We all will be a "Ghost House", if ..... (Bilingual)

Hi steemian. How are you today? I hope you are fine. I am Naisha, mother of two children will share a little story. For me, steemit is a social media of sharing. In steemit can also find friends and also get money.

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I walk with my children. I pass a house that looked like a ghost house. For a moment I stopped and looked closely. After I noticed, the house is a house turned a burnt-out. However, because it has not been repaired by the owner, the house looks like a ghost house.
So, what lessons can we take from the house?
All of us are beings who are born and clean from all sins. When we are born everyone likes us. If likened, we like a magnificent house and clean. Then we grow up to become a teenager to adulthood.
In the growth phase before adult, we are the responsibility of our parents. Then after adult, we become our own responsibility. That is, when child, we belong to the our parent and after adult we become our own.
Of course, as the owner we have a responsibility to maintenance. If good maintenance, of course we will look good and liked many people. Vice versa, if not good maintenance we will be like a ghost house that I described above. Will be feared by everyone.
I means maintenance here is to keep yourself physically and mentally. May all of us become the magnificent and clean house that many people love. Not like a ghost house that many people fear.
Hai steemian. Apakabarnya hari ini? Semoga baik-baik saja. Saya Naisha, ibu dua anak akan sedikit berbagi. Bagi saya, steemit adalah salah satu media sosial tempat berbagi. Di steemit juga bisa mencari teman dan juga mengumpulkan recehan rupiah.

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