Strange Clouds Seen in FL

With stories of Harvey being a geo-engineered storm circulating around the internet, I did see strange clouds in Florida Wednesday night at sunset.

What struck me as strange were the dark blue lines that interrupted the white clouds colored pink by the sunset. I thought maybe a shadow was being cast by a big cumulus cloud in the distance, but as I watched, it became apparent that it wasn't because the dark line began to shift a little. When I first saw it, it was perfectly straight.

They were also in other parts of the sky.

Anyone have any knowledge about this type of dark blue streaking in the sky? Would love to hear. What do you think? Natural phenomena? Or geo-engineering? I know I shouldn't ask such obvious questions.


What's scary or creepy is the implications that these streaks have or could be having. Would love to hear your thoughts.


Have you ever seen this video? If not I think you'd be interested. I don't know anything from the author, but it definitely seems like some stuff worth looking into.

Hi. This all goes deeper than some can perceive, but those straight lines are actually connected to the international space station. They are part of a cloaked ship thats base is in antarctica. This is what is being used to contol the weather. The chemtails and chem-clouds in the sky are used to cloak the arms and the many "ufos" that are a part of this massive system.

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