Storing Bitcoins onto DNA and storing DNA on the blockchain! (GeneCoin) And growing Blockchain creatures!

in #genecoin8 years ago (edited)

Can we store Bitcoins onto DNA? or vica versa?

I remember reading a wikipedia article 10 years ago about how we could store data into DNA and how it had already been done....And I remember about 15 years ago when it first became possible to be able to download from university FTPs a winrar compressed version of the entire human Genome and it was around 1GB (apparently can be compressed down to 750MB now! which today seems like alot less space than over 15 years ago! I also just learned about Curecoin Folding coin and EinsteinCoin and others that all do the folding at home style distributed computing combined with blockchain, and how folding and cure coin help fold proteins and solve problems for possible cures etc,

but then i found out about Genecoin! Being able to convert your own DNA to the blockchain and its already reality! And I found an article about Genecoin and I must share it!
From this @CoinDesk article by @AlyssaHertig from Nov 17 2014
"Harvard professor and geneticist George Church says, “'Preserving your genetic material indefinitely' is an interesting claim,” he remarked, “The record for storage of non-living DNA is now 700,000 years (as DNA bits, not electronic bits). So ironically, the best way to preserve your electronic bitcoins/blockchains might be to convert them into DNA.”

(George Church, Harvard professor)

"Woolly mammoth tusks for sale, dark web drug drama, blockchain-based Internet of Things project—Bitcoin is rife with astonishing news. Enter Genecoin. The developers of the mysterious project have proposed storing DNA on the blockchain. Storing DNA with Bitcoin sounds especially odd to people who aren't familiar with Bitcoin's interesting storage capabilities, and it has generated flush press for that reason.

Preserving DNA from generation to generation is an “unreliable” method according to the developers. They're opening the idea, to gauge market interest before they move forward with the project. The developers told CoinTelegraph in an email:

We're helping humans transition into the era of all-data-everything and network fitness.

Genecoin sends over a kit to sample your DNA, they have the genome in question sequenced, and then store it on the blockchain. It's an expensive process. But if sequencing the genome is within your budget, then storing the genome on the blockchain should be within reach, they said."

( )
“Make a backup with yourself using Bitcoin,” the website reads. (WOW who WOULDN'T be interested in this! Backing up OUR BIOLOGICAL CODE! We are just made of code ourselves! Living Breathing walking programs! WOW We really are just programs made of cells and proteins like nano machines all working together to let us experience life here on earth! WOW will the blockchain revolutionize biological life?!?

But with testimonials on the website like, “"Wow such genetics. So data. Very forever?” and “Digital immortality... sign me up!” it's hard to say whether it's satire rather than a serious proposition. (Reminds me of that is a social media site that will keep posting stuff you might like after your dead by analyzing your living posts...That website needs Genecoin integration!

Even a serious comment reads like dark satire, “I dream that somehow my grandchildren could meet my grandma. Can this help?”

Additionally, the developers are also prepared if Bitcoin is to be “replaced” by another cryptocurrency with decentralized blockchain crawlers (DBC) in the works, which would “crawl” over the blockchain and spread DNA data to distant chains, kind of like Google crawling over the web to discover new websites. The developers compared their crawlers to birds distributing plant genetic material to disbursed, faraway lands. “Genecoin is inventing new birds for the decentralized digital era,” they said.

There will be a huge boom in Crispr based gene editing maybe we can make a new DNA based blockchain, i know they can write information to DNA for long term data storage in living organisms...maybe we can make the first LIVINg blockchain with DNA crypto currency? Use Enzymes to "mine" inside cells and complete math problems for biological crypto currency ?

Now I already know about folding at home, the distributed computing project that lets millions of connected computers to run a small program and fold "proteins" or basically run complex equations to better understand the human genome! And now we have this Folding at Home technology part of the blockchain with foldingCoin, CureCoin and GridCOin 3 different cryptocurrencies that use part of their mining power to donmate to needy sicnetific causes that need computing power from gene protein folding to seti @ home scanning of the stars....

"But this Gene Coin seems AMAZING! But the sci-fi craziness doesn't end there. When I asked about the future of the projects, the developers said, “Encoding blockchains in living organisms is a fun one to think about. We've had that chat. In a biotech sci-fi future, you can start to imagine growing blockchain creatures.” It's some provocative, if not fun, stuff." - coindesk article

And here is some more very interesting information about Genecoin from another great article from @Bitcoinmagazine by @ChrisDeRose on Nov 10, 2014
"Despite its name, Genecoin is not a crypto currency or a counterparty asset. Genecoin is the name of a nascent company run by a group of anonymous bitcoiners based in a undisclosed location in the United States’ northeast coast. The members of Genecoin are offering a simple proposition to the Bitcoin universe: to populate the Bitcoin Blockchain with the sequenced DNA of its customers.

