Lay it Down! The truth about the Real Hypocrites and the Burning of the Church in Holly Springs Mississippi! Who is the Real Church? Who are the sell outs?
From a recent FB post.
Been grappling with this. You don't want to hear straight up Truth. . .move along. I assure you, you don't want any part of this. You like your world the way it is, you think it is perfect or just fine. . .trust me. . .scroll on past, this is Not for You!
To listen to this in a video report while you do chores or work scroll to bottom of this article.
You thought I lost "friends" and "family" before. . .watch how many I lose after this! I was told what would happen if I didn't shut up, but I Have No Fear. . .this place is Not My Home!
I reminded God I have enemies a plenty, not wanting more, but not my call!
This is but a blip on the time continuum.
What are Your thoughts of the following?
You know the church that was recently burned in Mississippi because there are those who listen to the narrative, but is daily being UnMasked?
This was stated,
Churches have been closed throughout the pandemic as governors across the country declared them “non-essential.”
Is it because churches have No Pull for what is right Above their overlords?
Will it surprise you if I tell you some Stood the test of time and Never closed their doors? I can hear it now. . .."must Obey the government!" Is the Government Above God? See the problem? When it comes right down to it, how many who profess Christ talk out of both sides of their mouths? I'm not saying All, but some and honestly Plenty. Sad.
I ask because many signed a deal that was orchestrated right after the First Bilderberg Meeting. Many didn't have disCERNment or eyes to SEE the truth. . .a literal bribe just as Judas took 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus.
30% tax cut for 501c3 churches. ..30 pieces of silver Coincidence?
What about what they wrote on the church, the burners? Fair statement? You decide, this. is what they wrote. ..
As reported by The World In News,
"First Pentecostal Church in Holly Springs, Mississippi was burned down Wednesday. The attackers left graffiti that said “Bet you stay home now you hypokrites.” (Yes, they misspelled hypocrites, only progressive elitists focus on this instead of the Overall message or take away!) Stop being an academic elitist. . .plenty out there have far More Experience than your Piece of Paper and have seen more life than you can dream!
Now I am Not Condoning the burning down of the building Nor the statement. Just asking valid questions, so move along if you try to rephrase or frame up my questioning, that is Not the Goal!
We have been shown that those going before us in this world were Taken In. The harsh truth becomes too much to bear for many. Is there still time for them to make peace with it, or will they stay caught, trapped in the fact they could have spent their time storing up more Kingdom Come treasure that is Eternal or will they instead continue to attempt to justify to themselves and others that they were duped? Get Out NOW! That is the message, Choose at this point on the time continuum to Now do what is right in the sight of God!
Does it become once again the age old. . .Not Wanting to Bear Responsibility for Choices Made? Pass the buck. . ."wasn't my fault! Where have we heard. That before? That's right. ..Garden of Eden when Adam was confronted with disobeying God, "Genesis 3:12
“And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.”
So his choice to disobey or not?
We all know some in churches are oh so good at pointing out the poor choices of others, but somehow Their poor choices are "Not as bad as the rest of the world!" Sorry people, God is Exposing ALL not just Some of the corruption and All Choices are on the table of examination under God's Glaring light. Not the filtered kind this realm loves so much. All of our crap is under examination and it all Looks and Smells the SAME! Goes for All of Us!
That's right. . . .only ONE is blameless among us and His name is Jesus! You want to be blameless, no. . . works don't get you into heaven, but they will Clearly Identify those God Knows. Who Laid it ALL down? Not some. . .ALL they were given in this realm? Who actually Gave it to God and didn't hold some back for their own enjoyment? Who really, truly LOVED their neighbor as themselves and I'm not talking about Virtue Signaling. . .willing to give it ALL for the Kingdom Come. . .eternal treasures, people's souls at stake? Some who have it all here in this realm, have NOTHING right now in the next. . .perpetual burning and torment, not a party! Do they know that? Have you told them, or are you afraid? Are you just trying to "show them by your "life's example?"
