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RE: Geoengineering; Pics and Ponders
Yep, a few drips here, a few drips there. (I'm a little south from LA). The chemtrails are why we are having these droughts. Manufactured weather. What they did in Houston is criminal. I suppose they will let us have a little rain, just enough to create standing water for mosquitos to breed in.
On the brighter side, people are starting to look up. I posted a message about geo-engineering on the Next Door app and was told to remove it. They said I was soap boxing. But, I did get the attention of some people who were oblivious to the spraying. I also got called some names, all in a days attempt to wake the masses.
I am a little South of LA too. Cheers!
Cheers! I live in Quake city (aka whittier) So technically I am southeast . Love your poker games
How about Baduji? I love that game, not sure how it could be played with a huge group.
I used to lose so much money playing that, back in the day when you could bet real money on poker stars and full tilt.