Mondays... Love Them? Hate Them? Jeez I'm Confused... Maybe There's Another Way! Another Installment Of Ramblings Of A Madman...

in #gems4 years ago

Well here we are again at THAT day of the week...

It seems like since the very dawn of time people have always started this day with those immortal words....

Gahhh! I hate Mondays!

I blame Bob Geldof and his hit with the Boomtown Rats in 1979 with "I don't like Mondays."

I couldn't resist listening to the track as I started writing as I have not heard it in quite some time... It is as good as I remember it being when I was 7... Yup I am that old! Anyway I digress ((what else is new?))

Now I guess for many people the lock-down has had a slight effect on people's perception of Monday's. Maybe it is now just another sleep late extra Sunday in the week if you are away from work. I strongly resisted the urge to post the YT link to "Everyday is like Sunday" by Morrissey ((although I'm listening to that now!))😁

At the moment I also have my lockdown hair to contend with... When oh when will the barber open his doors again??? Can you imagine just how much hair-gel I need to use to tame this mane right now???

Screenshot_2020-06-08 Lockdown hair .png

Wow! I am certain that photo could not be any worse! But I am up for work in a few short hours and like any of Zac Efron's films it was a one-take kind of deal...

I am quite lucky or unlucky I am not sure which, because I have a strange work-cycle, I start work on any day of the week depending on my rota. So I do not really have that waking up, stubbing my toe, dreading the day sensation that Monday conjures up for many. Also I have worked through lock-down so have not had the chance to lose my routine.

So once again ((like every post I write)) you are glaring at me asking what the heck is the point of these nonsensical, 'Monday flavoured' ramblings Steven?

Patience Dear Reader I'm getting to it! It is simply this, when we wake and decide that because it is Monday it is gonna be a bad day, maybe we are adding a little negative intention to the day before we even begin. Maybe we are setting the tone for the entire week to be just like the week before and the week before and the week before and the w... Ok Ok you get the point!

You understand what I mean though, right? Sometimes I think that deciding Monday or work or the dentist is gonna be so, so bad we set up that version of reality and play out the scene we expect to see! I propose a different way of viewing Mondays...

Decide before you go to sleep on Sunday evening that Monday is going to be awesome and is going to be exactly the kind of day you would've hoped for, a day that sets up the whole week.

Screenshot_2020-06-08 MaKe mondays great again.png

Made using the awesome-frikkin-tastical Canva

As the day is playing out look for the magic moments, and silver linings that prove you were right all along. I believe that if you play out the day this way, even if black clouds show up and problems occur you will be in a far better position to tackle them head-on and get the day back on track.

Could it really be that simple? Could the age old problem of waking up to a blue-Monday that even cavemen used to deal with 76 bazillion years ago, be a thing of the past? Uhhmmm... I dunno! But it certainly can't hurt to try now, can it?

Speaking from experience, if we can transform the bad parts of the day, or the week, the good parts are massively magnified too - When the lows are not so low, the highs appear even higher. I have actively been trying to have a far better attitude whilst at work lately. I don't mean towards the job itself, I have always worked hard and always approached my job responsibly. What I mean is that you may have heard me state many times before that I detest my job... And so I have long, drawn out miserable days and many aches and pains ((my job is really quite manual)).

So I have a foolish sounding, slightly juvenile phrase that I repeat to myself when I am hurting, aching and craving the end of my 12 hour shift... "FREE GYM!"


Anybody that knows me knows I would never set foot in a gym lol. I would rather exercise outdoors or at home than pay the fees that are a little high for me. So I tell myself that I am getting that benefit from my job instead of complaining about how I feel and have begun feeling some mental health and physical health benefits! Double-win, all for doing what I had to anyway lol.

That mental shift can be massive! but we need to take the time to do the mind-work to start to believe our own new feelings. If we have spent 5... 10... 20... 30 or more years hating our job and utterly detesting Monday morning's that is not something we are gonna completely reverse on day 1 now is it?

Go try this strategy with anything in life that you utterly dread coming round ((no Mother-In-Law jokes please!)) Imagine how amazing a life, happiness and success hack this could be if you learn to implement it as an ongoing part of your routine?

I would be delighted to hear your thoughts and opinions and look forward to meeting up in the comment section afterwards... Y'all know how much I love to engage although I cannot promise to keep my comments under 11 thousand words but I will try and if I can't try... I will try to try!

Thanks for stopping by and mega-double-super-thanks if you are one of those amazing souls who take a moment to comment 😎

Stay awesome, stay engaged and remember...

Together we are just better ❤️



Nice lockdown hair. My barber has reopened by appointment only. But I haven't made one yet. I've gotten use to and accepted my wild hair. Though I think I will make an appointment soon because I am worried about a second lockdown. Some states in the U.S. have already started second lockdowns because of spikes in cases.

I'll take your Monday advice tomorrow. It just happens to be Sunday night where I am.

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