Abandoning people... 💔
Abandoning people... 💔
This is the best skill a person should practice in life. And it is the most powerful weapon one should have to maintain mental freedom. Don't leave people behind and get lost! Letting go of people who don't respect you, who don't trust you, and who feign the most false love.
Today is special for me! A day when I left someone who I thought would be loyal for the rest of my life, and who was very close to me, forever!
So you are not sad Hasinta?
Very sad! But I believe with every loss comes a new beginning! Loss happens only for a new beginning.. ❤️ And I believe in nature. He hears things we don't hear. He can see things that we can't! If we are good and conscientious, in due time nature will show us aspects we have not seen or heard. He admires us later!
After that warning it's up to you whether you hang in there or change! There is no need to kill the tree.. Understand the message and step aside! And let them feel that they will no longer receive the respect they had before! Travel freely...
Maybe in the future they will say that you have changed. You don't have to go to answer them. Because their conscience already knows that your change is just one response from you to their change...
#geekpranee #krsuccess #sad #death #socity #love #suffering #world