Hanshotfirst and The Holy Grail... of toy collecting.
I have been looking forward to this coming weekend for approximately 360 days. It is once again time for me to get my full geek on and attend C2E2 (The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo). From Friday until Sunday, I will have the opportunity to be immersed in movie previews, celebrity panels, photo opportunities, games, toys, comic books, T-shirts, art and of course crazy people in costumes.
In other words...
Heaven on Earth!

Yes this is heaven to me... I have problems.
When I first began attending these conventions, I was drawn in by the vintage and collectible toys. I used to be an avid toy collector. Now I am more of a toy browser. Although I still enjoy taking the walk down memory lane and checking out cool new versions of my sci-fi and fantasy favorites, with my kids' college bills right around the corner, I can't really justify buying things that will just sit on a shelf.
In fact, as soon as my learned to walk, I made myself a pledge. I vowed to never buy any toy I was not willing to let my children play with.
There is one exception to this rule:
The 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset.

Wow! A Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock, and this thing... wait wrong story.
A few years ago I decided to make this toy my Holy Grail. I simply had to have it.
OK that sounds easy. Just go on Ebay. Find one. Select "buy it now" and pay for it.
But that is the problem. That is too easy. What's the fun in that? Half the fun of collecting is the hunt. To make it even more entertaining, one can set some strict parameters to increase the level of difficulty of finding the perfect piece. I did. I needed to find a totally complete set in decent shape for under $75.
Do you remember how special the Holy Grail looked in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade?

Donovan chose... poorly.
Ha! That was a trick question!
If you thought it looked all special and fancy, then you would turn to dust just like Walter Donovan did when he "choose poorly". It was just the opposite. Indy made a very big deal out of the fact he was looking for the cup of a carpenter. There was nothing fancy about it at all.
There is nothing fancy about my Holy Grail either. In fact, the Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset super sucks!
Just look at this thing!

Ooooo barbie can get her hair done in that thing in the middle!
How in the heck is that a Star Destroyer?
For the uninitiated, this is a Star Destroyer:

Rumor has it the Empire originally called these the "Super Cool Star Destroyer"... but that was redundant.
Aside from Darth Vader's incredibly cool meditation chamber, there is literally nothing that would make one think that cheap piece of junk has anything to do with Star Wars let alone a playset based on the coolest ship in the entire universe.
I honestly don't know what the toy designers thought you were supposed to do with this thing. You couldn't make it fly. It wasn't going to be involved in any epic living room dog fights. No battles were going to be staged on the small plastic platform. In fact, all you could really do is stand figures on the little pegs and have them talk about their plans.
This thing was tantamount to Barbie's Dreamhouse for Star Wars action figures.
I told you the Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset super sucks!
And yet, I simply had to own this stupid piece of incredibly cheap plastic.

If "it" means "the Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset" I totally understand.
For me, collectibles are conversation starters. Perhaps the conversations they spark are about the piece of pop culture they are based on. Maybe it is about the successful hunt to acquire it. Sometimes it is just an excuse to crack jokes about how silly things were in the 1980s. Mainly they are about the memories that the piece stirs within me.
Usually these are happy memories from my childhood or some other significant time period from my life. I imagine when I am much older, I will buy some Little Einsteins figures and recall how much both my children loved those little connoisseurs of art and music.
However, none of those conversations are worthy of The Holy Grail of my toy collection.
As crappy as it may be as a toy, the 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset, will always be the catalyst of a very meaningful conversation to me.
One month before my 10th birthday, my father died.

Whoa Nelly! What? I thought this was another one of his silly posts. Why the drama?
Don't worry, this isn't going to be some sob story of a boy growing up without a father. That was over 35 years ago. I am fine. In fact, if I were given an opportunity to go back in time and change that event, I wouldn't. It is part of what has shaped who I am today. If that event had not happened, perhaps I would never had met my wife and I would not have our two amazing children.
Although I am fine and would not change a thing, that does not mean I don't want to remember my dad. Some people use pictures or videos to rekindle these memories. Some people use songs. I use the 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset.
My dad died one month before my 10th birthday. After he passed away, my grandmother had to clean out his apartment. Buried deep inside his closet, hidden underneath some old shoe boxes, she found the 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset.
He had planned to give it to me for my 10th birthday.
I played with that Barbie Dreamhouse in a galaxy far, far way every day for almost two years.
Like most kids who grew up in the 1970s, when I outgrew my toys, my parents threw them away (that is why they are all so damn valuable now). But that is ok. The hunt for my Holy Grail was a ton of fun.
Last year I completed my quest.

