THE NATURAL WORLD GHAIB # jinn life as well as its relation to human life

in #genie7 years ago

Definition of Jin
The jinn literally mean something that connotes "hidden" or "invisible". In Islam and pre-Islamic Arabian mythology, jinn are one of the invisible and created creatures of fire.

According to Ibn Aqil as quoted asy-Syibli in his book Akam al-Marjan fi Ahkam al-Jann, said that this creature is called the genie because the jinn means hidden, obstructed, closed. Called the genie, because this creature is obstructed (not visible) with the visible human eye.

In the Qur'an there are many verses that tell of the Jin. Among them:

  1. Surah Al-Hijr verses 26 - 27:
    Meaning: "We have created man from clay that is dried up from the black mud which is given form and We have created the Jinn before it was created by man from a very hot fire."

  2. Surah Ar-Rahman verse 15:
    Meaning: "He (Allah) created the Jann (Jin) from the flame (Flame of fire or Maarij)"

  3. Surah Al-'Araf verse 12:
    Meaning: "You create me (Satan's word) from fire while create him (Adam) from the ground."

  4. From the Prophet's Hadith narrated by Muslim ra:
    "Angels are created from light, Jaan is created from the flames of fire while Adam is created from something that has been mentioned to you (the land)."

  5. Al-A'raf Clause 72:
    "Surely he and his followers see you from a place that you can not see them."
    The Origin of Jinn Creation

-Qs Al-Hijr: 26 - 27:
"And verily We have created man (Adam) from dry clay (derived) from a form of black mud. And We have created the jinn before (Adam) from a very hot fire. "

  • Qs Al-Baqarah verse 30:
    Which means: "Remember when your Lord said to the angels:" I will make a caliph in the earth. "They said:" Why would You make the Caliph of the earth the one who will cause harm to him and shed blood, whereas we always glorify by praising You and purifying You? "The Lord said:" Verily I know what you do not know. "

  • Qs Ar-Rahman verse 15:
    Which means: "and He created the jinn from the flame."

A. Tafsir Mufradat
الجان: a kind of genie
مارج: a smooth flame that does not mix with smoke

B. Asbabun Nuzul
Based on the search we have done, we did not find the asbabun nuzul letter.

C. Tafsir Paragraph
And Allah SWT, that Allah has created a jinn and a clear fire, which is actually mixed with some of the others. That is from a yellow flame with a red flame, with a greenish flame.

Thus, just as humans are also created from various elements, as well as jinn, created from various blazes mixed together.

  • "Al-Maarij"
    Maarij is a very large and very hot flame or "Al-Lahab" ie flame that mixes into one that is red, black, yellow and blue. Some scholars also say that "Al-Maarij" is a very bright fire that has a very high temperature that is mixed between red, black, yellow and blue.

Some opinions say that Al-Maarij is a fire mixed with the color and the same as "As-Samuun" is the fire that is not smoky but the temperature is very high heat. The wind of Samuun that has been mixed with Al-Maarij is what God has made to create Jaan / Jin.

According to a Hadith narrated by Ibn Mas'ud also states that Samuun's wind that was made of Jaan was only one part of seventy parts of the very hot wind of Samuun.

It is from this very heat of fire that Allah has created the Jinn, that is, from the cell or atom or from the fire nuclei. Then God puts the spirit or life on him, then he lives as God wants. The Jin is also granted permission by Allah to change his preferred and wanted form except the form of the Messenger of Allah.

The djinn are also commanded by Allah to accept the Islamic Shari'ah as ordered by God to man. The form of the origin of the djinn after being created and blown by the spirit is only Allah and His Messenger who knows it. According to some scholars, Jin's behavior, behavior and temperament are 90 percent similar to humans.

The origin of human events is a mixture of the Kathif Mass ie land and water, Shafaq mass is a mixture of fire and wind and conscience, ie spirit, mind, lust and heart called "Latifatur-Rabbaniah" according to man as well as the events created by God and as the Khalifah of Allah on this earth. While the incident is also a mixture of Jin Shafi mass is a mixture of fire and wind and conscience that is the spirit, intellect, lust and heart that match and match the incident Jin.