Fine, let's go with that way! What does your life show you are spending your time storing up? Are you storing for Eternal treasure? Are you storing and working towards knowledge, experience, money, outward appearance? Is your Knowledge, experience, appearance, time spent helping God or YOU? What are your True Intentions? You should be honest with yourself, because God already Knows, it's US, who fool ourselves! Is your Knowledge and Experience Doing Anything for God's Kingdom or is it just storing up more points in your collection of. . ."look at what all I've done or collected?" Is this about You or God and His Kingdom?
Does God look at the Outward appearance or the Heart? That bible is more than just Sayings. . it's meant to be Put into action.
If you're only doing time in a pew or chair on Sundays or whatever day. . .the pew stinks at this point. If you're only studying God's word to show someone up or to be enamored by a person's knowledge base. . .you have blocked the Power of that word and it Will Fall on Dead Ears. God is the one Who must be the central focus, not just Knowing for the sake of knowing. God didn't say, go out and make sure you spend your time, talents and money spreading the message of one person and gaining knowledge. . .He said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God! LOVE one another as yourself Seek Kingdom Not people. To those looking from the outside IN are you showing this or does your life and focus demonstrate something else? Mark 12:30-32 King James Version (KJV)
30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Revelation 3:16-18 King James Version (KJV)
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
How many Who claim they Get it. . .DON'T! How many FAKERS do you see out there? How many are Still trying to do it Their Own way and Not God's way? Get a Bucket just as God feels sick, so will You if Your eyes are open. If they're Not Open, You are part of the problem. Don't just wallow in it. . .Fix IT by asking God to lead the way and to Direct your path! Nothing Else here, all that you are working for Cannot Save You or others if it is based on or in This realm. Get it? This is Not about You, it's about people totally relying and being in tune to God's ways, Not "the way you've Always done it!" It's not about what You think is right, it what God Says! God's ways are Not Our Ways! #YourChoiceToKnowOrNotToKnow
Who prayed in secret for those who had nothing or struggled. . .not loudly so people heard them, but only for God's ears as they aligned their hearts with God? WHO? Who instead made it known what they were Doing when they did good works to offset the fact they were living their Lives in this realm seeking satan's currency? What will be their end? Not a good thing. ..all poor, elites, pedophiles, non pedophiles, corrupt politicians, non-corrupt politicians. . .God didn't stipulate. . He wishes NONE to perish! NONE means NONE whether we like it or not! That's why He is God and we are Not!
Guess What. . .God's NOT impressed by your words and neither are those who are part of this realm. Here's what they are impressed with if you're looking for an Eternity result and Not just a, "look how successful I am in this world that's going to fade away and become Nothing!" No, Action based. They won't always remember What you SAY, but rather what you DO, how you treat them, your attitude to others and That Includes your family! That's right. ..All of Us at times, treat our immediate family Worse than others. Why do you suppose we have All done That? Do you think we are not aligning our hearts with God's heart when we choose to give in to impatience and irritation?
How about your "assets?" All of them, time, talents, money. What are you doing with them? Who are you allowing access to them? Are they blameless? Are they truly righteous, do they have a heart tuned to God and His ways or do they have a hidden hand, hidden agenda, what do They get from it?
Newsflash. . .Jesus took a whip and turned over the tables in the temple concerning the money changers, yet even today as I write what God has shown to be a blatant dichotomy. . .there are those Claiming to know God, who have used those who attend church as a way to profit, to live their own lifestyle off of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt based on. . ."you must secure your future!" Is that what God said? Should we be teaching this to our children or rather a Reliance on the One who created us for a Different realm? This is Not our home and God said. .. .Fear Not! Why is it Justified and Not dealt with at the highest levels in churches? Are many gaining profits from the dichotomy so they Don't want to grapple with it? Don't want to shine a light on it or say anything? How about those who try to Silence others? The Zuck gets a bad wrap, but he is part of This realm, that is expected. . .what's the excuse of the "Godly" who try to silence others who point out discrepancies in their churches? Or is that something we are "Not allowed to Speak about?" Perhaps Zuck isn't the only Censor overlord among us!
