Why Do People Post Negative Stuff About STEEM? Do They Need Attention? Or Do They Just Like To Be Negative?

in #general6 years ago (edited)


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I am serious about this.

Why do people post negative stuff about STEEM? What is the motivation?

Obviously, there are some things wrong with the STEEM blockchain and with Steemit. There is no way to deny that. It is pure foolishness to stick our heads in the sand and believe this is nirvana.

However, when I see a post spelling out what is wrong, I wonder what is the motivation? Why does this person do this?

There are some who post stuff in an effort to make a difference. That is commendable. They focus on a particular problem and either offer up a solution or create a forum for discussion. The challenge with the second part is that with the way some people are on here, especially some with a lot of SP, rational discourse seems to be lacking. Nevertheless, there are many wonderful posts that present a problem with potential solutions.

Sadly, that is not most of them. Instead we see people offering up articles that amount to bitchfests. Oh boy, another article about how paid voting bots are ruining STEEM. Does the author think he or she is citing something new? Is there any analytical value to this? Without a solution, what is the point?

Oh I think I know; people like to complain. Here we are on an ecosystem that has a monetary value that we all have a piece of, to some degree, and people want to crap all over it. Do you drop your pants and lay a big one in your own living room? If not, why do people prefer to do it on here? You do realize that newer people are continually coming on here, reading what is posted.

Isn't it funny how we all want to blame the media for the FUD the last few months. The truth of the matter is that STEEM does not rank high enough for the media to spread FUD about it. STEEM is not on their radar. Therefore, all the FUD spread about STEEM is by the people on here, those who hold STEEM. How smart is that?

Here are some names for you; these are people who post articles citing problems yet always looking to offer solutions. Ironically, they are not posting everyday about this stuff but rahter, once in a while. When they do, I take notice because they usually offer up good ideas.


These are people on my feed that I follow who present solutions to problems they see. While I might not always agree with what they perceive or offer up, they are at least trying to make things better.

Think about this before posting an article shredding things apart on here. To start, consider who will read it? Do you want to discourage newer people? If so, why do you want that? Do you feel the system unfair because you can't buy your way into being a whale or orca? Or are you miffed that you didnt reach the trending page in 3 days?

Speaking of that, for all those who want to complain about the trending page, here is a solution for you: Do not read it. Since it is nothing but paid advertisements and people gaming the system, ignore it. See, problem presented, solution provided.

Here is the secret for success on the STEEM blockchain: Worry about your own account and ignore what others are doing. There is money to be made here. I am watching an account that is barely a week old and it already earned about $100. Do you think that same money is made on Facebook and Twitter, accounts that are much older? Not even close.

Another interesting observation is that, according to the stats posted by the likes of @penguinpablo and @arcange, posting has decreased the last few months. This tells me that people get discouraged as the price of STEEM went from $10 to sub $2. It is ironic since, according to the stats, the amount of posts each day decreased by about 1/3. We all know how hard it is to get noticed and people stop posting when they should be doing the exact opposite. With less posts, your chance of being seen is increased.

One of the major problems, from what I hear, is that Facebook became a cesspit for negativity. People who have a decent self worth don't want to be hit up with that stuff. As @wwf points out, many are simply addicted to the violence. They crave the trolling, the confrontations, name calling, etc... Of course, most engage in it since it is acceptable behavior over there. Few have the balls to stand out in a crowd and operate on their own. This is why people commit acts of violence after sporting events, acts they would never do on their own. Yet when hundreds are doing it, they will join in. The same thing takes place online. Mob mentality at its finest.

I write articles each week espousing what is going on with blockchain and cryptocurrency. For all the negativity that is spread, we are sitting upon an absolute diamond mine. People who fret about missing the Internet are rewarded for being here at this moment. We are embarking on something that is 100 times more powerful than the Internet. Each article I post is detailing another project in the cog of this machine that is changing the world. Do you see it? Sadly, based upon how many act, they do not.