While other beings also God made of one of these elements, for example, animals made from a mixture of Massa Ksayif and Shafaq mass alone. Stone and vegetation also made from Massa Kasyif solely. While the angels are also made from the conscience solely.

  • How to Reproduce Jin
    Humans need time to conceive for nine months to give birth and the human child also takes a long time to mature and become baligh.

Unlike the Jin where when the touch of male genitals with female genitals, then the female Jin will contain and give birth, the newborn Jin is constantly mukallaf. That's how it got to doomsday.

Devil also when touching the right thigh with the left thigh will issue 33 eggs. In each seed there are 33 pairs of seeds. Each pair of seeds when touching the right thigh with the left thigh will come out as the previous. That is the process of reproduction of the Jin and the Devil until the Day of Resurrection.

Bunian or usually called Ghaib is a mixture of male or female Jin with men or women from among humans. The child resulting from the mixing is known as Bunian. The temperament and behavior and form of Bunian people are in some ways similar to humans and also like Jin.

If the ancestor of man was the Prophet Adam, then Jin's ancestor also was "Jaan" whose origin was faith in God and gave birth to believing offspring. After that there is also a descendant of Jaan who kufr and gave birth to the descendants of kufr. Jaan's grandchildren who came from the faith there are strong faith, some are kufr and there is also a believer back to God.
Shape and Type of Jin

  • Jin Shape
    In essence the form of Jin is not much different from human form, that is they have sex, have eye nose, hands, feet, ears and so on, as it is owned by human. Basically 80 to 90 percent of the Jin resembles a human.

Just the physical difference Jin is smaller and smoother than man. Their body shape is short, there are high and various colors, namely white, red, blue, black and so on. The pagan Jin and the wicked Islamic Jin have a terrible and frightening appearance. While the pious Jinn Islam has a beautiful face.

According to some opinions, the height of the real Jin is about three cubits only. Their knowledge is wider and is very long until thousands of years old. Jin speed moves beyond the speed of light at a time. Because the Jin is made up of an art that is hidden and hidden, not zahir like a human being and not entirely ghaib like the Angel, then a small space can be occupied by millions of Jin and can also possess and inhabit the human body.

The number of jinn is too much so according to some opinions it says that if the sum of all humanity from Prophet Adam until the Day of Resurrection multiplied by the animals, multiplied by the stones, multiplied by the sand and all the plants. That is only one tenth of the total Jin.

While the total Jin is one-tenth of the total Angels. Total Angels only Allah and His Messenger know.

The nature of the dwelling of the Jin is in the oceans, the land, in the air and in the Mithal Realm, a universe situated between the human realm and the angelic realm. If we are given by God the ability to see the djinn, surely we will see the needles that fall from the top will not fall to the earth, but fall behind the Jin, because of their enormous numbers.

Therefore, our parents always tell their children to return home soon after the maghrib time and the doors and windows of the house must be closed, so as not to be possessed by demons and devils.

As a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari of the Messenger of Allah:
"If you face the night or you have been on a part of the night, hold your children because the devil is wandering around that time and when something goes by during the night, hold them close and close the doors of your house and name Allah, put out your lights and call the name of God, tie up your drink and call the name of God and cover your leftovers and call the name of Allah (when it closes) "

The above hadith means that the Jin and the demons sleep at noon and before dusk they come out to seek sustenance and food, both men and women, whether adult or children.

  • Type Jin
    Ä Al-Jan
    This first type is the general sense of the jinn, the kind of genie that is potentially human-like. The genie is a male and a female, there is a genie and a non Muslim Muslim, the genie also needs to eat, drink, sleep, intercourse and so on. As a result jinn in the category of JAN is not much different from humans in the category of al-insan.

Ä Al-A'mir
Usually in a place, in the bath, at home or wherever there is a sound or sound that mimics human deeds. Just as there are voices of ablution or bathing people, but in the bath room there is no one. This may be a genie act in the AL-A'MIR category. So usually people call it the devil tek-tek. Because this kind of genie likes to imitate human deeds or habits, with the intent of scaring.

