Ways to Get Him Hooked On You

in #get3 years ago

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1.Make contact with him.
Every healthy relationship relies on communication (and basically to a healthy everything).

When there is no communication, there is no honesty, no sharing of vital aspects of your life with your boyfriend, and therefore no connection.

And, of course, he has no idea how you two are doing because you are solving all of your problems in your brain, and he is doing the same.

It's difficult to attain the degree of commitment required to get him addicted to you and vice versa when you're living in two different worlds.

It's critical to speak with him and to urge him to tell you about his interests and other little details of his life.

You establish a secure environment for him to open up to you by being a good listener, and you learn to trust one other and be each other's closest friend, which is critical for your relationship to thrive.

2.Listen attentively.

When you keep your feelings to yourself and communicate mostly through text messages, you create a significant chasm in your relationship.

But when you know that your spouse is there for you - that your partner will always listen to your problems, share the quiet with you, and give you advice — life doesn't seem so frightening.

So, the first step in making him addicted to you is to be his buddy, followed by lover, girlfriend, then wife (or whatever else).

3.Recognize his shortcomings.

Basic human wants include being accepted for who we are, being understood (even when we say something really dumb), and being appreciated no matter what.
They're things we all want, regardless of how self-assured and tough we are (or appear to be)! We just need someone who recognizes our shortcomings and loves us for who we are — and HE does, too!

We all need someone who recognizes that we aren't superheroes yet still believes in us. Accept him as much as you'd like to be accepted.
Love him for who he is, not for his flaws and oddities, and remember that no one is perfect. The only thing that matters is how well you and your partner work together!

4.Show your support.
Life is difficult, and I don't mean in a bad way.

You're doing fine one minute and then the earth falls way beneath your feet, leaving you unsure of what to do next (be it in your love life, job, family, or something else).

It's crucial to know that there's someone on our side — someone who is our biggest supporter – in situations like these. And you should do the same for one another.

If you want to make your partner fall in love with you, you must support him when he ventures outside of his comfort zone and console him when things don't go as planned.

The most rewarding partnerships are those that are built on mutual support. So, believe me when I say that this will deepen your connection.

5.To the maximum extent possible, live your life.
Don't be afraid to take some time for yourself instead of simply chasing romance and true love, or re-reading dating advice on the internet and in publications.
Having goals to strive for and things you are passionate about is what makes you unique and enjoyable to be around!

When he sees that you're as free as a bird - that you're not scared to follow your heart and live your life to the fullest – he'll fall passionately in love with you!

Believe me when I say that no man (regardless of his zodiac sign, personality, or inclination) could ever be uninterested in such a powerful lady - a woman who understands how to enjoy life and cherish every second of every moment!

Keep in mind that just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to give everything up.

With time, he'll begin to feel terrible about giving up your aspirations for him, and you'll be able to tell


6.Make it more interesting!
With sexy texting, spice things up beneath the sheets and outside the bedroom. Flirt with him, use your body language to your advantage, and do anything and wherever you want as long as it keeps things interesting. Why?

Because many couples become stuck in a rut and start doing things on autopilot. (Imagine kissing the love of your life on autopilot, because that's exactly how it feels.)

When all you truly want is to get him addicted to you and bring out the best in your relationship, the last thing you need in your life is to be trapped in a rut.

Making him hooked to you, like falling in love, is a process that demands continual nutrition and commitment.

You may propose some new, HOT bedroom positions, surprise him with a few sexts, or do some fast action in the morning before work. I'm sure he'll enjoy it!

What matters most is that you enjoy yourself while doing it.

He'll sense it, and it won't be as thrilling as it usually is. So only do it when you're ready and it feels right.

7.Don't be hesitant to show your feelings.


It's never a smart idea to store your emotions, especially if you're keeping them hidden deep inside. They have to go out at some point, or you'll drown in them and snap.
Fortunately, you have someone unique to talk to, someone who will gladly assist you with your problems.

Demonstrate your faith in him and your gratitude for his assistance. Even if he doesn't have the same level of wisdom as your woman pals, he can provide you a shoulder to weep on and an ear to listen.

He'll be touched that you chose to exhibit your vulnerable side to him, and you'll receive the help you require.