Let me propose it this way. You have a choice of multiplying your account by $100 per SP or by $.50. Which do you prefer? Unless there is something really wrong with you, the $100 per SP is the answer. Now, before you post that negative, non-solution article, pretend that your words mean the $.50 comes true; do you post it?

Before you go claiming I am being a bit over the top, do you think a bunch of whiners and complainers are going to move the price of STEEM up? Do you think people posting about all that is wrong without doing a single thing to try and fix it is going to get STEEM to $100? Personally, I do not believe that is the case.

There is a ton going on with this blockchain. Keep in mind, it is only about 2 years old. Yet, for something so young, the development is making my head spin. Almost daily I come across another project that is starting on here. What this tells me is for each one I see, there are 10 others being discussed. This is a hotbed for creation which means, at some point, big money for this blockchain.

The question is do you want to be a part of it or are you going to post negative stuff to make yourself feel better?

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I deleted FB a few weeks ago and I was near my friend limit at the time. There's always the problem of perception of what is valuable in a post and that the vast majority of the good content creators here still do not make it.

I did some math recently while calculating taxes and feel that upvote bots don't really help minnows. It's become a force for recentralization of wealth, however I believe this only slows down the distribution of wealth, not sending it back in the other direction toward the whales.

But long term, those who invested in Steem will do well even if they don't earn that much posting.

PS - I've seen a sharp increase on the number of people upvoting their own comments recently.

Thanks for the read @zoidsoft.

Could you clarify the second paragraph in this comment for me. If I read it correctly, you say that upvote bots do not help minnows....it does reallocate the wealth but using bots slows down what would take place....

Am I reading that properly?

Yes. I haven't seen any benefit really except in the reputation score which of course makes the score less accurate when upvote bots can affect the score. If I was writing this algorithm, I would separate the upvote bots from any effect it can have on the trending and hot pages (and rep score) and just set it up to affect the promoted tab. Then require the upvote bots have greater distribution to those using them (as it is now, >99% of those rewards go to the bots themselves).

Thanks for the clarification @zoidsoft.

Being one not to use bots, I didnt know for sure...but intuitively, I didnt think they were a great deal. I see the money people spend to upvote content and make it trending and wondered if it was worth it. I never put pen to paper to see what the results were and I am glad you did.

To put it another way, bots create skewed reputation results, not much help for the minnows and slowing of wealth distribution.

The skewing of reputation I was able to grasp onto. Now that I see how you statistically showed how the bots dont really favor newer people (or older ones for that matter), it makes sense to promote this point.

I think we should lower the payment threshold from 2 cents to 1 cent.

I think it's all mindset, people coming from the old mindset enjoy complaining in some weird way, I know I've been guilty of this in other areas of my life. It's almost like giving up belief is easier, and there is a lot of FUD in the media, so when price goes down people complain about the platform even though it's performing as it should be and the problems are being resolved as solutions become available.

It's just easy to bitch about stuff, same goes for bitching about jobs, half the people here in my office are like woooooo Friday! or Booooo Monday :( instead of changing things for themselves. Myself included though I hope to be changing that next month as I am becoming more and more abundant in my mind and my fears are dissipating because of it.

I think people don't realize the consequences of their actions, it just adds FUD to FUD and prevents the platform from taking off sooner

It all takes on added meaning @jakeybrown when you add the metaphysical component to it all. What is put out there is imprinted in the Ether....hence we see why people are consistently sabotaging themselves. The negativity put out only attracts others who are into that. This creates the self fulfilling prophecy.

Few realize they create it themselves.

Exactly, it's like we complain and complain about these things, and that just emphasizes the things we don't actually want like wars and banks and all the systems that no longer are beneficial to us. We bitch about them but don't move onto new things, crypto is a great example.

Well, I have noticed time and time again that people often choose to focus on the negatives rather than the positives. It's not only about STEEM, people do that for everything humanly possible.