Al-A'mir also sometimes follows people who are reading, singing and so on or following the person who is praying behind him. Nevertheless we should not be afraid, because he may not be evil, just because he wants to be mak'mum or want to learn to read or sing.

Ä AL-Ifrit
Ifrit is a genie type that has the potential as a maid or khodam for humans. In this case there is Muslim ifrit and good, which of course can be khodam in human being and also good muslim. There is also an evil and pagan ifrit used by magicians and sorcerers, such as ifrits who cooperate with leading foreign magicians such as "David Caverfil".

Ä Al-Arwah
This fourth type of jinn is often and commonly tempt people, sometimes al-arwah incarnate himself as our parents who have died or as dedemit and so on. So it can fool some of our society and frighten those who believe it. Actually, this type of jin al-arwah belongs to a very strong and very naughty genie group. Mentioned most strongly because they can transform themselves into anything by exerting the power of knowledge it possesses and is called naughty because it often tempts and scares people. If likened to humans, then the type of jinn from the Al-arwah group of thugs who like nosy to the local community and especially to women alone on the streets.
Ä As-Syaiton

Unlike al-spirits, as-syaiton is a genie that always tempts people from faith, spirituality and psychology. As-syaiton is very dangerous compared to other types of genie, because as-syaiton penetrate into the human heart to whisper disbelief, divinity and evil. In the letters an-naas explained that not only the evil and disgraceful jinns belonging to the as-syaiton group, humans who are dzalim and neglectful behavior fall into this category. Of this there are some scholars who argue that Satan is an evil nature of humans and jinn. So the conclusion is that Satan is not a form or an object, but a trait or a deed.

  • The Jin Group
    Jin is also like a man who wants to continue the offspring and live in groups. Jin tribes and groups are very numerous and speak in different dialects and languages. There are some scholars dividing Jin into groups, among which are groups waiting for the grave, groups waiting for caves, waiting groups of human corpses, waiting groups of forest, groups waiting for high hills, groups awaiting tears, groups waiting for the lake, pond, bay, kuala, island and so on.

  • Jin, Ifrit, Devil and Devil
    Jin, Ifrit, demons and devils are part of the Jin group, it's just their different tasks and functions. The Genie as described above is a kind of God's hidden creature and invisible to man. Their knowledge is wider and very long.

While Ifrit is a very powerful and intelligent Jin group and very deceitful to the human. This group is very arrogant and disobedient to God.

Devils and demons also belong to the Jinn and they are very proud Jews again, disobedient and become the main enemy of man and get the curse of God until doomsday.

As the Word of God:
"The devil replied: Because you have punished me by getting lost, I will prevent them from your righteous path. Then I will get them from the front and from behind them, from their right and left. You will not find most of them grateful (obedient). "

Some scholars argue that Azazil is not Jin's ancestor, in fact he is the most abid and pious Jin among the Jin who was appointed chief religious scholars to Jin and Angel. He became arrogant and self-esteemed in scholarship, piety and much worship and the origin of events compared to man (Adam). So by his arrogant nature God has cursed him to be a kaafir by the name of Satan.
From that moment on, Satan launches a hostile movement with humans until the Day of Resurrection.
Allah has made it clear that there are three kinds of enmity done by Jin to man:

  1. In Crime (As-Suu '): that is to like to make the sins and the sinful heart and all the limbs.
  2. Abomination (Al-Fahsyaa '): that is worse evil and evil. This abomination is part of the thing that leads to iniquity and sin to God.
  3. In lying and deceiving God in deeds, words and nawaitu.
  • Khadam
    Khadam is an assistant or a messenger who will help his master when asked. Khadam is divided into two groups, namely:
  1. Khadam of Origin.
    Khadam's origins are composed of angelic spirits and high-ranking Islamic jinn whose names are the names of angels. He did not ask any condition to his master. This type of Khadam is required by syarak.

