RE: Politics: Some insight into the Rohingya & Myanmar conflict
Your assertion of sects being Islamic is pretty stupid. Sects are not endorsed by Islam. This is pretty unanimously agreed among Muslims. The problem is, different Muslims sects are claiming to be the perfect sect like "I am following the true sect and those who aren't following me are deviants"
This mindset is a read problem and often may lead to violence.
I do not know much about the sufi. They do tend to be more buddhist in nature.
Sufis are part of Sunni mainstream. I don't see how they can be considered anything else.
The Idea of peaceful Buddhists is stupid. There is scriptural support for killing blasphemer in Buddhism.
But since there are many other sects with patterns of negative actions, there is plenty of reason to suspect it in any given sect.
90% of the arrested harassers in Germany's new year case were Africans. If we add the Afghans to it, then it would be 95%+. That means, less than 5% of the cases involved real refugees who are about 80% of the recent "immigrants".
The sexual assaults are a case of culture not religion. People who come from misogynist cultures will obviously act that way. Pretty much all African nations treat their women like shit and have highest rates of domestic violence in the world. And in Afghanistan, beating up women is mainstream.