I appreciate you sharing this story. You described a real problem in Germany. I am living close to the German border in Switzerland, so I know of this pseudo-politicalcorrectness issue. I can only give you one advise and it will set you free: Never choose fear! You might be afraid of being called this and that when you speak your mind. Speak your mind! You are worthy of an opinion like everyone is. Germans have been brainwashed into believing that anything else but 100% tolerance towards everything is being a Nazi. This is bullcrap. Some things cannot be tolerated. It's like criticism of civilian slaughter in Israel. Once you criticise Israel you're automatically labelled Antisemite or Nazi especially as german. I know this mechanism since I am jewish. This "Nazi-Keule" is just a way of shutting people up that not only have the right to criticise others, but even have the duty to speak up against any kind of violence. So choose love over fear, always! Speak up, you are worth it!
Thanks for the heads-up! That's pretty much what I think of aswell, but sadly I'm not self-confident enough to just decide not to be feared. I'll try though :)
It's perfectly fine to be scared. The question is: do you choose to let the fear determine how behaviour or do you choose to overcome your fears. Come on, you have done it before. Overcoming a fear is the best feeling ever! :D