  2. Conditional Khadam.
    This type of Khadam is comprised of a low nature Jin consisting of Jin Islam or a Gentile Jin. This category comes to its master by agreement and some special and general terms, whether coinciding with sharia law or forbidden by syarak. This type of Khadam is forbidden by Islam.

This conditional Khadam will come to his aid in one of the following ways:
A. Outside Assistance.
Khadam will accompany and help his master through the external course, that is only in deeds, sayings or hearts qasad.

B. Internal Assistance.
This kind of khadam is also known as Tanasakhul aruah or the incarnation of khadam or jinn in a person (downhill) by naming themselves, while descending with certain names like Prophet Khidhir, Black Commander, Wali Songo and so on.

The permeated jelly in this way allows the impregnated person to show miracles and extraordinary things such as speaking in Javanese, Arabic, English and so on, whereas before that person did not know the least of those languages.
Jin Life

  • Jin's Governments
    Jin also has its own leader and empire. King Jin of the lower realms of the unbelievers is like the Schools of Marzah, Ahmar, Burkhan, Shamhurash, Zubai'ah and Maimon. The four kings of Jin Ifrit (the most evil djinni) who have the great government minister to the Prophet of Allah Sulaiman are Thamrith, Munaliq, Hadlabaajin and Shughal.

While King Jin Alam over Islam is Rukiyaail, Jibriyaail, Samsamaail, Mikiyaail, Sarifiyaail, 'Ainyaail and Kasfiyaail. King Jin who mastered the Jin's friend named THOTHAMGHI YAM YA LI. While the angel who controls the entire Jin-Jin above named Maithotorun who titled QUTBUL Jalalah.

Satan's children also have a great government among them:

  1. Thubar Including human being in override and reinforcements
  2. Daasim Including humans to divorce bonds silatulrahim, household, family, friends handai, congregation and so on.
  3. Al-'Awar Including humans to undermine morals, adultery, drinking wine, gambling and so on.
  4. Zalanbuur Includes humanity with fire of enmity and murder.
  • Religion of the Jin Tribes
    Jin is also like man, that there is good, there is evil, there are pious, some are not pious, there is alim again mukmim, there is kufr, there is apostasy, ungodly and unjust, some enter paradise and there is tortured by God to hell in the afterlife.

The majority of the Jin tribes consist of the kafir Jin groups. This Gentile Jin group is mostly Jewish, Christian, Communist and very few of them are Buddhists and Magi. There are also non-believing Jin groups. The group of Jin who embraced Islam are few and consist of minorities when compared with the total number of Jins.

Like ordinary people, Jin also has certain levels of faith, knowledge and practice based on their faith and charity to God. Though Jin Jin is the most faithful and most virtuous of his deeds and the most knowledgeable and numerous of his knowledge, but there is still in them the properties of madzmumah such as boasting, ripples and so on, but they are easy to accept reprimands and teachings.

Perhaps this is often said that "as best as the Genie is the wickedness of the wicked man." But the difference between the most wicked man is hard to accept good teaching and reproof.

The common denominator of Jin Jin and the pagan Jin like to pervade laymen in various ways, because in their view the common human beings are not real human beings, the opposite is the likeness of an animal. The Khawas and Khawasil-Khawas human beings can not be inserted by Jin, even Jin will come to them to be friends.
Interaction Between Man and Jin

  • Looking at Jin
    In principle, the Genie can not be seen, in touch and heard by human beings in its original form as it was created, except under certain conditions, Jin can be seen in the form of his likes.

The djinn can also be seen by man in the state of his mind's inner opening or when drinking water that has been prayed or the will of the djinn himself to show himself to man.

In the world all the jinn can see human beings while the Khawas and Khawasil-Khawas people can see the Jin other than the Prophets and the Apostles. Whereas in the afterlife all believing humans who are heaven experts can see the Jin while the Khawas and Khawasil-Khawas Jin can see man.

The superiority of the Jinn that God has given is his ability to transform himself in various forms. For example in the battle of Badr, Satan has appeared in the form of a man from the Bani Mudlij and Satan also in the form of Suraqah bin Malik who came to help the army of musrikin fight against the army of Islam. (Devils and demons are also part of the Jin group).