Proverbs 3:5-8
Proverbs 3:5-10 King James Version (KJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
I hear people in these churches Quote it. ..but I see far too few believing it! You know why? They Don't, they don't believe it at All! Who and what are they Still Relying on? Themselves, their own way, how it's Always been done! How's That working out? For the elitists and the have's it may Seem fine, but I see a Lot of reliance on systems in this world that don't create treasures and souls being saved for God's Kingdom, but rather Repeat Customers and reliance on things of this world. . .God clearly states it will All Pass Away! They say they git it, but their lives, their actions, their time and storing up Shows the are tethered to This Realm!
We've all been there. . .none have escaped being duped in one way or another by someone at some point in time.
The Question becomes. . .do you justify or do a 180 with God at the helm. Are YOU going to keep doing what doesn't work for the eternal or are you going to Lay it Down?
What am I getting at? No. 1 it's not me, I want to be talking about the companies behind biotech and literal airships people want to pretend Never existed. . .but God sees THIS as the most critical right now. I'm going to going with His way, mine quite frankly Never works out!
Matthew 16:24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
What a lovely sentiment meant for those men close to Jesus while he was on earth! Wasn't that nice of them? They were special men for sure!
NO, that's Not the take away, not why God had it documented!
Are you. a follower of God. or a follower of this realm and it's bribes, currency, what it offers for enjoyment? Don't even pretend others are being reached if we mix and mingle with the elites. . .they're NOT if you are partaking in their "resources" while telling yourself you're doing good and being a "testimony," Think again! There. is No Justification! Get your Head OUT of the Sand and look at it Straight On because. . .
There's a Gate and many Think they get it, but they Don't! Make sure you are clear and Honest with yourself and before God because there will be No Going back once you Bend Your Knee!
Matthew 7:13
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:”
Here's the deal. . .Trust in the Lord. . .NOTHING Else! But muh shelter, but muh belly, but muh kids, but muh education, but muh car, but muh lifestyle, but muh success, but muh position at my job. . .We've all been duped. . .NONE of it SAVES in the end. One Way to God and He wishes NONE to perish.
Others were taken in through the promise of making more money in investments and only the ones at the Top knew Exactly where those investments were going. What industries make the Top Money? Who resides at the top of the pyramid. Daniel Baal That's who. Coincidence or Signal? #ThereAReNoCoincidences, but some Willingly Choose to be fooled and lulled into a sense of being fooled. That is because. . ."It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Ah, oldest trick in the book and I assure you it works like a Charm. Now who allows themselves to be played by the same cycle? You can Step Out of it at Any Time. All make their Own Choices!
Others were duped into a false sense of security with a job that offered them and their family This realm's riches. Yes, we all have to work, but God didn't say to put all your efforts into that labor. What are we to Work Towards ultimately? Kingdom Come. Plenty believed they were doing the Right Thing. Maybe they were, perhaps their hearts were completely in tuned to God and as they worked their "Climbing the ladder" Job" perhaps they talked with God daily and it was His will for them to have that as their main goal and the focus of securing what is in this realm. Maybe they had their hearts aligned with God and put God first, next family, third job and not this realm's comforts/offerings.
The enemy prompts hiding the truth from people, just allow them to continue in their false sense of security. That is NOT what God says.
Have you heard the sounding of Truth? Are you really listening? Because it has been noted some have NOT heard the sounding! They are waiting for a different sound, one that aligns with their Thinking and not relying on God.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Guess what some of the wonders are?
Wealth, promises of prosperity, tricks of planning, enjoying life. ..getting so caught up in planning the Doing isn't happening.
We are watching it play out. Some have been shown While we are watching it and just tell God we have tried to tell the others, but they Don't Want to Listen, they are tethered to This Realm.
Did God Ever say we were in this realm to "Enjoy Life?"
Quite the opposite,
1 Timothy 6:7-8
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
Some people on Both sides of their sick political game the Republicans and the Democrats. . .misinterpret the talents/minas
They think talents equates money. .. IT Doesn't! It is talking about the talents God gave each to be used for the Kingdom of Heaven. Note it states in Matthew 25:14
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
I have searched the Bible high and low and not found a Single Verse stating God wants people to hold such hope and value in satan's currency.
I don't really care that it says the Love of money. . .putting any hope at all in money saving people's hides is trusting the god of This realm/world over the One True Most Powerful God who is the only God you and I have to answer to in the next.
