[ENG/ESP]Poem # 124 - Sides/Poema # 124 - Costados
[ENG/ESP]Poem # 124 - Sides/Poema # 124 - Costados
English Version

what it's like to have you on the side.
It's like listening to vinyl
one hundred thousand loves achieved.
it has the shape of a four
that I'm caressing softly
and with kisses I'm tearing.
and maps; I'm drawing.
For you to find pleasures
only in my arms.
your south is all my charm,
which is wet in my northern mouth;
and in the shock of kissing.
is defined on your sides.
Your skin becomes very wide,
And your legs are a ribbon.
On them I hang,
and the reins of your hair;
they follow in my footsteps.
the climax is building.
Keeping our rhythms;
as a way of loving each other.
As we change positions,
facing each other we're giving each other.
Without denying that under the sheets
something is being fecundated.
Glossary term
Cuatro: A Venezuelan musical instrument that has 4 strings and is played in a plucked or strummed form. It is usually the accompaniment of various genres of the national geography.
Versión Español

lo que es tenerte de lado.
Es como escuchar en vinil
cien mil amores logrados.
tiene la forma de un cuatro
que voy acariciando suave
y con besos voy rasgando.
y mapas; voy dibujando.
Para que encuentres placeres
solamente entre mis brazos.
tu sur es todo mi encanto,
que se moja en boca norte;
y en el choque de besarnos.
se define en tus costados.
Tu piel se hace muy amplia,
Y tus piernas son un lazo.
de ellas me voy colgando,
y las riendas de tu pelo;
me van siguiendo los pasos.
el clímax está aumentando.
Manteniendo nuestros ritmos;
como una forma de amarnos.
Al cambiar de posiciones,
de frente nos vamos dando.
Sin negar que bajo sábanas
algo se está fecundando.
Glosario de término
Cuatro: Instrumento musical venezolano que posee 4 cuerdas y que es ejecutado de forma punteada o rasgada. Por lo general es el acompañante de diversos géneros de la geografía nacional.

what it's like to have you on the side.
It's like listening to vinyl
one hundred thousand loves achieved.
it has the shape of a four
that I'm caressing softly
and with kisses I'm tearing.
and maps; I'm drawing.
For you to find pleasures
only in my arms.
your south is all my charm,
which is wet in my northern mouth;
and in the shock of kissing.
is defined on your sides.
Your skin becomes very wide,
And your legs are a ribbon.
On them I hang,
and the reins of your hair;
they follow in my footsteps.
the climax is building.
Keeping our rhythms;
as a way of loving each other.
As we change positions,
facing each other we're giving each other.
Without denying that under the sheets
something is being fecundated.
Glossary term .
Cuatro: A Venezuelan musical instrument that has 4 strings and is played in a plucked or strummed form. It is usually the accompaniment of various genres of the national geography.

The images used in this publication are free of rights of use and are hyperlinked to their source (pixabay.com)
English language is not my native language, therefore I can have grammatical errors, for this I used the translator: https://www.deepl.com/ . God bless you...
English language is not my native language, therefore I can have grammatical errors, for this I used the translator: https://www.deepl.com/ . God bless you...
Las imágenes usadas en esta publicación son libres de derecho de uso y están hipervinculadas a su fuente desde pixabay.com
El inglés idioma no es mi idioma nativo, por tanto puedo tener errores gramaticales, para ello usé el traductor: https://www.deepl.com/ .. Dios les bendiga...
El inglés idioma no es mi idioma nativo, por tanto puedo tener errores gramaticales, para ello usé el traductor: https://www.deepl.com/ .. Dios les bendiga...

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Para mayor información de mi universo, puedes seguir mis redes sociales (hacer clik iconos)