Genecoin is still in its earliest stages of existence, and is not bashful about letting its audience know that the company is just in its beginning stages. The price list is still open ended, and the web site is quick to note that “We’re Gauging Market Interest.” However, the principles have clearly received a lot of attention in a very short time, and seem committed to the goal of servicing their first customers. For potential customers, the Genecoin process will start by connecting a client with a gene sequencing lab. This lab will send a saliva collection kit via the US mail, along with instructions to the user on how to collect their saliva using the provided hardware. Once collected, the user sends the sample back to the lab, via the postal service, where the sample is processed and sequenced. After sequencing, the results will be sent to Genecoin, where they are then to be persisted onto the Bitcoin Blockchain. Though there are many companies offering their customers gene sequencing services, it’s the Blockchain persistence that separates Genecoin from the competition.

Amongst the many technical challenges that Genecoin is openly addressing is just how to store this DNA data using Bitcoin. Given that your typical human’s unencrypted DNA takes up approximately 750 MiB of data, storage of this data in full, on the Blockchain, would be significantly cost prohibitive. However, Genecoin is quick to point out that much of this data is redundant between humans, and that this size can be drastically reduced by merely encoding the ‘differences’ amongst a single human’s DNA from those of a reference model. Such an encoding would require off-chain data be used for reference, and Genecoin is exploring various ways of referencing this data in a decentralized capacity. In addition to the considerations surrounding space efficiency, Genecoin is actively exploring mechanisms to encrypt the storage of one’s DNA on the Blockchain as well. After all, just because one wants their data to persist forever, doesn’t mean they want everyone privy to it. Options for latter decryption would include time-lock, and oracle-based decryption schemes.

("It could be even more interesting to look at the possibilities of biometrics in the context of another major technology trend of the current day - the blockchain." - @cointelegraph article )

So, why would anyone want to encode their DNA on the Blockchain? Like much in the crypto space, some projects are a solution in search of a problem. However, one easy reason to use the blockchain to store DNA would be as a replacement for a traditional ‘Birth Certificate.’ Notarization has long been a function provided by the Bitcoin Blockchain, so to ‘notarize’ the existence of a person’s DNA could attest to the existence of an identity, and its age. This attestation would thereafter function in the much the same way as does our current oracle-based (hospital-centric) system. Additionally, for those thinking of the far off future, another fanciful notion might be to encode one’s DNA for the purposes of cloning by a future generation. If that sounds a bit too far-fetched, well, just remember that decentralized currencies were once a far-fetched idea as well."

(DNA collection kit to backup your DNA with GeneCoin

Also I found this article about how "A molecular information company called Medicinal Genomics (MCG) has partnered with 12 cannabis processors and cultivators to develop genomics-based safety and quality standards, and they are using the bitcoin blockchain to track DNA sequencing cannabis strains."

(DNA Sequencing of Cannabis genetics!) (Plus genetic sequencing of patients find out exactly which cannabis strains they need to take care of their specific illnesses!

And the more I think about it, the more I agree that "the blockchain is alot like DNA, To make the sha256 of a block the sha256 of the previous block participate in the calculation, making chain like the DNA chain. So, to alter a block you must alter the previous block and so on. It is clear that someone must have the 51% of the hashrate of the network to alter and validate the altered blocks." - from @KostasTsakaloglou on Quora
And a Etherium/Blockchain as DNA metaphor from @CrystalETH on reddit, " I see it as the Etherium nodes being the cells of an organism, syncing their ‘DNA' continuously. Oracles are senses for sensing the outer world to react on it. Now my hypothesis is that we have yet to find some kind of 'internet of cells’ in our body which explains complicated interaction of our cells with eachother. "


Wow and nice illustrations ;)
Resteemed - Will read later, I'm getting tired ha!

LOL I am getting tired of WRITING them but the STEEM i get for doing it drives me! Its so exciting to see myself getting paid for doing work I love doing! I Love getting paid to do what I love! I had been making money for reddit, instagram facebook for so long, now its MY turn to benefit DIRECTLY from the content i create and share! thank you Steemit and Blockchain and everyone who upvotes my stories! if i could I would upvote all yours back if i had the time! Time for sleep though now!

PS: Monetary gain has incentivized me to type with A LOT less typos!

And then a corrupt financial AI gets born XD Or an ultimate AI solution to financial stability throughout the world :)

Isnt the plunge protection team High frequency Trading Google Goldman Sachs Ai keeping the stockmarket stable and growing and stopping any crash from happening from here on out? Isnt this already happening now? World financial markets have been booming for years now since AI has slowly taken over!

Bitcoin and other blockchain crypto currencies ARE the final digital one world currency! Thank God its decentralized and no one person or family or bank controls it!

True, corruption already exists. So I definitely agree with the integration of AI to the world's financial systems.
IMO, integration of AI into our lives is like that with the algae and fungi living together and are beneficiaries of one another.

Anyway I can repost this on #blockchain or #crypto ?

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