Hi, Not sure where the noise is coming from, I know no trans women, that would wish it be on the show, it's not for women, it's a gay male thing.
Drag Queens are not women, generally gay men who perform drag, I mean you can have Drag Kings, and a lot of straight trans women, come from the drag community, and the trans and drag community do have a long history.
It's probably just LG exclusionists, stoking anti-trans sentiment, to push their agenda of removing the T from the LGBT.
great post.
It is all very confusing to me. My boyfriend has been involved in this fierce debate giving me great insight about it. He is an ally to the trans movement and this is the first time he has questioned it to this extent. Thank you for your encouragements!
it is a little confusing, as the activists ive read, are still pissed with him, and the show, from his past comments, it makes no sense, they would push to be on the show.
Agreed! If anything the show is walking the line of misogyny using camp and subversion of masculinity as (albeit viable) excuses. What would trans women have to gain from mocking femininity? Should they not put forward a more sincere idea of womanhood? I am thinking about the skits in particular. Not really snatch games where impersonation trumps cliches but all the other ones where it’s all stereotypes.
I agree with this statement of his, I get that things change, but drag will lose its core of why it's done.
Very punk rock indeed!