There's this YouTuber I'm watching, he's creating videos about lucid dreaming. And he made one video talking about his most view video. This most viewed video was about the negative effects of lucid dreaming and he was really surprised why does a video that focus on negatives performs the best in terms of traffic.

It seems like no matter how good something can be, majority will simply focus on the negative sides. Sure, STEEM and Steemit does have many problems, some are really big problems, but in the end, there's much more positives things that are already in this blockchain and a lot more positives that are coming our way.

It sounds like the natural thing to do, is to be happy about the awesome opportunity that we have here on STEEM blockchain that allows us to earn money, but people are still not happy about it. I guess, the natural thing for human behavior is to focus on the negatives.

After reading your comment @trendo, I am left with the question is it natural or is this the conditioning of a scarcity society?

After all, are many responsible for what was drilled into their heads over the decades? We know the bankster controlled society has done a number of all of us. Many are still stuck in that muck, believing it is a dog-eat-dog world. This is what the banksters want. The media portrays this....everything is a competition....the "successful" are heralded and regaled while the rest are left to crave and be envious.

I think people tend to lean more negative and be pessimistic when things are slow, downward and not going the way they thought they would. It's human nature to look for the negative in all things and people.

Coincidentally most of the people you mentioned who post about potential problems as well as countering the post with possible ways to correct or improve the platform are people I follow and get ginabot notifications from when they make a new post.

I can't speak for the people who just vent or rant about the negatives. But I believe people need to be proactive in a positive way to make change happen.

I've always been a go-getter even when times were rough. My parents taught me to stick with it, work hard and eventually the pay off comes. I have been 100% dedicated to steemit since last July when I joined and have no plans on slowing down. When I find something isn't quite working, I look for a new creative way to attract other members and gt more visibility.

Reading your article is a nice way to come back from taking a break. It was really needed and I'm glad I took it. I'm also glad that I started following you because you always have such a positive mindset about things. I appreciate that you look on the bright side, even though things aren't perfect. Yes, we need to be a community that looks for solutions, not just complains about problems. Regarding Trending:

Do not read it. Since it is nothing but paid advertisements and people gaming the system, ignore it. See, problem presented, solution provided.

I like it! I don't use the tab. I don't really care what's trending, I care what the people I follow are saying. If it's worth it for me to listen to what they have to say, then I'll follow. Otherwise, trend away... it doesn't affect me. :)

Not everything is pollyanna but there is a lot of value here.

STEEM is already the leading blockchain. Everyone else is going to have to play catch up. Each post on this blockchain only makes it bigger for the Google bot running around indexing everything. Over time, we will see more organic growth than most of the others combined.

That is the value of a social media site on top of a blockchain. The biggest sites in the world, according to ranking, are Youtube, facebook, and google...no surprise they all are social media (google is search obviously).

A lot of people think they are complaining about the entire platform when they are really just complaining about Steemit. A vast amount of users are ignorant to the power of Steem and all the dApps being created on the daily.

In the end I think the truly worst quality one can have here is impatience. We are living in an I-want-it-now age where many users resemble whiny brats in a car asking, "are we there yet," every five minutes. Seriously though, we will get there when we get there and not a moment before we get there are we going to get there.

Patience is a virtue.

I agree with you @taskmaster4450 that it depends on how we frame the so-called problems and whether we come from a place of wanting to build rather than destroy.

Like what you said, constructive feedback is good for innovation.

I think from my personal experience using Steemit, I find it hard to find posts I would like to read without scrolling through many others. Sometimes it feels like searching for a needle in a haystack because I find 1 out of say, 30 that I actually want to read.

Has anyone experienced something similar, and has any solution to offer?

In my relative inexperience, I've only tried searching by tags (but even then there is still tons of info).

Thanks so much! ((:

Yes I agree its not good enough just to bitch about a problem.
The thing that gets me is the seeming unwillingness to even clearly articulate why they think the issue is problem or what and how is harm caused by that.

Most people with great Steem Power on Steem are hypocrites.

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