What the Heck Is Genius?
Genius = Focused , empty and relaxed mind with no data with some passion and a missing ingredient which is still a mystery
Yes hard work is there but everyone does that.
There are two things one is genius and other is outlier or it can be traits of a single person.
Outlier or genius whatever you call them , they excel in something which they are passionate about like when they were 11 or 12 years of age but what cause this kind of passion.
When I was at this age I was confused with my biology like why third leg just to pee , why all this trouble just to satisfy natures basic functionality . I wasn’t thinking about or passionate about mathematics or music or something else . Why , is something wrong with me , I am not good enough or I have no purpose or burden on the planet . I guess not , something else must be there . Maybe because of these so-called geniuses upbringing but if that was the case then there should be more like them .
Maybe they are outliers , maybe not . Maybe this is what human potential is .
Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” So these geniuses parents followed this kind of lifestyle what Aristotle suggested . Maybe some of them did or not .
Maybe because we are trying to be multitasker and because of that forgetting the essence of passion which is to dedicate yourself to do something , have a focused mind , either this or nothing . Like if I have some backup then I won’t go in full flow , I mean if I have something to fall back on then I will not achieve full potential and live a mediocre life or always think that something should have done to change the status quo .
That’s my take on this genius + human potential thing maybe some research or some more thought is needed to unlock this genius mystery.