The Orville, Ginuwine & Nipsey Hustle vs. Deray and The World
So, I was watching The Orville, and one of their episodes is Super good as it revolves around ............. (Spoilers for those planning to watch but have not -- Warning --- avoid this post; I'm about to spoil tf out of this episode) ------ a culture that bases EVERYTHING on Likes and Dislikes.
I elluded to this the other day on here; didn't wanna Spoil; BUT ... in Light of a few converging topics ....
Ginuwine being attacked by the LGBQT community for Denying the Unwanted Sexual Advance of a Transwoman ALL in light of the #MeToo 'movement' - which is all about women having the right to Deny Unwanted Sexual Advances -- (yet a straight man cannot?!?!) ----
... and - Deray coming at Nipsey Hustle for his comments regarding his decision to Represent the strong black Masculine Male, in a society that constantly promotes the Effeminate Black Male at every possible opportunity ---
I don’t look down on gay people I love all Gods children foreal. I take issue with the larger agenda.and I’m VERY WELL INFORMED contrary to my appearance. And my conclusion is there’s AN AGENDA...we can go fact for fact and get u some understanding if you’d like. If not God bless
— THA GREAT (@NipseyHussle) January 9, 2018
Our World is Out of Control.
Sorry I'm old. I'm 40. I remember the world when it was not like it is today. When we had different beliefs about these matters, and did not act, the way we act nowadays, when we disagree on things. We are headed towards the kind of society portrayed in "Majority Rules" -- One of the episodes on The Orville.
Some of you know what's up with this show; It's Star Trek with jokes :: but they actually took the time to make some Decent shows with Topics to make you think; They had a whole planet where they captured species from all over the galaxy; and had them on display (a human zoo) - another show dealt with how Black People Hide Our Intelligence To be Liked --- Literally did that yes ---- and this show, Majority Rules, about a planet where society runs off Likes and Dislikes.
If you end up with a certain amount of Dislikes, you can't get food - you can't hang out in coffee shops; People treat you like pure Dirt; as you have to walk around society with a LIKES/Dislikes badge on; and people can come up to you and PRESS like or dislike at any time.....
People derive their entire social value for themselves, and others, from this 'system' - that includes a "master feed" where people can vote up or down on others, in rapid fashion.
So, being that it's about space; Two people who were not FROM that world; landed on that world; and made a mistake in that world. They did not give up their seat for a pregnant lady on a bus; whom they didn't even SEE b/c they were themselves, consumed with what was on their phones.
Society Voted The HELL Down On them; and both ended up being Murdered (corrected) by that society; eventually; Later the same fate almost happened to a crew member, who also made a mistake from not knowing the culture; and almost was killed within that society too.
Again, brings me back to where we are today;
We are so ready to JUDGE the next man or woman; and unfortunately we use 'tools' like social media to do it; and I'm not sure we are better off for it; We are indeed getting worse; because anyone can argue any point; We've lost track of topics like Absolute Truth vs. Relative truth.
So we end up making all sorts of false, apples to oranges comparisons - and none of us are really concerned with if it's Absolute Truth; IF we get enough LIKES and people to AGREE with us Then "Our Truth" becomes "the Truth" --- our, Relative Truth; has Never been Absolute truth; and that won't start today, or tomorrow. Absolute Truth, will always be Absolute Truth.
However, the further we move away from it; the less likely it is, we'll ever want to return to it; Our emotional ties to wanting to LIKE truth; is harming our ability to ACCEPT truth, regardless of how truth makes us 'feel' .... and if we are real about it; Of course no one WANTS to be made fun of; No one wants people to joke about them, for their lifestyle choices; and so to suggest that these were not choices, arguments have been formed and accepted.
SO now, we cannot make fun of them, because they didn't choose to be that way; Right?! - even when they spent several years in one gender; and eventually decide to change; that wasn't a choice either; we are now told; It confuses us to be real with you. Why not just go with truth; you wanted to do something different; you did it; If people have jokes for your decision, toughen up please; because forcing the rest of us to accept alternative facts, is what has brought us to a time and place where 45 is in office;
In this AGE of SPIN - any truth can be SPUN to be anything ....
Because even the MeToo movement has been controversial. For years, we heard stories of the Directors Couch, and the things women did to advance in Hollywood. Now we are being told these women did those things, entirely against their will. We are being told that none of them had a choice, and that there was nothing they could do, until 2017.
The truth is many of them went along with it, willingly. Now that the opportunity to Tell and possibly cash in has presented itself many are going with it. But, this 'truth' will be Disliked into oblivion, and anyone who feels this way will be castrated by society.
A quick Clip from "Majority Rules"
.... and Major Spoiler with this second clip.... where it all goes wrong
So is there an agenda to emasculate black men in this society? Several answers would point to absolutely yes, because without a strong black man, the black family will NEVER rise out of the oppressed state blacks were placed into. But, any attempts at having this conversation are being 'disliked' into oblivion.
Any black men standing firm on this topic are being called homophobic, when many have no issues with homosexuality. Yet 'truth' is thrown out the window in a society where people RUSH to judge, and try to fit in with everybody else. If the crowd is disliking it, they are too.
Ginuwine is unfairly being cast as a man who now, hates the trans community, all for stating he would not kiss or date one. Meanwhile 'their relative truth' that Transwomen are women is being promoted. If you as a man do not agree, you are disliked, and downvoted. We're so far away from absolute truths at this point, I do fear for our future.