In Sahih Bukhari there is also narrated that the existence of Jin who appeared in the form of a snake and killed a young man who tried to kill the snake. In addition Jin can also manifest itself in the form of other animals such as the shape of a cat, dog and so forth.

  • Befriended Jin
    Many amongst the friendly Indonesians make Jin as their maid and Khadam to help them perform certain tasks. For example such as shamans, magicians, alternative medicine and so forth.

But not all of the above people who use the Jin in their daily work. There are also those groups who really have natural skills without the help of Jin.

In short, we as Muslims who are friendly with the Jinn Islam and the Gentile Jin will get more bad than the good that we will get. Jin will always penetrate and encourage people to commit crime and immoral without us knowing it.

  • The entry of Jin into the human body

The djinn can penetrate and enter into human beings in various ways and humans who use Jin's service to betray other human beings in various ways.

As a hadith of the Prophet who has been narrated by Sayidah Shafiyyah bint Huyay, that the Messenger of Allah once said that means:

"Verily the devil (Jin) is walking in the body of the son of Adam as the blood flowing in his body".

From the above hadith it is clear that Jin can enter into the human body and walk through the veins and human blood. Jin can walk in human body like electric current flowing in cable. The djinn can also control the human so that he can cause fights between human beings, lost human memory, loss of consciousness and others.

Jin can enter the human body either self-requested by humans or without being noticed by the man himself. The genie accompanies and permeates man through one of the following ways.

Among them
Through Khadam or man himself who makes Jin as his friend.

  1. Through "saka Baka".

  2. Through Mantras performed by other human beings.

  3. Because man himself forgets God or does things that are forbidden by God, means to get closer to being deceived by jinn and syaithan.

  4. Committing a crime against the Jin, such as dropping heavy objects in the existing place Jinnya, without mentioning the name of God so as to cause the death of Jin's son.

  5. Because there is a male Jin who falls in love with a woman who likes to preen or a woman who likes to go out to show her beauty and do not wear a veil and likes to show her nakedness.

  6. Read certain incantations, prayers or verses that can bring Jin.

If the Jin has possessed the human body, though in any way the Jin will inhabit one of the following places in the members of the human body. (though actually they are free to move anywhere in the human body) Among these places are:

  1. They gather in the right and left eyes. Therefore if a person has been possessed by Jin in their body, they will not dare to face the eye with others.

  2. Being in the right and left ear, therefore humans who have been possessed Jin do not like to hear good advice and reprimand and love to hear such immoral things as music that neglect and so on.

  3. Being in the mouth of man, therefore the man who has been possessed Jin is very fond of talking things that are not useful and bring sin like cursing, criticizing, insulting other human beings and so on.

  4. Being in the human nose, causing humans to inhale the things that are not and can damage the human self.

  5. Being swayed, causing the person to always experience abdominal pain and various diseases that can not be detected by the doctor.

  6. Being in the human genitals, causing humans to do such immoral things as adultery and so forth.

Humans who survived the ganguaan Jin, Devil and Satan are people who are always in the Tawheed and the way of God, through the tongue, limbs and hearts, they also morals like morality and diligent and charity and run the Islamic Shari'a.

The nearest way to be in the monotheism of God is to take the example of the deeds and morals of those who are in the monotheism of God, such as the Prophet Muhammad, his companions, scholars and so on.

Following all the teachings that the Prophet has taught, carrying out all of God's commands and avoiding his prohibitions we will be safe from the distractions of the Jinn, Satan, Satan or the like.

as the Ulama say:
"Kun Ma'Allah fain lam Takun ma'Allah, fakun ma'a man ma'Allah fainnahu yusiluka illallaah"

It means:
"Let yourselves be with God, and if you can not make yourself with God be ye to be with those who have been with God, then surely this shall convey unto you God"
Jin's Disease

  1. Disease due to heredity.

Sometimes there are some people who have a disease that results from offspring or more precisely the diseases caused by saka-baka. This disease is caused by their descendants, whether grandparents, ancestors, ancestors or their descendants who defend or befriend Jin, in ancient times, and if they died they would inherit the pet's genes or their descendants did not know if their grandparents had existed who are friendly or keep the Jin, then they died before they could dispose of the pet's pet.

