Get Him to the Greek (movie): highly recommended silly comedy
Before this film I really didn't know a great deal about Russel Brand - who is actually an extremely talented dude. Russel has almost no education and about the same amount of training as an actor - and i would imagine that the studios felt as though they were gambling a lot on making a movie about him - especially since his entire character was just a spinoff from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." - Which is also a great film for similar reasons.
PS: the movie made $ 50 million

The story follows Aaron Greene (Johan Hill) who is a talent scout for a record label and also a massive fan of what he considers to be "one of the last remaining rock stars left in the world" in Aldous Snow (Russel Brand.) He convinces his label, who is headed by Sergio Roma (P-Diddy / Puff Daddy) that their company should focus on having a massive concert / promotional affair about Aldus Snow in the coming months. Sergio Roma agrees, and sends Aaron Greene over to organize the event.

The major problem with this directive is that Aldous properly IS a rockstar along with all the excesses in life including drug abuse and also being completely wrapped up in his own fading fame and a very difficult person to control. Aldous has recently released a song called "African Child" that according to surveys is the "number 3 most damaging thing to ever happen to Africa behind famine and war."
Aaron is not accustomed to handling big-headed superstars (regardless of how much he admires Aldous) and experiences great difficulty in accomplishing what appeared to be a simple task: Get him to the Greek Theater in time for his TV special.

