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RE: North West Florida: Lots of Geo Engineering Today

in #geoengineering8 years ago

Unfortunately, the evidence for it is compelling while there is little evidence for alternative explanations.

It comes down to whether or not you believe a conspiracy of this magnitude could be pulled off. That in turn comes down to how controlled the media is. After all, almost no one has "first hand" knowledge and anyone who does have "first hand" knowledge is either a useful idiot or rejected simply because we don't want to believe them.

There is simply no natural explanation for the discovery of aluminum and other toxic particles over wide areas.


Agreed Dan.

The education system, or I should say the indoctrination system works hand in hand with the media. It only takes 15-20 years to totally change the belief system of the next generation. The globalists know this all too well and they have been systematically chipping away at us, and systematically dumbing us down for hundreds of years and I'm only talking about modern history.

Chemtrails are very real, they want to (and are) killing us and they are using many techniques to achieve this.

What is the purpose of a secret government conspiracy to spray stuff in the upper atmosphere, then? And wouldn't keeping something like this secret require a lot more than control of the media?

Propaganda works really well!! If you can imagine there is time and money invested to develop techniques to manage the population and basically keep people hard at work (paying taxes), busy, entertained, and basically out of the way.

Additionally this starts very early in schools. People really are not encouraged to really be a leader, challenge authority, and think for themselves. Instead they must fit a standard profile. All this stuff adds up.

One really has to re-think everything they learned and believed their entire life then all this stuff falls into place. It takes time, so we plant seeds in our friends, family, co-workers, and one day we get to see them grow!


I'm glad to know you came to this conclusion where there doesn't seemed to be any alternative explanations. I came to the same conclusion, so too Ted Gunderson ex chief FBI of Los Angeles, Dallas, Memphis and many others like us.

I resteemed and I look forward to people who will give geo-engineering more thoughts.

"What is wrong with congress" .. Lol, give up on that one is my suggestion. - I have to agree with him in its entirety though. Thanks for the video..

Same here. We both doesn't believe the solution will come from the current system of power.

Here is a fantastic report by @wakeupnd .. Chemtrail operation or Doomsday plane spotted circling over Denver? .. This shows what a press release might look like. I found it very exciting, lots of potential for these..

I remember hearing about that weird story.

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