Update on the Wet-suwet'en...Allies Unite NOW... We Can DO THIS TOGETHER!!!!
Support the Wet-suwet'en and if you can go to the camp please go or support in any way you can.
UPDATE OCTOBER 24, 2019: Shared from : Wet'suwet'en Access Point on Gidimt'en Territory Facebook
"The past couple of weeks there have been increased RCMP presence and harassment at Gidimt'en camp. We believe this is indicative of an upcoming decision on the Interlocutory Injunction application by CGL.
We have seen the return of the DLT's (Division Liaison Team/Aboriginal Policing Unit) that were ever present previous to, during, and after the raid on our camp on January 7th. This particular team is designed to pacify indigenous peoples and claim that they are there to "keep the peace" and represent a non-threatening face, which we know to be false.
In Wet'suwet'en territory we have been aware of their tactics since the 1880's when our people resisted the colonial law. They recruited "Indian Constables" to be spies for the government and gain the trust of the people. This is still their role in our territory and should always be seen as sell-outs that do not follow or respect our traditional laws and governance.
There have been increased patrols on our territory with more frequent visits to our camp with harassment of our members and supporters taking videos and photos, claiming they were just "coming by to say hi".
Most recently we have seen the Sergeant of the Prince George detachment, accompanied by a helicopter, in our camp! The Sgt and another officer came right into camp questioning our members/supporters and trying to get a good look around. The helicopter flew low over camp multiple times on several occasions throughout the day.
We believe the RCMP have been given information about the upcoming decision and are preparing for it. Bringing in the DLT's after months of absence, a sergeant from a larger detachment, and increased patrols are all indicative of them gearing up for some kind of action.
We have not changed our behaviours and our Dinï ze' and Tsakë ze' have not changed their stance on this proposed pipeline! This can only mean that the courts are in conversation/partnership with the RCMP and CGL.
The recent interaction between the "Community INDUSTRY Safety Office" and our Dinï ze' clearly shows that they are not there for the people, but for CGL. The officer clearly stated, more than once, that they are only there to enforce the injunction! They also lied right to their faces, which is incredibly shameful behaviour and shows their true hidden intentions on our territory.
We will NEVER cede, surrender, or otherwise mitigate away our rights to occupy and protect our territory. Our ancestors fought and died for what we have and no amount of money, guns or brainwashing will convince us to hand it over. Keep your lies. We know, speak and LIVE our truth! For all the Wet'suwet'en yet to be born, we fight for you!
For more information on how to support this fight please visit https://www.yintahaccess.com
Organize, plan, and be ready. Together we can do this!!! "