Follow Me to A Horse Farm in Germany - Pferdehof in Deutschland!

in #germany7 years ago


Hey guys, today my friend @annatramper called me and asked me if I would like to visit a horse farm with her. In general I like animals very much and my answer was of course: "Yes, I would really like to visit this farm" :)

We could observe round about 18 horses (many of them are ponies). It can be an exceptional destination for all horse lovers and nature lovers. Many leisure, occasional riders and families are visiting the farm to rent or set up a horse or pony. The farm is also offering the rental of horse attachments. I did not rent something, I just looked around, observed the animals and made some pictures :)

It is also a place where you can bring your horse and the owner is able to look after your horse. The steel is cleaned twice a day and horses are getting high quality food, they can also move around on a huge pasture. Another great thing is that kids are able to get ride courses and it is possible to exercise once a day!

On the sign you can read: "Pony farm" and the another two words that are scare out means "real world" :)

I entered the yard and searched after some horses

My aim is to look into some sheds

Here they are, on the table there were attached small boards with the names of horses

I walked around and found some other horses. Many of them had funny hair cuts :)

It was snowing a bit

Maybe it is freezing? :( Alone and cold :O

The inside of the sheds

The owner of the farm are living in the house in the background of the picture


"Horse Fight" ... I think I have to leave this place :)

My way back home

Wish you a nice Monday evening! See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo! Meine Freundin @annatramper rief mich and und fragte spontan, ob ich Lust hätte ein Pferdehof zu besichtigen. Ich liebe Tiere und meine Antwort war natürlich: "Klar, gerne komme ich mit" :)

Wir konnten einige Pferde beobachten (viele davon waren Ponys). Der Besuch rentiert sich für alle Pferde - und Naturliebhaber! Das Gehege bietet viele Angebote für gelegentliche Reiter an. Familien sind auch herzlichen Wilkommen, um Pferde oder Ponys zum Ausritt zu mieten, ebenso darf der Besucher Pferdezubehör dazu mieten. Ich selber habe mich im Gelände nur umgeschaut und einige Fotos geknipst.

Die Farm bietet auch "Pferde Sitting" an! Stahlplätze stehen zur Miete zur Verfügung und diese werden zwei mal am Tag gereinigt, die Pferde bekommen hochwertiges Futter und haben genug Platz auf der Weide nebenan. Kinder können ebenfalls ein mal am Tag Reitunterricht in Anspruch nehmen.

Den Spruch kennen wir doch :)

Beim Betrettten wurde ich neugierig und hielt schon Ausschau nach ein paar Pferden

Ich finde sicherlich einige im Stahl

Das haben wir einige. An der Tür sind Schilder mit Namen der Pferde zu lesen

Beim Spaziergang im Gelände selber sind mir noch einige andere Pferde aufgefallen. Viele hatten lustige Frisuren :)

Geschneit hat es auch

Friert das kleine Ding? Allein und kalt :O

Im Stahl

Die Besitzer wohnen gleich hinterm Pferdehof im Haus (siehe Bild -Haus im Hintergrund)


"Pferde Kampf beginnt" ... Ich glaube es wird Zeit zu gehen :)

Der Weg zurück nach Hause

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Montag! Bis Bald und nen Fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


An amazing horse farm @lenatramper.

He reminded me of the peaky blinders series :p

Looks like you really love traveling @lenatramper. If there is time, you may go to my country in Indonesia.

one day I really would like to go to Indonesia, but it is pretty far away :O

Hello my dear lovely friend @lenatramper thank you! so much for sharing nice one traveling story.

Awesome place i hope to visit germany mybe one day
Really you a wonderful eyes 😍
Happy day

Thanks a lot ! You have to visit Germany , much things to see and you will come back with new impressions !!

Hourse is animal the strong and speed power...

that is true :)

One stone two shots. First a little tour as you used to tell us then you did not fail to tell us about animals since you love them. Finally @annatramper is lucky to have such a great friend like you dear friend. I wish you a great evening @lenatramper

Thanks a lot :) Animals do have an relaxing aura !

two beautiful and cute lovers

Rainy day, you can tell by the umbrella in the photo!
The little horse hidden behind the bigger one, probably must be his mother. So cute!

yeah I thought the same that it could be the mother of the horse <3 :)

Wow..... wow dazzling

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