Death toll in context.
Reports are that the Gaza death toll is up to 10,000. Not casualties, but deaths. That's horrifying. But perhaps we need some context. Here I compare it to a few bombing campaigns from WWII with estimated deaths divided by population to get the percentage killed.
Gaza: 10,000 (to date)/590/000 = 1.67%.
Dresden: 35,000 - 135,000/900,000* = 3.8% - 15%.
London: 43,000/8,500,000 = 1/2%.
Tokyo: 80,000 - 100,000/2,300,000** = 3.5% - 4.3%.
It's not a Dresden yet, nor even a Tokyo, but it's worse than the London Blitz, and that's not nothing.
*I think. It appears to have had a pre-war population of 600,000 with as many as 300,000 refugees.
**Tokyo's official population is estimated at 4? 2 million, but about 2 million had left the city by the time it was bombed.