Can being an adult really be this hard?

in #gedwriting8 years ago

Here’s my question. Is it really this difficult to get a start in life?

I am definitely not where most people my age are in life. I’m 21 and still staying at home with my dad his girlfriend. I’m not in college simply because I failed my matric maths and have to retake my exams, but exams cost money and you need a job to get money. Now I have a weekend job but I only work if they call me the day before, not even the whole weekend, and I don’t even make minimum wage. So I definitely am stuck in life.
No one ever told me that adulthood was this difficult. I have gone from playing with dolls to trying to get an independent life away from the parents and the family support. I truly just wish I could turn back the clock and take a basic adult 101 class to be more prepared for this life. They never prepare us enough for what happens after school. They feel it’s more important to focus on things that tell us nothing about how to be an adult, or maybe I just missed that class.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt this lost in my entire life. I hate the job I do but I can’t do the job I love because it requires a thousand different qualifications that I honestly cannot afford as well as the 50 years experience needed for an entry level job. I feel like the high requirements are what pushes people away from their dream jobs and behind the desk that they didn’t want to be at. The world is trying to force us into a direction of their choosing and we’re just too quiet to stand up and say anything about it.
I’ve gone off topic slightly. I want to be a writer. I want to make people feel something when they read my stories, but I can’t be one because there is no money in it. Over the past few years my dad has refused to pay for a creative writing course because he has no faith in me. He has never said it in so many words, but he has always tried to push me in a different direction. For example, I was going to go to a music college and everything was fine until my dad’s ex got jealous since she never made in the music business. My dad then made up some excuse and I never ended up going. Then there was the Creative writing course, which I still haven’t done because he sees no money in it.
He has tried to push me into the cosmetics career because that is what my sister wants to do. Without saying it out loud my sister has always been the better choice because she was born with a business mind and I got the creative one. I suppose he worries about me, but he needs to realise I’m not a little kid anymore, and I’m capable of making my own decisions. I guess that’s why I find adulthood so hard. My dad has always made my choices for me and now I need to learn to be independent and I’m not sure how. I don’t know how to do most things because other people always end up doing them for me. They’ve never really given me the chance to learn and since I’m a slow learner they tend to get frustrated and do it themselves. I’m not at all prepared for the world and since I’ve been with my boyfriend since I was 16, I also won’t be entering adulthood alone. Don’t get me wrong my boyfriend is my world and I definitely won’t be leaving him, but he tends to enable me just as much as everyone else. Of course when I was younger I allowed people to enable be because it made like easier for me, but I do regret it now. I am the perfect blond stereo type unable to do anything for herself. I definitely need to learn how to do things for myself if I want to figure this adult thing out.
Am I the only one who finds it this hard? Let me know in the comments below. Also do not forget to up vote and resteem if you enjoyed this post, and follow me for many more

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Life is hard, but it is what you make of it - are you going to give up or keep on trying - sometimes we must do things we do not like to do, just to stay afloat, but that does not mean you have to give up on your dream. And as long as you believe in yourself, you will have the courage to continue - Some things may take a while, but eventually things will fall in place . Keep on swimming keep on swimming (steeming)

If you look behind everything seems easier, remember that one time you needed help to pee...
Also the music college part sucks really bad

It will get better I promise you are just starting out, just make a plan for your life set goals for yourself, life can be very simple its up to you live in each moment🌺

Just keep on writing ....follow your heart Nadia...focus on what is important to you....

Check out the YouTube video series, How To Adult :-)

Hank Green and the TFTBA gang might be able to help with some practical tips. Hank is the brother of famous writer John Green. Hank and John are the Vlog Brothers on YouTube. Hey, you and Cindy can be thee vlog sisters! Or something. Ok I'm just being random now. :P Have a nice day! :D

Love you big sis !! You are the best writer I know and will come far in life!! Xxx

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