Love Photo Demo
We both met via social media as a matter of time we both feel in love.
We both had a Date, it was lively on our first date .
We get in touch with each other every now and then. Both had nice treat together she gat me on the move and I gat her also. Her first visit to my place was a hit we played like a 4 year old kid running around and threw throw pillows.
We get into arguments and things turned out really bad. She had to take her bags and leave we both were crying we couldn't help it out. One,two weeks no call or message exchange I feel sorry for myself like I could love no one but her. Called her friends to help talk to her. We got over it I both something special for her
the bound between us becomes unbreakable.
We went outting together
I do her some special meal before I set out for daily work
returning from work I feel these lazy and she learned her Makeup using me and I appreciate it been patient enough
we had our normal prayers at night and light out.
months later we had our lovely princess
I reduced the rate at which I set out for work and i drive home as fast as I can, I became fast and furious as a family man. was lovely surrounded with beautiful women
. We all went out on a weekend after all sort of play. We all looked at each other and smiled as we drove off. Few years later I resigned my job and took over the running of business. With my lovely family.