Tons of conversations and drug-abuse situations later, Aaron develops a friendship with Aldous that is actually quite touching.
This movie is great because Jonah Hill of course is an incredible actor. The movie remains funny despite the fact that Puff Daddy (P-Diddy, whatever) is not good at all. Russel Brand is not only a convincing drug-addicted rock star, but also very convincing in a role as an emotionally fragile washed up star. This may have something to do with the fact that Russel actually does have a massive past history of drug-addiction and a lot of his rise to fame (in real life) is due, at least in part, to the fact that he actually WAS involved in those circles.
Also, Russel Brand actually sings all the music that is on the soundtrack - which is impressive because a lot of them are very catchy.
This movie is fantastic because it is really funny and it seriously shows a side of Russel Brand that well, I hadn't known before. It encouraged me to dig deeper and find the incredibly talented man inside of the idiocy.
I saw a few Russell Brand comedy gigs back in the day. One of them was a free tv show taping, back in 2008, called "Russell Brand's Ponderland." Brand was famous back then for calling testicles "ball bags," being a recovered heroin addict, looking like a dandy and sleeping with more women then Julio Iglesias. My mom told me he was an egotistical prick.
The tv show taping was hilarious, and as I was leaving, I see Brand at the doorway, thanking everyone in the audience for coming. He was so sweet and polite and humble, taking pictures with anyone, signing anything, making sure to shake everyone's hand, taking time to make conversation, not the egotistical ass my mother thought he was at all. He did not have to do this. I've seen a lot of free tapings, and he's the only one I ever saw doorstep the entire audience.
Anyway, I kind of love Brand for that, and it's a shame his movie career never caught fire, though he did have those two hits, Sarah Marshall and Get me to the Greek.
The latter is the funnier of the pictures, and the better vehicle for him, cos he gets to play up all those qualities my mother hated about him, and simultaneously, all the qualities I liked about him, from his quick wit to his basic decency.
Jonah Hill makes for a likeable leading man schlemiel, and the two make for a winning duo.
The writers also came up with some hilarious video pop song parodies, that have rarely been bettered, especially Rose Byrne's "Ring Around the Rosy" lol.
Like the lady said, She's talking about her a-hole. Thing is, Russell Brand isn't one. :)
Many people won't get this movie, because it moves so quickly from extreme comedy to near tragedy, but that's the whole point of the film. Russell Brand is near genius in his portrayal of an out-of-control rock star has been, and Jonah Hill, for once, plays the low-key straight man. Another standout is Sean Combs as an over-the-top music exec. My friend and I saw this, and we both loved it. Granted, it has plenty of profanity and some gross-out moments, but I felt all of those contributed to the message of the movie, which was about the extreme nature of the rock and roll lifestyle. Funny, poignant, and ultimately a feel-good story about friendship and forgiveness--and rock and roll!
I agree with the rating, but I gotta say that I actually really liked P. Diddy in this. He seemed to fully commit to the ridiculousness of the story and his intensity to the craziness of everything made his scenes the best of the movie for me. Russell Brand is at his peak in this film. Just fun to watch and he lent a surprising amount of subtlety to the problems with being an artist (full disclosure, I make music on the side and found his artistic impulses to be an exaggerated version of artistic anxieties even though his are on a mega star scale). The way that the movie mocks the excess of celebrity culture is really the highpoint. I also appreciated the ties it had to Forgetting Sarah Marshall as being familiar with it laid out some good ground work in character development that I was glad I didn't have to sit through in this film. My problem with the film comes in the predictability of the plot, particularly with Jonah Hill and his character development. You could have easily laid out his whole arc from 10 minutes into the film. I'm a little bummed in hindsight that Elizabeth Moss was so underutilized here as well, especially considering that she has been so great in The Handmaiden's Tale. Fun film that coasts by on the lead actors charisma and a good weekend movie.
I was a little curious about how Jonah Hill's character was what, a waiter? in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. wasn't he trying to pass of his own band's CD to Russel Brand in that movie? I suppose it wasn't necessary to explain that in this film but that is what i remember.
Yeah, I can see how that would be confusing. The films are connected, but Hill plays two different characters. I think from a consistency standpoint it might have been better to have two different actors, but forgivable when the film is fun and the characters have that chemistry. It is just better to forget he was ever in the first film if you are a continuity type of person.
The absolute advantage of the film is the necessary mockery of the show business as a whole. In the film, ridiculed unnecessary for society class, presented as a layer of loafers and eternal party-goers. Deep into the movie and sat down on the stage. If it comes to drugs, they will be there, if it's about Threesome sex, then it will be there, if the impact of absinthe, Yes, it will be there. At the same time, the authors managed to avoid excessive cruelty. The successful Golden mean contributes to the fact that eternal optimism and euphoria reign in the film constantly. Operator's work, as original as the plot, delivers a true delight to the eyes and creates a great atmosphere in which you can not only get drunk, but also drown and even drown.
As a result, too pretentious and hard, but bright and cheerful film , despite the bias and abbreviated episodes, breaks the palm of all the faded comedies of this year. It is necessary to think sometimes: "And not to break out whether to me from these bothered walls and to come off on full?" Why did Aldous take the roof jump and his own suicide so easily? Because he had a lot to remember from his little but distinguished life while he was flying.
Hi gooddream. I can't stomach Russel Brand as I think he is a prime chop. I avoid anything with him in it like the plague.
@gooddream hello 👋 sir, Wow, I think this movie was a movie of 2010, it was a very nice comedy movie, this movie made a very nice income in the market, and gave visitors great pleasure, writers in this movie, Nicholas Stoller, jason Segel (characters ) ,,,, star = Jonah Hill, Russell brand, Elisabeth moss, At that time, this movie made a very beautiful stir, what did he say
Hiii... gooddream
Good post.
nice ID gooddream
Drugs supply is a major issue now a days.
Drugs are completely destroying the nation's slowly.
A person addictive of drugs can't live a normal life.
So it's our duty to raise our voice against drugs.
We should put our demand in front of government that to take action against this sin.
Here i thought you were a cool guy....
Get him to the Greek. The story sounds fair and comedic. I love russels role as a rock star in the film. He has done it grestly with being addicted to drugs and other excessives you know. Jonah hill at the same time also has a touching role with how to handle that abusive rock star. Their friendship too os good. The fact is i havent watch this, but iam looking forward too because i dont miss the movies you share.