I’ve been on Keto for about a year. Lost 50 pounds. But my blood chem results are now as healthy as it can be. BMI has gone from 28 to 20..The early stage for me was constant dehydration. I must have drank gallons of water per day. If you get the Keto rash, drop out and try again. Orthostatic hypotension is common during adaptation ( dizziness when going from sitting to standing) so watch the electrolytes.
Dietdoctors.com had very good keto recipes. Keto Ice cream made with heavy whip cream and cacao is awesome. Stevia is the only sweetener for any Keto diet.
Good luck! We’ll soon see you much slimmer!
I too have had success with Keto. Salt intake is key to fight off many of the ill effects. I also agree that water intake is also key, but keep in mind that water will also deplete your body of salt.