat coconut milk and there's your healthy fats for them and it tastes like a virgin pina colada. Bonus! 😁

Oh man, I am totally picturing you in a Chuck E Chees costume now and it's great! I love that ice cream idea and I will probably try it out sans banana until we know it can be added back in for little H. I am really hoping he grows out of his banana issue because they are so delicious and convenient. -Aimee

Doh! I keep forgetting about the banana issue!! Well, frozen pineapple and coconut milk would still be yummy. The coconut milk would give you the healthy fats and creaminess. But just pineapple and raw milk would be super yummy too! Hey, is raw milk allowed in Canada? It's ridiculously restricted in much of the US, not Idaho, thank goodness!

Hey, you have enough allergy tracking to handle without having to remember that banana is a no go over here.🤣 Raw milk is illegal across Canada but that's not to say it can't be acquired. Although, I think buying drugs is easier than buying raw milk to be honest.

Perfect ! You're entered! Music is something so powerful that transcends all language barriers! I also can't say I have one particular favorite genre, rather favorite tunes with each genre. I appreciate music that moves me. There is something so powerful about some music that just speaks to your soul. Thanks so much for stopping by!

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