I have watched people. . . .and decided God is Right. Well of course He is, a no brainer right?
You'd be surprised at all those who are duped into thinking they are doing something good, yet don't get something they themselves are being fooled and bribed with. . ..Money, satan's currency in this realm.
What did God say to put our trust in?
I John 2:17
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
But muh stuff and what I spent my life's work doing!
Does the bible say Trust in your work and investments with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understandings?
No, yet I hear the justification given in much of what is public documentation for where monies are being stored up. Are they going to help the Kingdom come or God's kingdom?
Proverbs 3:5-10 King James Version (KJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
9 Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.
How many people will read this all the way through? That is not up to me, because If I saw this about 6 years ago, I would have foolishly thought this was Not for me because I am not an elitist, but we have All done our time Feeding the eye! Lucifer's eye that is and the narrative shows a common thread for All of Us in various ways! Where are you and I putting not just this realm's currency, but our talents, our energy, our time. . .Have you Laid it down at the feet of Jesus? It's not just when we get to heaven if you get a crown. . .Life is happening Right NOW!
Do you grapple with this or do you have it down? Have you already arrived and need to not be challenged?
Israel means to Wrestle with God, not just a nation state.
If you are God's daughter or son, you do this daily.
There is a tug of war going on. If you don't rise fighting the battle by talking to God. . .the battle for your mind, time and resources will continue and overtake you. . .you fighting that alone or are you taking God at His word?
1 Timothy 6:12-16 King James Version (KJV)
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
13 I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;
You are Given Charge. . .are you going to Claim it or tamp it down while tipping a toe into satan's empty promises of this realm. Perhaps you have been tricked you can somehow do both and reside Outside of what God says. Yes, you will be happy for a season partaking, what happens when the gig is up and your time runs out? What happens to the eternal state of your family?
Here's another 6:12 for you (See why the enemy tries to claim 666 for himself)? Thats a total of sixes in that reference!
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
All you have to do is STAND and the enemy's game is OVER!
I leave you with One thought. . .No One in this realm should be hungry, trafficked or without shelter. Is it Only the elites responsibility or does the entire population bear onus for not working together to End their Predatory Game?
I know one thing, God told us what to expect from the enemy and those sold out. to them.
It disgusts him when he sees those claiming Him not Doing rather than Pointing, while still enjoying the resources of This Realm!
#LayItAllOnTheLine, #FightTheGoodFightorStayDormant, #FightOrStepAsideGodsKingdomIsComingOnHisTERMS, #InvestmentsOrRealmCommittments, #EternalInvestmentsOrSatansEnticements, #YouAreHereOnTheTimeContinuum, #WhatWillYouDoWithTheTimeYouHaveBeenGiven, #CalledMeansCalledNoMatterWhereYouAre, #StopMakingExcuses, #GodWantsObedienceNotExcuses
Lay it Down Vid report on my YT channel TestingTheNarrative
The FB Original Post that has more source links in the comments.
Lay it down
Dr. Scott Jensen senator and physician speaking out on what he has seen and been sent
Needs own post, here for now
Thank you my friend and sister Delia Cantu from WeGo Social!
This is one of the neatest Reveals and Analysis I have ever seen. Done in Such a Beautiful and Creative Way!
Thanks so much for sharing this! Truly Amazing and Inspiring!
You Don't Want to Miss This!
One of the Best Bedtime Stories ever told!
A world I once would dwell!
It was a world of waste and wonder
of Poverty and Plenty
Back before we Understood that Hindsight's 2020
You see the people came up with companies
to trade across all lands
but they Swelled and got much Bigger
than we ever could have planned
We'd always had our wants
but now we got so Quick
you could have Anything you dreamed of
in a day
and with a click
we noticed families had stopped talking. . .
that's not to say they never spoke
but the meaning must have melted
and the work life balance Broke
and the children's eyes grew squarer
and every toddler had a phone
They filtered out the imperfections
but amidst the noise. ..they felt alone
And every day the skies grew thicker
till you couldn't see the stars
so we flew in planes to find them
while down below, we filled our cars
We'd drive around all day in circles
we'd forgotten how to run
we swapped the grass for tarmacs
shrunk the parks till there were none
We filled the sea with plastic
because our waste was never capped
until each day when you went fishing
you'd pull them out, already wrapped!