Most of us do not care nor even know the origin of their descendants or the role of our ancestors in the past, in their society at that time. There are some of our old people in the past who defended and made friends with Jin.

They are friendly with Jin with various purposes. In addition they also defend the Jin to keep and supervise their property from theft, because at that time there is still no police and so on, and some are using the Jin to open villages, hamlets, gardens and so on, so this is Jin who will work cut and so forth for his master. Because at that time there was still no modern machines and equipment.

To get help and make friends with Jin, they will make various treaties and "herbalism" and Jin's worship ceremony. After the development of technology and the creation of modern tools and added to the growing religious awareness among the people now, therefore the Jin-Jin's help is no longer needed.

Therefore, the offspring and descendants of those who defend and be friendly with the Jin no longer perform the rituals of "herbalism" Jin as their ancestors did, even they also have forgotten or do not know how to do it. Therefore the djinn will always watch and wait for the opportunity to disrupt the descendants of their masters, in order that they are in puja and in "herbal" as in the days of the ancestors of their descendants.
The genie will seek and disrupt the descendants of his master forever, while the descendants do not throw away the beloved Jin. In the ordinary circumstances the djinn do not interfere with their master's offspring, but if any one of the family members of his descendants is harassed or persecuted by others by using Jin, then the genetic Jin will come to help.

But the descendant Jin can not do anything because his grandchild's grandchild does not know to hold a ceremony to defend and summon the Jin, additionally they also do not know the existence of the ancestors of their ancestors who always keep an eye on and follow their family's development. At that time Jin descendants are also who will be together with the Jin who was sent to persecute the family members. Jin in the send and Jin descent will both interfere with the family, even the disruption of Jin descent is stronger than the Jin sent by the treacherous person.
If the person suffering from the disorder has been treated, then the illness caused by the Jin sent by the person who betrayed the family will run away and the illness caused will also heal, but the disease caused by Jin the offspring will not heal, although treated, will but if Jin the offspring are removed from the family's offspring then the disease will disappear.

Most diseases caused by genetic Jin are very severe and can not be treated by doctors and hospitals, because if examined in the hospital, the doctor will say that the patient is normal and did not experience any disease. While the patient is suffering from a disease that is difficult to describe by anyone, except people who have experienced it yourself.

Signs of hereditary disease.
As for signs of people who have offspring from defenders or people who are friendly with Jin. Among them:

a. Easily jinxed
b. Jealous
c. Envy
d. Prejudice
e. Always dream of people asking for a banquet or eating Classification of Descendants.
f. The heat of the barrels
g. Was-was in doing the job
h. Likes fighting / doing mischief

i. There are barriers and restrictions on the job

  1. Crazy.
    Madness caused by the inclusion of this Jin there are various types. Among the most common are:
    i. Crazy Pig or crazy who is like.
    Pig crazy disease is often associated with pigs because, if handled by the disease, the patient likes to steal nyondol like a pig and if allowed they will enter into the water and most likely will suffocate. This crazy disease is usually associated with heredity or saka baka culminating in the possession of Jin.

Usually this type of human seeds are mixed with the seeds of the genetic Jin when falling seed when the mother and father do intercourse. Even though they had read the prayer as the Prophet had suggested, but because the Genie had existed within the person in the hereditary saka and descendants, the Jin or saka baka had not been easy to leave them, but the saka-baka or Jin had been in remove from the family. So from the results that there are crowded from among the people who get children with extraordinary defects, insane and so forth.

ii. Crazy Mereyam.
Crazy mereyam often occurs in women who just loose birth. People often associate crazy mereyam caused by meriyam stones that do not go back in place of origin. Like the Chinese Sinseh the meriyam mile was recognized as the Black Stone or the Black Stone they thought, if it rose to the head it would cause a woman to go mad.

