Chemtrail Spraying in Arizona and Documentation of the Solar Geoengineering of our Skies
I didn’t witness any chemtrail spraying my entire first two weeks in Arizona, that I was beginning to think they just didn’t spray here, and that maybe the state government didn’t allow it or something. Unfortunately I was wrong. My first morning at my second camp in southern Arizona, just over two weeks in the state, they were definitely going at it. I noticed the chemtrail above as it was being sprayed, first thing in the morning, and caught a couple pics a few minutes later as it began to widen and turn into man-made cloud cover:
A few minutes later I noticed a second plane spraying off in the distance.
Same one, a few minutes later:
And the first one, some time later, beginning to really cover the sky:
Later in the afternoon I noticed more spraying.
And again, in the evening.
It had started out a mostly sunny day, but turned out to be mostly cloudy with light cloud cover throughout the sky the whole day. I’m pretty sure the spraying had a lot to do with that. This morning there’s no spraying, and not a cloud in sight...
To those who don’t believe in chemtrails and may be tempted to ‘correct’ my ‘conspiracy theory’ in a comment by telling me these are just contrails and informing me they really aren’t spraying chemicals in the sky after all, I would suggest you check out this ‘report of the Special Commission on Weather Modification’ published by the National Science Foundation, and realize that a $20 million Geoengineering project was launched by Harvard two years ago, at which time it was publicly announced they “will send aerosol injections into the earth’s upper atmosphere to study the risks and benefits of a future solar tech-fix for climate change.”
Chemtrails are not a crazy conspiracy, and it has been admitted that spraying is being done as part of various Geoengineering programs. CNBC and other major news outlets are now discussing the imminent launching of such solar geoengineering projects on a global scale, funded by Bill Gates.
Weather modification and geoengineering by the US government is in fact nothing new, and has been going on for decades, as the now declassified ‘Operation Popeye’) in Vietnam reveals. Even the former CIA director spoke of plans for chemtrail spraying as a form of Geoengineering all the way back in 2016.
All you have to do is look up, and compare the typical fading contrail with the trails that don’t fade, but rather spread across the sky as they form long-lasting cloud cover, to see that they are truly already engaged in this form of Geoengineering on a regular basis. Aluminum, Barium, and Lithium among other chemicals are among those dangerous chemicals likely being sprayed into the environment, in the name of ‘protecting’ us from climate change of course. But even as MSNBC and other major news outlets have reported in their coverage of this ‘new’ technogology, such solar Geoengineering does not come without negative cost to the environment.
See also the great video on this topic by Brian of High Impact Flix in his video below covering the recent fuel dump by an airliner over a populated area in California which garnered widespread media coverage:
And another great video fulling exposing the ‘chemtrail conspiracy’ as fact, by ODD TV:
This is a real problem. I think all this affects health ... negatively.
Nice capture!
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