And while we drank and smoked and gambled
Our leaders taught us why. . .
It's Best to Not upset the lobbies
more convenient to die
But then in 2020 a new virus came our way
the Governments reacted and Told us All to hide away
but while we all were hidden amidst the fear
And all the while people Dusted Off their instincts
they remembered how to smile
They started clapping to say thank you
and calling up their mums
and while the car keys gathered dust
they would look forward to their runs
And with the skies less full of voyagers
the earth began to breath
and the beaches bore new wildlife
that scuttled off into the seas
Some people started dancing
some were singing
some were baking
We'd grown so used to Bad News
but some Good News was in the Making
and so when we found the Cure
and were allowed to go outside
we all preferred the world we found
to the one we'd left behind
Old habits became extinct
and they made way for the new
and every simple act of kindness
was now given it's due
But why did it take a virus to bring the people back together?
well, sometimes you've got to get sick my boy,
before you Start Feeling Better!
Now lie down and dream of tomorrow
and all the things that we can do
and who knows if you dream hard enough
maybe some of them will come true
We now call it the Great Realisation
and yes, since then there have been many
but that's the story of how it started
and why hindsight's 2020
#TheGreatRealisation, #LivingItOut
Facebook Frames Where is Your Head? Do you get what happened in Africa, India and to certain soldiers for years? You can't just ignore! It Will affect you #LuciferaseEnzyme, #QuantumDot, #CRISPRGeneEditing doesn't get any Clearer than That!
It's all about the genes. Where did you come from? Who created you and WHO wants to change that up? If you've ever wondered, where is it all going, what is the goal. Make sure you Flip through All the Facebook Frames to the end. All is sourced with evidence!
How much did satan hate God when he wasn't able to win in the battle? How much did he hate it when God created the First Man and Woman after God's Own Image? Does satan want you to give up that power?
I know a lot of my reports, Frames and info goes deep. . .but I assure you it is Well worth it to click through these frames! Remember the web of deceit stretches wide and is far reaching, that is why so much is involved, but God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
That is found in 2 Timothy 1:7 and #ThereAReNoCoincidences
So it takes your thinking skills to sort it out. Remember God also said, Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. . .You can choose to be duped or make the choice to Unmask the evidence that is out there and widely available in medical records and government documents!
The Truth is coming out, no matter what they do! Just like the president of Tanzania, John Magufuli has been using God's power against those who seek to deceive.
He also used his
Chemistry major and common sense to Fires Head of COVID-19 Testing After Goat and Pawpaw Fruit Test Positive for the Virus.
After taking office, Magufuli immediately began to impose measures to curb government spending, such as barring unnecessary foreign travel by government officials, using cheaper vehicles and board rooms for transport and meetings respectively, shrinking the delegation for a tour of the Commonwealth from 50 people to 4, dropping its sponsorship of a World AIDS Day exhibition in favour of purchasing AIDS medication, and discouraging lavish events and parties by public institutions (such as cutting the budget of a state dinner inaugurating the new parliament session). Magufuli reduced his own salary from US$15,000 to US$4,000 per month.
Most notably, Magufuli also suspended the country's Independence Day festivities for 2015, in favor of a national cleanup campaign to help reduce the spread of cholera. Magufuli personally participated in the cleanup efforts, having stated that it was "so shameful that we are spending huge amounts of money to celebrate 54 years of independence when our people are dying of cholera". The cost savings were to be invested towards improving hospitals and sanitation in the country.
I am praying for the people in Uganda to have someone intervene on their behalf.
Also praying for the women of Kenya who were experimented on by Gates putting sterilization in their tetanus shots taking away their choice to have children. It was Not Gates call. Why was he given access to experiment on these people?
So like the HIV virus put into the smallpox shots given to soldiers in Africa. Why is it okay for agencies like (You know who) to experiment on people through programs like DARPA?
