France's official speech to the other nations
The information you have about events taking place in France comes from your major
media and is often in contradiction with that broadcast on the Internet.
For a long time, people in every country have discovered that there is something
hidden behind the illusion presented by the official means of communication. g
The first, which I am part of it, acted to unveil this occult aspect of society: they are
Daniel Estulin, Edouard Snowden, Julian Assange, John Perkins, HongBing Song, to
name only the most famous among many others. And thanks to all of them, there are
now people who are truly informed about the realities in each country. It is to these
people that I address myself more particularly to explain the real situation in France.
The whole world considers France as the country of human rights, the country of
freedoms, but did you know that it is the first country in the Western world to have
abolished human rights on its territory? France is the first declared dictatorship in the
modern world, of this "New World Order" that you have probably heard about and
that many call "The Deep State".
The deep state because it involves a few dozen families who are above the states and
who control the real centers of power over humans: finance, raw materials,
communication and the governments through which they make the laws to impose the
products of their multinationals (such as those of Bayer-Monsanto or Vinci), trigger
coups and wars, ensure control of the country's "reconstruction" contracts that they
have just had destroyed and of course serve them to place those who are devoted to
them in government.
They manage all the events on the planet through finance, multinationals, religions
and international organizations created for this purpose, such as the UN, NATO, IMF,
WHO, WTO,... and so that governments are at their service. They select men through
occult sects practicing the Satanist religion whose Freemasonry is the most important.
This is why their original establishment allowed them to take control of the most
important American, English, German, French and Italian companies, where
Freemasonry was most established.