Feminism Prohibits Women to Have the Job They Like
All of use have been bombarded with assholes name-called through the #metoo hype. A lot of women are harassed and they are daily. Something's got to give. Not in the least some men's approach to them.
However. Extreme feminism is not carried by all women either. While grid girls and booth babes increasingly are banned, some of them speak out loud against it vocally.
F1 grid girl Rebecca Cooper recently tweeted: “Ridiculous that women who say they are 'fighting for women's rights' are saying what others should and shouldn't do, stopping us from doing a job we love and are proud to do.” while her colleague model Lauren-Jade Pope had this to say: “Because of these feminists, they’ve cost us our jobs! I have been a grid girl for 8 years and I have Never felt uncomfortable!”
Mainstream is taking this too far, we think.