Every awake person knows the experimentation goes beyond the medical field and release of Gates $45 million gmo mosquitoes into Africa! What we all engage on Now was developed as a weapon. Who are their Real enemies? They try to make you believe muh Russia, muh communists, muh race wars, muh China. It's not the People in these countries or from these factions is it? It's the elitists at the top controlling committees making the easily deceived believe they are "helping them!"
Was Bill Gates helping those women in Kenya? In Burkina Faso? Do you think they Feel Helped? #WakeUpNOW there are technologies and patents out there #CRISPR
Africa needs more leaders who step up, take action For the People rather than the government and those who set out to experiment on their people and profit as was being done in Burkina Faso. If not familiar I will put in links in comment section of Original Post.
This reported in Ghana Matters,
Paris: Secret documents leaked on the fiasco in Burkina Faso expose troubling information on the undercover activities of the American Multi-Billionaire Bill Gates in the small African nation and across the region. Intelicor veterans in Paris express unease as the Burkinabe government led by Prime Minister Paul Kaba Thieba resigned.
And don't forget, Dr. Vandana Shiva an activist trying to save the people of India has been trying to tell people what Bill Gates did in India with his GMO crops. There is documented evidence from at least as far back as 2016. Why was he allowed to continue doing this? Was it because he had the backing of United Nations Entities? Remember. . .Who all is under the UN. World Economic Forum along with Agenda 21 and 30 are all part of the United Nations structure which heralded from Rothschild's League of Nations. Same corrupt agenda. ..New Name.
What was it that song said, We built this city
Someone's always playing corporation games
Who cares, they're always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible, write us off the page
According to the Independent,
Far from a “neutral charitable strategy”, the Gates Foundation is about benefiting big business, especially in agriculture and health, through its “ideological commitment to promote neoliberal economic policies and corporate globalisation,” according to the report published by the campaign group Global Justice Now. Its influence is “dangerously skewing” aid priorities, the group says.
“The world is being sold a myth that private philanthropy holds many of the solutions to the world’s problems, when in fact it is pushing the world in many wrong directions,” the report claims. The Gates Foundation is “being allowed to speak too loudly, and too many actors in international development are falling into line with the foundation’s misguided priorities.”
The group accuse the Gates Foundation of using its massive financial clout to silence international development experts and groups which would criticise its practices.
Bill Gates, the report claims, “who has regular access to world leaders and is in effect personally bankrolling hundreds of universities, international organisations, NGOs and media outlets, has become the single most influential voice in international development.”
Now Who else will Wake Up? Follow the trail of Gates, Patents and Vaccines. The old create the problem, then the money making solution everyone needs much?
Make No Mistake. . .just because they fall under the Protection of "World Org" and 501c3 doesn't mean they don't get away with plenty of deception and a major Lacking of accountability Just like Tech Giants were afforded. . .far too much leeway to wreak whatever havoc and Experimentation they wish. Is that right? Who will make Them Responsible because they sure as heck make All of Us responsible? How about Their Accountability? Do you think they should All be held accountable?
As REM stated. ..It's the End of the World AS WE KNOW IT!
and. . . lyrics to Bad Day (PSA)
We're sick of being jerked around
Wear that on your sleeve
We're sick of being jerked around
We all fall down.
Have you ever seen the televised St. vitus subcommittee prize
Investigation dance? Those-ants-in- pants glances.
Well, look behind the eyes
It's a hallowed, hollow anesthesized
smoke and mirror lock down
The auctioneer is such a creep.
The lights went out, the oil ran dry
We blamed it on the other guy
Sure, all men are created equal.
Heres the church, heres the steeple
Please stay tuned--we cut to sequel
ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
Embrace the lowest fear/Ignore the lower fears
Ugh, this means war.
It's Been a Bad Day PLEASE don't Take a Picture!
Guess who doesn't want their Crap found out and documented? Oh, You Know WHO!
Do you you have your feeler AI out yet Dorsey and Zuck?