Crazy caused by this lightest meriyam stone is that women will like to powdery or preening, although new childbearing and extraordinary behavior. Between the most severe is they can hit people or run from home and roam the streets or wandering in various places. (This crazy is usually unrelated to Jin)

iii. Crazy Isim
Isim's crazy is because the person is doing good deeds with the passages received without going through the teacher. This crazy cause is the heat caused by the khadam guard of the verse from the Jin's scroll that harms him.

This kind of crazy often happens to those who demand something of science or charity with a science without a valid pedigree, ie without going through the teacher, doing something that is not the guidance of the Messenger of Allah.

iv. Crazy Kena Rasuk / Crazy by Magic.
The two types of crazy above are caused by the Jin in the order of his master or the Jin who is no master. usually those affected by this type are aggressive and likes to fight humans if being bullied or trying to treat.
How To Avoid Jin Disorders

  1. Please Protection to God
    Allah says, "And if Satan harasses you with a disturbance, then seek protection from Allah. He is the Hearer, the Knower. "(Surat al-A'raf: 200).

In addition, Adi Bin Thabit narrated from Sulaiman bin Shard, he said, "Indeed I know there is a sentence if someone pronounced it, undoubtedly there is something that is troubling him. If someone pronounces Ta'awudz.

  1. Reading Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas
    Both letters do have a powerful influence on evil and the demons. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah always read it every night while going to bed.
  2. Reading Paragraph Chairs
    Perhaps you remember the story narrated by Abu Hanifa as he keeps the task of storing the zakat of Ramadan. There are thieves who stole to the warehouse three nights in a row. On the first and second night, out of pity Abu Hurairah let it go. But on the third night Abu Hurairah insisted on not releasing him even though the thief pleaded. Abu Hurairah intended to convey the thief to the Messenger of Allah. But finally Abu Hurairah let him go, too, because the thief taught Abu Hurairah verse Chairs. It was later discovered that the thief was a demon in disguise.

Benefits Verse Chair is remarkable. Mentioned, if the verse of the Chair is read while going to sleep, then that person will always be guarded by guardians of God and will not be approached by demons until morning.

  1. Read Surat al-Baqarah
    The Messenger of Allah once said, "Do not make your houses as graves. Surely the house in which the letter of Al-Baqarah is read does not belong to Satan. "

  2. Read the End of Surat al-Baqarah
    Rasulullah once said, "Verily Allah wrote a book 2000 years before creating creatures. He brought down from him two verses which he made as the cover of the letter of Al-Baqarah. Neither is they read in a house three nights (in a row) then the devil settles there. "

  3. Reading the First Three Verse of Surah Al-Mu'min and Verse of Chairs
    The Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever reads the first three verses of Surat al-Mukmin and verses of the Chair in the morning, undoubtedly he is guarded with him until the afternoon. And whoever reads it on the day, surely he is guarded by him until morning. "

  4. Read the following passage:
    The reading is read 100 times a day, so it is to liberate 10 slaves, written for the reader 100 goodness, removed from them ten evils, and he gets guard from the demon that day until the afternoon.

  5. Wudu and Salat
    Both of these are the greatest things to fortify themselves from demons, especially when overwhelmed by anger and lust. So if a person is churning his anger, berwudhulah and shalatlah, then the anger will subside.

  6. Not Excessive in View, Talk, Eat, and Mix.
    Often the devil can rule a man out of the four doors.

The view is the base of slander, excessive in looking can cause angan2, busy with it and think of ways to get it.

Meanwhile, exaggeration in speech also opens all doors of evil to the devil.At a Hadith is told that humans can be dragged into hell just because of their own fruit.

Excessive eating encourages various crimes. Full stomach gives strength to the body to do immoral and burdensome to do good. Many have the disobedience caused by the stomach is too full, and many also obedience that can not be done because of the laziness caused by a full stomach.

Lastly, excessive association can eliminate the favors of spreading enmity, envy, envy, and other heart diseases.

  1. Increase the zikr on Allah SWT
    The Prophet has conveyed through the Hadith that a servant can only guard his heart from the temptation of the devil by dhikr of Allah. If a servant remembers Allah, then Satan will stay away and vice versa.

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