Inspecting a generator for purchase for GEET- Will it run? Will it run on nat gas? Will it run on water?!?
Ok, so a brand new 20kW generator is pretty expensive. It's like $4k or more after pad and electrical are included. I'm also nervous about what happens to a brand new generator if we modify it for GEET. So, my current plan is to buy an oversized 20kW generator and get it running on propane. My house draws like 16 amps. So, this is pretty large compared to what I need, but that's ok. I'll just get asics to feed it. Hopefully my wife won't kill me cause while it's on propane I'm expecting this baby will be quite loud.
Ok, so first we'll get it going so we can test out what it draws. Considering it's 10 years old and might need more fuel than what the docs say it will that background testing will help us. It may get me truly in dog house for noise, but we gotta figure out what it costs to run before we GEET it.
My plan is to make a pad, get R0n to get the setup ready for connection, get the connection going, measure the draw, and then GEET'er done (hopefully I'll get @geetrofits to come down and tweak this baby), and then test what it does when we're using propane/nat gas, and then lastly switch to water and see how that goes.
All photos are original: iphone 5s, 1/31/18.
Great efforts you have made there, wow what a beast! I used to have a propane genset.. the best part was the clean air so we never smelled it.. the downside seems to be that starting it was quite hard. and in the end the machine had to go..
I didnt know about GEET before this,, it SOUNDS LIke you are saying this will run off water eventually.. I have heard of these engines, but never seen one.. IS this what you are saying, that eventually you will fuel it with H20!!?? VERY curious!
I bet you could also bring that 16 amp load down a LOT with a few changes.. DO u cook and heat water on electric or gass?
will keep my eye on this project!
This probably sounds stupid, but what does GEET stand for?
This is a waste to burnable hydrocarbon machine? I have wanted to get into this for years!! All my Plastic and paper waste should be burned for energy production! It all ends up in a landfill anyway. Thanks for the link
Your welcome! @macmaniac77 On youtube there is a guy engineer775 that calls his a gasifier but he only burns scrap wood in his. You can buy a gasifier that is completely ready to use. Just search for it.
You should just buy one of these.
You watch the video? The reactor ionized the rod. Maybe he was swindling me. I don't think so.
I watched the video, are you sure exhaust gases didn't just foul/corrode the rod? he did pour more gas into the jar after it crapped out from the bad fuel mix. No matter how you cut it one thing was for sure, there was no improvement in performance from whatever modifications he made. At first I thought that aerating your gasoline might be a good idea but there is no point since fuel is mixed with air in your engine anyhow. I bet if you took a piece of raw steel and stuck it in the tail pipe of your car (not such a big piece that it blocks it off, just to expose it to the hot exhaust) it would corrode pretty quick. Maybe try it out with an old lawnmower engine or something cheap, I think you can get a harbor freight mower engine pretty cheap, and get it to actually work before you trash your home generator. I don't think he was swindling you, I think he was just confused.
Just buy a gasifier or build your own. You can see
Here or Here is engineer775 Showing how a few of them work.
yup, gasifiers are totally sound and have been around since at least WW2, that is a much more sensible way to produce fuel from waste, one that works.
There is a system that is readily available it is BIOGAS systems. They use compost to generate cooking fuel. There are large and small systems. It would be easy to build one for any size home you have and run your entire house off of one.
yup, that's another option depending on your application, that's good if you have livestock. Dairy farms all over use that for power. My brother was working for a company that was exporting gasafiers to Pacific islands that they were going to power with coconut husks, they have lots of coconut husks.
Please don't get scammed.
I've seen these engines work live. It's not a scam.
FullTimeGeek experiences the GEET reactor first-hand
That generator is going to be so loud. Have you ever been to the Drag races. Its going sound just like that without the tire smell and smoke. I have dreaming about setting up a HHO machine for many years. Followed 'Browns Gas welders" And quite a few of the builders of them. I think the reason why they don't want us to have them is because then we would have our own free power. Be careful I am sure you know what happens to most who venture into this stuff publicly. Hope you are successful.
Nice! I'm pumped to find out how it works. This is such interesting tech. Such a shame what happened to the original inventor :(
I am pretty skeptical about this project, is the idea that the engine will run off of water or that water will somehow make it more efficient? Converting to natural gas should be fairly straightforward, I think there are even kits and such.
Hey @aggroed, is @getrofits the right name? It didn't go anywhere when I clicked on the link.
I've got a 5 acre property and would love to have a generator that runs on water. I've never heard of that before, but we can't get solar where we are so this would be an amazing substitute. Does anyone have anymore info on this?
it's 2 "e"s
Thanks mate! Dropped him a message.
Thanks @aggroed for the update. I hope it doesn't bother you If I provide a little skepticism because I truly am a big fan of your work. Something for nothing comes to mind a lot with crypto currencies and though it doesn't seem like there is anything backing crypto, the initiated understand that for proof of work there is amazing technology and calculations that give value to the currency and also requires real energy which costs real world money. For proof of stake we on Steemit understand that the witnesses run nodes to verify blocks created by bloggers, vloggers and curators to maintain a stable network that generates value and requires real world money to function and grow. So the one questions I want to ask is: if proof of work Bitcoin mining was not a thing (that requires enormous amounts of energy) and the Bitcoin price was not over $10,000, do you feel you would still be taking a chance on GEET technology? I know you are also very interested in helping new arrivals to Steemit but I just see a lot of red flags here with something for nothing at the top of the list. My prediction is that Jeremy will not be able to modify this size generator because the GEET rod is too small and requires more mojo : ) Good work finding a massive generator and following through with your quest to verify the technology. If it does work you can mine the remaining Bitcoin and then let the rest of us know!
This is real nice. The generator should be perfect for the job since it's even oversized in power.
Wow..its so biiig