Still Time to Repent! Tracking continues and we won't be signing up for the "contact tracer" program! Thank you for allowing us to Trace you! #Luciferase, #QuantumDotTattoo, #CRISPR, #GenomeEditing, #GeneticEngineering, #Biotech, #GetYourHeadInTheGAME
#ItalianDoctorsPerformAutopsies, #VirusTruth, #PresidentJohnMagufuli, #GodBlesPresidentMagufuli, #PrayStandFight, #InformationWarfare, #PrayForUganda, #BurkinaFasoGovernmentOfficialsFired, #TestingOnPeopleOfBurkinaFaso, #KenyanWomenTetanusShotWithSterlizationFromGates, #India, #DrVandanaShiva, #AfricanDO, #TheyDoWhateverItTakes, #StopExperimentationOnAfricanPeople, #StopExperimentationOnIndiaPeople
#CandaceOwens, #GeorgeFloyd, #OfficerDerekChauvin
#MinnesotaShooting, #PromotedRaceWarsWHY, #ThisMinnesotaShootingNotPhilandoCastilePriorToTheLastElectionIn2016 (Will drop a link)
Let's just do a Quick rundown (not all will be included by any means).
- Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti
- Faked up Dossier from the DNC and their friends at Perkins
Coie - #MuhRussianCollusion lost air and even their own comrades
couldn't make it fly. - #MuhUkraineScandal, oh, err. . .Joe Biden, what the heck
were you up to? Why does your grown man child and Kerry's
stepson have an investment firm making money in both the
Ukraine and China? - Plandemic losing steam, people are daring to go out and see
what is going on around them. May Day, May Day. . .they are
removing their masks. Can someone Please make them
mandatory? Let's try it through the corporations and public
shaming! Let's make grocery stores and the place that
partnered with Homeland Security back in the Clinton Era to
force their employees to wear them even if it is hot,
uncomfortable and stated by the CDC that healthy people
shouldn't wear masks! They'll love it! After all Hillary Clinton
sat on the Walmart board!
The sheep will believe and willingly allow their
oxygen levels to dip below safety in order to virtue signal!
Oh. . .and FB has their Censor Guard All ready for me. They accidentally gave me a preview. LOL. You gotta step up your game Zuck. Too much has been revealed! Still praying for you and the fam. Seriously. . .#TickTock, #TurnOverANewLeafEasierThanYouThink
Intro connecting the precursor to the Coronavirus Pandemic
A Dead Zone Episode from 2003 covering a highly infectious disease like SARS that acts like a virus and causes high fever and distress. There is a race for the Cure!
#News, #DrRashidButtar, #TheCure
Info on what this dates back to connected to 9/11, Patriot Act, RFID chipping and conditioning for distancing and a partnership with government and a certain conglomerate.
10:56 the Dead Zone Episode and what it was all about back in 2003.
What is their cure? What were they telling us was the cure?
Information on SARS, Coronavirus appears to have mutated and what medical journals say regarding this.
16:50 Medical Tells on Covid-19 found in Medical Journals
Evidence of an abstract from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Dr. Rashid Buttar's information and medical expertise
The truth about your immune system and what will Really Help it.
27:17 Partnerships with government agencies and conglomerates back in the day that set the foundation for tracking.
What Science dot Gov site had to say about their plans and what was being carried out for RFID
Tracing Baldwin Piano to Arkansas and the various industries they assimilated and branched out into.
Who has the power over frequencies?
How their hands went from the Patriot Act right into invasiveness in your healthcare. Is this good?
36:57 What a nurse and some medical professionals have to say about what is being done and how it ties into a Science dot Gov site.
Tips for you if your loved ones are taken to the hospital from medical professionals.
What were the Chinese protests protesting again and how the song It's The End of the World came into being. . .how did they know way back in the 1980's what would occur.
Considering it is Microsoft Azure that is in charge of their security, this does not give me a warm and fuzzy.
It has been nearly a decade since Bill Gates left his day-to-day role at Microsoft, but he still has a connection to the company, not only as a board member and major shareholder, but also as a part-time technology adviser. So what’s he focusing on in his time there?
Gates answered that question during a recent interview with GeekWire, indicating he’s diving deep into the world of natural language and virtual assistants. He also talked about the evolution of the flagship Office and Windows businesses, many years after they turned Microsoft into a dominant technology company. And he shared his thoughts on the culture created by company’s current leadership, led by CEO Satya Nadella.
Now that was back in 2017, I believe he's still there.