COMMUNITY DISCUSSION: What's the worst thing you ever purchased?
Hey everyone! I'd like to welcome you to facepalm central. Post the worst thing(s) you've ever purchased? Feel free to do multiple categories!
I'll go first:
Worst childhood disappointment purchase: When I was a little kid (late 80's early 90's) I had a active imagination so I was a sucker for any fantastical toy and often times had unrealistic expectations. The worst example of this was a helicopter toy I spent a couple months of my of allowance on ($30ish). The box said it was an RC helicopter that actually flew, so I was picturing a miniature version of one of those super expensive RC helicopters but it was a hunk of plastic attached to a fan on a wire, it barely lifted off the ground.
What was I thinking purchase:
I'm a sucker for a deal so I was at a thrift shop and spotted something that looked crazy so I googled it and found that it usually costs a lot of money, so I bought it for a mere $12. That's the story of how I created the abstract art tangled wire installation that has been permanently in our storage room. You may know it as the Pac Safe backpack security uhh net.
It was a celeron cpu for upgrading a friend's computer. It cost like 29 euro and I thought it was the dual core edition. It turned out to be the single-core, so instead of upgrading his PC (he had a single-core pentium), I downgraded it ahahahaha.... Paying for a downgrade. Fun fact is that the dual core had a cost like 34-35 euro at the time. It was just a mistake in terms of model number so...