You can't have a playhouse without any dolls.
Now it sits on a shelf in my children's toy room. If my son ever wanted to play with it, he knows he could have. But he also knows why it is special to me.
If I ever want to start a conversation with someone about my dad, all I need to say is, "Hey do you want to see my 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset."
And no that is not a euphemism for anything.
For that I use, "Would you like to pet my Wookie?"
One look at your handle and the title of your post I knew it had to be a Star Wars toy.
I'm like one of the biggest Star Wars geeks in my office at one point of my being an asshole boss and all my ringtone was The Imperial March and took the persona of Darth Vader
Man that has got to be one of the coolest story I heard about why you want the 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset.
It holds such a valuable memory of you dad. Made me remember my dad again.
We both loved Star Wars and I thank God he wasn't around to see some of the prequels (I'm looking at you Jar Jar)
I collect Darth Vader and Storm Trooper figurines though and its an expensive hobby lol.
Thanks for reminding me he was spared Jar Jar!
I am glad this generated a good memory of your dad. Made my day to hear that!
Hahha yeah although he might have rolled over his grave when it was shown 😂
Memories about Star Wars are always awesome unless it is tied to Jarjar!
I hold on to my original toys and collect vintage Star Wars because it reminds me of my childhood. I got Luke, C3PO and the X-wing for 5th birthday. I still have them. They won't be given away until after I'm dead.
That's awesome. I remember my 7th birthday when I got my first figures. Best day of my life.
Wife is here.
Best day of my life before meeting my wife and having our kids.
I wish I could have had you take a picture of my Star Destroyer. You are a great photographer!
Thanks for the compliment!
And someone thought this only happens in the big bang theory
I love your references to Barbie's Dream House. I had Barbie's Townhouse when I was a kid. It was a three-story cardboard and plastic dwelling with the contents of the rooms painted on the walls. There was also a plastic elevator in the middle with a pulley, so Barbie and her friends didn't have to walk up the stairs to get to the top floors.
Here's a rather blurry picture of my brother standing next to it in my bedroom. If you look at the bottom of the photo, you will also see the much-coveted Barbie's McDonalds, which I think was only made for a year, maybe two, but every girl my age wanted one. ;)
I think this picture is circa 1985.
My sister had a very similar house! Glad you got to take a trip down memory lane.
I was kinda sleepy and haven't read the title, just started reading.
And when I saw the toys I've exclaimed: "It's a holy grail of toys!".
Coincidence? I don't think so!
I like reading your posts, because there is always a hidden meaning at least that is my opinion. It feels like you are telling something about yourself but not like with straight forward words but with little hints. From this posts I understand that you were grown up in happy family, surrounded by loving parents, your father already prepared a present for your 10th birthday, so he definitely did not forget. That last present became the important part of your life, as adults we do not speak about our parents with our friends, but this toy is a helpful tool to do that. Have you noticed that you mentioned :
the 1980 Kenner Star Wars Darth Vader's Star Destroyer Playset.
eight times. That is why I conclude that this is really important for you. Also this time you discover your age, you must be around 45-sh.
Cheers and have a nice week :)
Yep I'm 46. And I kind of mentioned it so much on purpose. Part of the joke like it was a commercial for it.
A good trick and really fun :)
How i wish to be able to go to a comic con this big! Here in Cebu, Philippines, the closest it gets is the Otaku fest for a day and its just a small gathering of people who like to be in costumes and those who wants to look at people in costumes..no celebrities, a couple toys displays, some contests, food stalls and that's it.. 😢
I remember this set from my childhood. I was a huge star wars kenner action figure collector. I had the most SW toys out of everyone on my street. Never got this set but i did end up getting the multi-level Death star set. It was awesome to my young little mind. Probably still would be. They don't makes these playsets anymore. Apparently, they don't sell. I dunno they were pretty well-liked back in the 80s. Unfortunately my mom eventually sold this in a garage sale i believe. Still think about that playset ever now and then.
Oh yeah that Death Star was awesome! Had the orange trash compactor with the foam garbage and Dianoga monster!
LOL! Yeah i forgot about the foam garbage. That got lost pretty quick.
What an amazing, personal treasure. I can see why it means so much to you!
Thanks! Even if its not the original one, it doesn't matter. The memories it sparks are really. As I get older I need things like this to jump start my memory.
You are truly a man of many layers - teacher, movies, 'toys' - if Sheldon of Big bang theory gets hold of you he is going to adopt you hahaha
Ok 'toys' are not the right word sorry - collectors items of well known movies? As always enjoyed your post - just love your outlook on things. I am not a boffin on star wars etc but I can appreciate good writing and excitement
Oh no. "toys" is just fine. I embrace my childish geekiness.
I thought so too! Sheldon would so love him..haha