First Post On Steemit! Thinking Of Trying Genesis Mining | Any Info Would Be Great!
My name is Joey I am new to cryptocurrency and I have yet to buy in to any yet. I will probably make Steem my first buy. But this post is really about me considering getting into cloud mining with Genesis Mining.
If anyone has used this already can you leave some comments letting me know the best way to use it and if you think its worth it? Or even link to some posts detailing the best way to use the site.
I am very new to Steemit and I'm trying to meet some new friends. I run a Twitter account with over 1500 followers. So if you would like to join me there as well please feel free @ .
I think nowadays altcoin mining become faded. Since mining is not a good solution for scaling up the altcoin. The altcoin is going to change from POW to POs. And there are more and more ICO with fixed amount of tokens. So the future of mining is not so optimistic...
Thank you very much for this honesty. Do you currently mine any coins? I mean while it is still viable??
Look at this post, and also look for some videos Trevon has put about Genesis Mining it could help form an opinion, I have never invested there so I have no idea, but the installations look amazing.
Thank you very much for the helpful reply. I will look into the post.