My son killed our plasma screen fighting like a Ghostbuster.

in #ghostbuster7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends,
My son killed our plasma TV.

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It all started a week before Christmas when my son decided to kill our plasma tv fighting like one of the ghostbusters, yes you heard it right fighting like Ghostbuster.

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Can you imagine what would be going through his mind about now? Aaaaa G H O S T ! !
He got so jacked up from the movie and literally went crazy thinking the Ghost was coming through the TV to get his sisters. And by the way, this lil guy is super overprotective of his sissys.

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Mind you he's only 3 yrs old. So boooom, I hear a loud pop and glass breaking. In the back of my mind, I thought of the worst, the TV had fallen off and crushed one our little minions. I got up ran into the playroom to find no kids in sight. The TV was off and no glass anywhere. So I started looking at windows thinking maybe a cat. We recently adopted a rescue cat which was in heat, so I was thinking that maybe one of the many neighborhood cats prowling our backyard, in a crazed horned moment, took a jump of faith into a closed window. So I started looking around at all the windows and found nothing, no dead cats, no broken windows, nothing. Not even lucy.

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Now at this point, I'm starting to get really freaked out, No kids, Nothing was broken, I'm thinking what in the heck could have happened. So next I need to find the kids, Its apparent one of them knows something about this because just moments before they were all watching tv. At this point, I started racing the house frantic wondering where the kids are, Did they get abducted by aliens? Did we have a home invasion, and the kids got abducted? As a parent, you start thinking the worst right?

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Well, long story short my son comes out from under his bed, tears in his eyes and begins to tell me he had killed a Ghostbuster and not to be mad. I'm like what? You killed a Ghostbuster he said ya, It tried to jump out of the TV and tried to get them, but I grabbed my wooden sword and got him before he could get out of the TV.
So we walked downstairs because he wanted to show me how he saved the day, he grabs the remote turned on the tv and to my surprise the TV was broke and all the glass was the first part of the screen, lucky the TV had an outside protective glass covering the main glass and plasma, so it all stayed inside of the TV case.

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So after losing the TV, and possibly a trip to the emergency room, We decided it would be in everyone's best interest to fab up a few custom mounts, (from recycled steel) and get all our TV's in the house mounted. We ended up saving a nice chunk of money to be reinvested back into a new TV for the family room. Now all the TV's in the house are safe, and out of harm's way of our lil Ghostbuster.

The End.

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he saved his sisters from ghostbusters. brave boy :) though it brought a havoc financially it will be a best childhood memory to him

Totally. I can't get mad at him he's doing his job! Thanks for watching.

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