Also, don't be hesitant to tell him how much you adore him and value his presence in your life. Gratitude is one of the most powerful methods to get him hooked on you!

Men want to know that their efforts aren't in vain, and you're the only one who can give him that assurance, so don't keep it to yourself.
Show him how appreciative you are and how astonished you are, and he'll be sure to do it again in the future!

8.Be assured.
Any guy, including yours, will fall head over heals for you if you exude confidence.

Don't be scared to wear heels and dresses, to listen to obscure rock bands, and to sit on the sofa like Al Bundy in the popular TV show Married with Children with a bottle of beer.

Don't be scared to do anything you want as long as it's legal and makes you happy!

Try new things, go on spa weekends, do wine tasting with pals, develop strange hobbies, sing, draw, and express yourself. Maintain your sincerity in all you do.

Do everything it takes to boost your self-esteem, and believe me when I say that he will become attached to you in no time!
Men, on the other hand, feel instantaneously better when they can brag about their mate. (Don't believe this has anything to do with your physical appearance!)

So what if you're not as flawless as those glossy models? They're photoshopped in any case, and they're not even close to being real.

The only thing that matters in this world is your confidence, your personality, and your natural attractiveness, so don't waste your time worrying about things like flawless makeup or hair.

Rather of chasing after false ideals, accept and rock your own greatness!

Because nothing is more appealing than a woman who is self-assured and loves herself, who respects herself first and then others.

Nothing is more powerful than a woman who is really honest.

9.Maintain your sense of adventure.


This is my personal fave. Make a list of everything you wish to do, as well as the things your spouse does (because he's most likely mentioned them to you).
Once you've completed your list, begin making plans to make them a reality. You might even make a bucket list of everything you want to do by the end of the year.
Make it exciting and adrenaline-pumping, like skydiving or bungee jumping.

If you haven't done so in a long time, you can go trekking, to an amusement park, or to the zoo.

The important is that you do these activities with your friends and that they make you feel happy and connected.

Embrace your inner kid and accomplish all you've ever wanted to do. Drive about in a firetruck, go on a walk in your pjs in the middle of the night, or act as if you're strangers in your own city.

You're doing it properly if you're enjoying the time of your lives with each other and building memories! Men can't resist women with an adventurous spirit, so keep that in mind.

10.Allow him to be a part of your life, but not your entire existence.
We can't get enough of each other when we're on our honeymoon, and that's perfectly natural.
However, after the honeymoon period has over, being with all of the time and making him your whole existence is neither natural nor healthy.

Make him a part of your life, but not all of it!

Continue chasing your aspirations and following your interests, and invite him to accompany you and be your companion along the road. You're best friends, lovers, and soulmates, all at the same time.

But just because you and your partner fell in love doesn't mean the rest of the world ceases to exist.

Enjoy every moment of your life, both with him and with your friends and family. First and foremost, enjoy it with yourself, since alone time is critical to your happiness and well being.

You won't be able to pour from it.

11.Respect him and expect him to respect you back.
Because loyalty is based on mutual respect, respect, along with love, is the most important component for a happy and successful relationship.

So, if you want him to be yours, you must respect his limits and time in the same way that you would want him to respect yours.

Encourage him to go out with his pals if he claims he'll do so. Demonstrate to him that you have faith in him.

Respect his wishes, ideals, and dreams in the same way that you would want yours to be respected. Many sacrifices and concessions must be made in order for partnerships to flourish.

However, giving up one's spare time, aspirations, and wishes in order to make someone else happy is a one-way trip to tragedy. Giving up one's principles is much worse - which brings us to the article's last topic.

12.Encourage him to be himself by being yourself.
Make an effort to be genuine. Allow him to exist in his own right. Nobody is flawless.

So you don't have to give up elements of yourself that make you who you are, or even ask him to do it if you don't want to.

Doing things together, growing up and becoming older together, developing and evolving together is the whole point of a partnership.
You will not be the same person you were last year, and he will not be the same person he was last year.

But as long as you're being yourself, and you and your partner are discussing topics and events in your lives, you'll be OK.

Don't be scared to show him both your vulnerable and your badass and strong sides. He was completely enamored with you. It's not just about the pretty bits.

Keep that in mind, and you'll be able to get him hooked on you in no time!


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