Ars Genocida - the Subtle Art of Mass Murder

in #genocide3 months ago

Human beings have always been good at wiping their competitors out of existence. And I don't mean killing off most of them. I mean, getting rid of the entire subspecies.


Homo sapiens neanderthalis ceased to exist because of us - we the Homo sapiens sapiens - came along and fucked them in every single canotated sense of that word.

Killing off a group of sub-humans is easy. You don't need to make excuses. They were just - not pretty or smart enough to avoid you - and they were in your way - so they had to go. Still, many Europeans still carry some of their extinct DNA in their genetic code. Which means, some Cro-Magnon pervert fucked a Neanderthal girl and kept quiet about it - until the kid arrived.

Doing the same thing today can be a little tricky. Racial variations although quite apparent in some aspects - do not provide enough of a competitive advantage to any one race for easy slaughter of any other. Still, there seems to have been no lack in trying for dominance.

The Mongols, the Hans, the Aryans, the Japanese... all believed at some point in history of their racial superiority. And I'm sure some still do.

The Hebrews gleefully recorded their achievements in their holiest texts - if the pentateuch is anything to go by. But even before them - the more civilized Sumerians seem to have succumbed almost entirely to the brute semetic Akkadians. And soon after that other semi-nomadic prople had no problem clearing up minor tribes as they wandered about on the land.

Still as populations grew, the shear numbers of people that needed to be wiped out - became unweildy. Bronze swords simply didn't cut it. Iron ones became standard despite being easy to bend. And then someone came up with steel in Syria. Damascus steel could cut through more bone than iron and needed less sharpening.

The problem remained that killing was still a labour intensive excersize. So, once you wiped out all the fighting men in the village - chopping the women and children to pieces seemed like something the soldiers should be paid overtime for - and wars were already the most expensive thing on a monarch's budget.

That may be the reason why some classes of people were called "civilians" and it was a general practice to simply rape and pillage them - rather than to risk having your weapons damaged by their slaughter. It simply wasn't cost effective. Raping and pillaging was fairly affordable if not mildly profitable.


This general principle of allowing non-combatants to live - seem to work fairly well for quite a while in human history - with some notable exceptions. What Rome did to Carthage for example was clearly an example of overkiĺl. But it was based on what Hannibal almost did to Rome. The Romans did not want to risk having another Hannibal rise up from that Cat-worshiping Sea People.

The Romans were pretty good at genocide when prudence required it. Jerusalem was turned into a river of blood by Titus II and his dad - Emperor Vespasian. The Jewish population however did survive on the outskirts - and many of their decendants still live in Gaza today. Well, exist - perhaps being a better term.

Several centuries after the fall of Rome - a bunch of Polish-Germanic non-semetic folk come along and try to finish the job under a mad man - Benjamin Mileikowski - or, Bibi as he is fondly called by his fellow Khazars. He even changed his last name to Netanyahu to fit into the narative of supposedly - originating from the Levant.

The thing is though, the world isn't like what it used to be 2,000 years ago. Genocides aren't popular anymore. While the ancient Romans must have seen Titus as a saviour of a failing empire - all Bibi gets after all the slaughter - is an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court.

Genocides are not popular now because they are easy. Too easy - like a cheap crack-addicted hooker with no teeth. She can still give you a decent blow job - but nah. Cheap - like porn on Pornhub or Reddit.
And also - thanks to the debt based fiat US dollar - unlimited in scope. Israel gets to use airplanes to bomb women and children in tents - using billion dollar aircraft and million dollar munitions. It's nothing like what the Romans did back in the day. There's simply no romance in the slaughter. You don't get to see the blood spurt out of your victim's jugular as you swipe your bronze sword through his neck - like a credit card. All you get are Telegram pics and videos of folks in hospitals screaming in flames with IV drips still attached to them. That hits - different.

Americans at least had the decency to use the sci-fi weapon of its day - on the civilian population of Horoshima and Nagasaki. Evaporating mostly wonen and children using an atomic device in a fraction of a second
seemed almost - humanitarian. (Nevermind the severely injured survivors at the time.) It was just a quick one-two punches to Japan - and it was over.

Bibi's war cannot end. He must go on killing - until Iran responds in a way that will justify an American over-reaction. The same way that America over-reacted to the demolition of Larry Silverstein's three buildings on September 11th 2001. (But forget Building 7... you aren't supposed to remember it getting pulled.)

And there lies the problem. Everyone KNOWS the game. We've seen it all before.

And no one cares for it.

Fool me once... shame on - you?

There's no real genocidal motivation in America right now. Even more so after Putin demonstrated his Mach 10 missiles in Ukraine.

The beauty of Genocide is in knowing with certainity - that the party you are trying to exterminate - cannot do the same to you. You have to have supreme confidence that they can in no way hurt you - let alone defeat you. These must be a weak people - ready for slaughter. You are the superior Gladiator - your victory is assured.

The Romans would have never stepped into Cathage - if Carthage had not already submitted to Rome. Titus would not have entered Jerusalem if he had not laid seige to the city for months. And Japan would have never been bombed by the US - if it's entire navy and airforce had not been so completely destroyed by General McArthur.

No - the Art of Genocide demands that you kill off only that which is already defeated - and begging for mercy. Begging for existence - which you will ritually - deny. God has chosen YOU over THEM and everyone watching must know it!

That's how it was SUPPOSED to work.

Only it didn't.

Israel is now a pariah state simply because it no longer holds its trump card - absolute victory.

And the Donald isn't Bibi's bitch either.

Neither is Putin for that matter.

History will not look kindly on a Genocidal Maniac - that simply cannot slaughter enough people - to deserve the title Emperor.

Titus the Second became Emperor of Rome because he understood how to kill and when to kill mercilessly. (It also helps if your dad was emperor before you.)

No - history will remember Bibi as a complete and utter loser - second only to the actor who became President (Zelensky) via a CIA coup.

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